a collection of bl.ocks metadata (and actual data)
download it, explore it, and make some visualizations 📈📊✨
the data is collected from github gists by the blockbuilder-search-index project. curious about just how you go about building a search index? you're in luck! there is a medium post and a tweet storm about this very thing
here are links to download the data in a few compression formats
followed by commands to extract the data for each format
expands to [77mb] on disk
[8.2mb] blocks-metadata-20161016.tar.bz2
tar -jxvf blocks-metadata-20161016.tar.bz2
[10mb] blocks-metadata-20161016.tar.gz
tar -zxvf blocks-metadata-20161016.tar.gz
[10mb] blocks-metadata-20161016.zip
unzip blocks-metadata-20161016.zip
expands to [8.4gb] on disk
[3gb] blocks-gists-clones-20161016.tar.bz2
tar -jxvf blocks-gists-clones-20161016.tar.bz2
[3.3gb] blocks-gists-clones-20161016.tar.gz
tar -zxvf blocks-gists-clones-20161016.tar.gz
[3.5gb] blocks-gists-clones-20161016.zip
unzip blocks-gists-clones-20161016.zip
some instructions for my future self
tar -jcvf archive-name.tar.bz2 folder-to-compress
tar -zcvf archive-name.tar.gz folder-to-compress
zip -r -X archive-name.zip folder-to-compress
compression format reference page for commpressing file on a mac