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Created February 17, 2018 14:17
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Issue exiting nvim-qt when executing Python code after GuiClose
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
Searching for "autoload/provider/python3.vim" in "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim,C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\site,C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime,C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\site\after,C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\after,C:/nvim/share"
Searching for "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\autoload/provider/python3.vim"
Searching for "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\site\autoload/provider/python3.vim"
Searching for "C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload/provider/python3.vim"
line 0: sourcing "C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\provider\python3.vim"
line 1: " The Python3 provider uses a Python3 host to emulate an environment for running
line 2: " python3 plugins. :help provider
line 3: "
line 4: " Associating the plugin with the Python3 host is the first step because
line 5: " plugins will be passed as command-line arguments
line 6:
line 7: if exists('g:loaded_python3_provider')
line 8: finish
line 9: endif
line 10: let g:loaded_python3_provider = 1
line 11:
line 12: let [s:prog, s:err] = provider#pythonx#Detect(3)
Searching for "autoload/provider/pythonx.vim" in "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim,C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\site,C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime,C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\site\after,C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\after,C:/nvim/share"
Searching for "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\autoload/provider/pythonx.vim"
Searching for "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\site\autoload/provider/pythonx.vim"
Searching for "C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload/provider/pythonx.vim"
line 12: sourcing "C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\provider\pythonx.vim"
line 1: " The Python provider helper
line 2: if exists('s:loaded_pythonx_provider')
line 3: finish
line 4: endif
line 5:
line 6: let s:loaded_pythonx_provider = 1
line 7:
line 8: let s:job_opts = {'rpc': v:true, 'stderr_buffered': v:true}
line 9:
line 10: function! provider#pythonx#Require(host) abort
line 39:
line 40: function! provider#pythonx#Detect(major_ver) abort
line 72:
line 73: function! s:check_interpreter(prog, major_ver) abort
finished sourcing C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\provider\pythonx.vim
continuing in C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\provider\python3.vim
calling function provider#pythonx#Detect(3)
line 1: if a:major_ver == 2
line 2: if exists('g:python_host_prog')
line 3: return [g:python_host_prog, '']
line 4: else
line 5: let progs = ['python2', 'python2.7', 'python2.6', 'python']
line 6: endif
line 7: else
line 8: if exists('g:python3_host_prog')
line 9: return [g:python3_host_prog, '']
line 10: else
line 11: let progs = ['python3', 'python3.7', 'python3.6', 'python3.5', 'python3.4', 'python3.3', 'python']
line 13: endif
line 14: endif
line 15:
line 16: let errors = []
line 17:
line 18: for prog in progs
line 19: let [result, err] = s:check_interpreter(prog, a:major_ver)
calling function provider#pythonx#Detect[19]..<SNR>24_check_interpreter('python3', 3)
line 1: let prog_path = exepath(a:prog)
line 2: if prog_path ==# ''
line 3: return [0, a:prog . ' not found in search path or not executable.']
line 4: endif
line 5:
line 6: let min_version = (a:major_ver == 2) ? '2.6' : '3.3'
line 7:
line 8: " Try to load neovim module, and output Python version.
line 9: " Return codes:
line 10: " 0 Neovim module can be loaded.
line 11: " 2 Neovim module cannot be loaded.
line 12: " Otherwise something else went wrong (e.g. 1 or 127).
line 13: let prog_ver = system([ a:prog , '-c' , 'import sys; ' . 'sys.path.remove(""); ' . 'sys.stdout.write(str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1])); ' . 'import pkgutil; ' . 'exit(2*int(pkgutil.get_loader("neovim") is None))' ])
line 20:
line 21: if v:shell_error == 2 || v:shell_error == 0
line 22: " Check version only for expected return codes.
line 23: if prog_ver !~ '^' . a:major_ver
line 24: return [0, prog_path . ' is Python ' . prog_ver . ' and cannot provide Python ' . a:major_ver . '.']
line 26: elseif prog_ver =~ '^' . a:major_ver && prog_ver < min_version
line 27: return [0, prog_path . ' is Python ' . prog_ver . ' and cannot provide Python >= ' . min_version . '.']
line 29: endif
line 30: endif
line 31:
line 32: if v:shell_error == 2
line 33: return [0, prog_path.' does not have the "neovim" module. :help provider-python']
line 34: elseif v:shell_error == 127
line 35: " This can happen with pyenv's shims.
line 36: return [0, prog_path . ' does not exist: ' . prog_ver]
line 37: elseif v:shell_error
line 38: return [0, 'Checking ' . prog_path . ' caused an unknown error. ' . '(' . v:shell_error . ', output: ' . prog_ver . ')' . ' Report this at']
line 41: endif
line 42:
line 43: return [1, '']
function provider#pythonx#Detect[19]..<SNR>24_check_interpreter returning [1, '']
continuing in function provider#pythonx#Detect
line 20: if result
line 21: return [prog, err]
function provider#pythonx#Detect returning ['python3', '']
continuing in C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\provider\python3.vim
line 13:
line 14: function! provider#python3#Prog() abort
line 17:
line 18: function! provider#python3#Error() abort
line 21:
line 22: if s:prog == ''
line 23: " Detection failed
line 24: finish
line 25: endif
line 26:
line 27: " The Python3 provider plugin will run in a separate instance of the Python3
line 28: " host.
line 29: call remote#host#RegisterClone('legacy-python3-provider', 'python3')
Searching for "autoload/remote/host.vim" in "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim,C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\site,C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime,C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\site\after,C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\after,C:/nvim/share"
Searching for "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\autoload/remote/host.vim"
Searching for "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim\site\autoload/remote/host.vim"
Searching for "C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload/remote/host.vim"
line 29: sourcing "C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\remote\host.vim"
line 1: let s:hosts = {}
line 2: let s:plugin_patterns = {}
line 3: let s:plugins_for_host = {}
line 4:
line 5: " Register a host by associating it with a factory(funcref)
line 6: function! remote#host#Register(name, pattern, factory) abort
line 14:
line 15: " Register a clone to an existing host. The new host will use the same factory
line 16: " as `source`, but it will run as a different process. This can be used by
line 17: " plugins that should run isolated from other plugins created for the same host
line 18: " type
line 19: function! remote#host#RegisterClone(name, orig_name) abort
line 31:
line 32: " Get a host channel, bootstrapping it if necessary
line 33: function! remote#host#Require(name) abort
line 48:
line 49: function! remote#host#IsRunning(name) abort
line 55:
line 56: " Example of registering a Python plugin with two commands (one async), one
line 57: " autocmd (async) and one function (sync):
line 58: "
line 59: " let s:plugin_path = expand('<sfile>:p:h').'/'
line 60: " call remote#host#RegisterPlugin('python', s:plugin_path, [
line 61: " \ {'type': 'command', 'name': 'PyCmd', 'sync': 1, 'opts': {}},
line 62: " \ {'type': 'command', 'name': 'PyAsyncCmd', 'sync': 0, 'opts': {'eval': 'cursor()'}},
line 63: " \ {'type': 'autocmd', 'name': 'BufEnter', 'sync': 0, 'opts': {'eval': 'expand("<afile>")'}},
line 64: " \ {'type': 'function', 'name': 'PyFunc', 'sync': 1, 'opts': {}}
line 65: " \ ])
line 66: "
line 67: " The third item in a declaration is a boolean: non zero means the command,
line 68: " autocommand or function will be executed synchronously with rpcrequest.
line 69: function! remote#host#RegisterPlugin(host, path, specs) abort
line 111:
line 112: function! s:RegistrationCommands(host) abort
line 155:
line 156: function! remote#host#UpdateRemotePlugins() abort
line 176:
line 177: function! remote#host#PluginsForHost(host) abort
line 183:
line 184: function! remote#host#LoadErrorForHost(host, log) abort
line 190:
line 191: " Registration of standard hosts
line 192:
line 193: " Python/Python3
line 195: call remote#host#Register('python', '*', function('provider#pythonx#Require'))
calling function remote#host#Register('python', '*', function('provider#pythonx#Require'))
line 1: let s:hosts[a:name] = {'factory': a:factory, 'channel': 0, 'initialized': 0}
line 2: let s:plugin_patterns[a:name] = a:pattern
line 3: if type(a:factory) == type(1) && a:factory
line 4: " Passed a channel directly
line 5: let s:hosts[a:name].channel = a:factory
line 6: endif
function remote#host#Register returning #0
continuing in C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\remote\host.vim
line 197: call remote#host#Register('python3', '*', function('provider#pythonx#Require'))
calling function remote#host#Register('python3', '*', function('provider#pythonx#Require'))
line 1: let s:hosts[a:name] = {'factory': a:factory, 'channel': 0, 'initialized': 0}
line 2: let s:plugin_patterns[a:name] = a:pattern
line 3: if type(a:factory) == type(1) && a:factory
line 4: " Passed a channel directly
line 5: let s:hosts[a:name].channel = a:factory
line 6: endif
function remote#host#Register returning #0
continuing in C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\remote\host.vim
line 198:
line 199: " Ruby
line 201: call remote#host#Register('ruby', '*.rb', function('provider#ruby#Require'))
calling function remote#host#Register('ruby', '*.rb', function('provider#ruby#Require'))
line 1: let s:hosts[a:name] = {'factory': a:factory, 'channel': 0, 'initialized': 0}
line 2: let s:plugin_patterns[a:name] = a:pattern
line 3: if type(a:factory) == type(1) && a:factory
line 4: " Passed a channel directly
line 5: let s:hosts[a:name].channel = a:factory
line 6: endif
function remote#host#Register returning #0
continuing in C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\remote\host.vim
line 202:
line 203: " nodejs
line 205: call remote#host#Register('node', '*', function('provider#node#Require'))
calling function remote#host#Register('node', '*', function('provider#node#Require'))
line 1: let s:hosts[a:name] = {'factory': a:factory, 'channel': 0, 'initialized': 0}
line 2: let s:plugin_patterns[a:name] = a:pattern
line 3: if type(a:factory) == type(1) && a:factory
line 4: " Passed a channel directly
line 5: let s:hosts[a:name].channel = a:factory
line 6: endif
function remote#host#Register returning #0
continuing in C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\remote\host.vim
finished sourcing C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\remote\host.vim
continuing in C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\provider\python3.vim
calling function remote#host#RegisterClone('legacy-python3-provider', 'python3')
line 1: if !has_key(s:hosts, a:orig_name)
line 2: throw 'No host named "'.a:orig_name.'" is registered'
line 3: endif
line 4: let Factory = s:hosts[a:orig_name].factory
line 5: let s:hosts[a:name] = { 'factory': Factory, 'channel': 0, 'initialized': 0, 'orig_name': a:orig_name }
function remote#host#RegisterClone returning #0
continuing in C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\provider\python3.vim
line 30: call remote#host#RegisterPlugin('legacy-python3-provider', '', [])
calling function remote#host#RegisterPlugin('legacy-python3-provider', '', [])
line 1: let plugins = remote#host#PluginsForHost(a:host)
calling function remote#host#RegisterPlugin[1]..remote#host#PluginsForHost('legacy-python3-provider')
line 1: if !has_key(s:plugins_for_host, a:host)
line 2: let s:plugins_for_host[a:host] = []
line 3: end
line 4: return s:plugins_for_host[a:host]
function remote#host#RegisterPlugin[1]..remote#host#PluginsForHost returning []
continuing in function remote#host#RegisterPlugin
line 2:
line 3: for plugin in plugins
line 4: if plugin.path == a:path
line 5: throw 'Plugin "'.a:path.'" is already registered'
line 6: endif
line 7: endfor
line 8:
line 9: if has_key(s:hosts, a:host) && remote#host#IsRunning(a:host)
calling function remote#host#RegisterPlugin[9]..remote#host#IsRunning('legacy-python3-provider')
line 1: if !has_key(s:hosts, a:name)
line 2: throw 'No host named "'.a:name.'" is registered'
line 3: endif
line 4: return s:hosts[a:name].channel != 0
function remote#host#RegisterPlugin[9]..remote#host#IsRunning returning #0
continuing in function remote#host#RegisterPlugin
line 10: " For now we won't allow registration of plugins when the host is already
line 11: " running.
line 12: throw 'Host "'.a:host.'" is already running'
line 13: endif
line 14:
line 15: for spec in a:specs
line 16: let type = spec.type
line 17: let name =
line 18: let sync = spec.sync
line 19: let opts = spec.opts
line 20: let rpc_method = a:path
line 21: if type == 'command'
line 22: let rpc_method .= ':command:'.name
line 23: call remote#define#CommandOnHost(a:host, rpc_method, sync, name, opts)
line 24: elseif type == 'autocmd'
line 25: " Since multiple handlers can be attached to the same autocmd event by a
line 26: " single plugin, we need a way to uniquely identify the rpc method to
line 27: " call. The solution is to append the autocmd pattern to the method
line 28: " name(This still has a limit: one handler per event/pattern combo, but
line 29: " there's no need to allow plugins define multiple handlers in that case)
line 30: let rpc_method .= ':autocmd:'.name.':'.get(opts, 'pattern', '*')
line 31: call remote#define#AutocmdOnHost(a:host, rpc_method, sync, name, opts)
line 32: elseif type == 'function'
line 33: let rpc_method .= ':function:'.name
line 34: call remote#define#FunctionOnHost(a:host, rpc_method, sync, name, opts)
line 35: else
line 36: echoerr 'Invalid declaration type: '.type
line 37: endif
line 38: endfor
line 39:
line 40: call add(plugins, {'path': a:path, 'specs': a:specs})
function remote#host#RegisterPlugin returning #0
continuing in C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\provider\python3.vim
line 31:
line 32: function! provider#python3#Call(method, args) abort
finished sourcing C:\nvim\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\provider\python3.vim
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
calling function provider#python3#Call[9]..remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 1: if !has_key(s:hosts, a:name)
line 2: throw 'No host named "'.a:name.'" is registered'
line 3: endif
line 4: let host = s:hosts[a:name]
line 5: if ! && !host.initialized
line 6: let host_info = { 'name': a:name, 'orig_name': get(host, 'orig_name', a:name) }
line 10: let = call(host.factory, [host_info])
calling function provider#python3#Call[9]..remote#host#Require[10]..provider#pythonx#Require({'orig_name': 'python3', 'name': 'legacy-python3-provider'})
line 1: let ver = (a:host.orig_name ==# 'python') ? 2 : 3
line 2:
line 3: " Python host arguments
line 4: let prog = (ver == '2' ? provider#python#Prog() : provider#python3#Prog())
calling function provider#python3#Call[9]..remote#host#Require[10]..provider#pythonx#Require[4]..provider#python3#Prog()
line 1: return s:prog
function provider#python3#Call[9]..remote#host#Require[10]..provider#pythonx#Require[4]..provider#python3#Prog returning 'python3'
continuing in function provider#python3#Call[9]..remote#host#Require[10]..provider#pythonx#Require
line 5: let args = [prog, '-c', 'import sys; sys.path.remove(""); import neovim; neovim.start_host()']
line 6:
line 7: " Collect registered Python plugins into args
line 8: let python_plugins = remote#host#PluginsForHost(
calling function provider#python3#Call[9]..remote#host#Require[10]..provider#pythonx#Require[8]..remote#host#PluginsForHost('legacy-python3-provider')
line 1: if !has_key(s:plugins_for_host, a:host)
line 2: let s:plugins_for_host[a:host] = []
line 3: end
line 4: return s:plugins_for_host[a:host]
function provider#python3#Call[9]..remote#host#Require[10]..provider#pythonx#Require[8]..remote#host#PluginsForHost returning [{'specs': [], 'path': ''}]
continuing in function provider#python3#Call[9]..remote#host#Require[10]..provider#pythonx#Require
line 9: for plugin in python_plugins
line 10: call add(args, plugin.path)
line 11: endfor
line 9: for plugin in python_plugins
line 10: call add(args, plugin.path)
line 11: endfor
line 12:
line 13: try
line 14: let job = copy(s:job_opts)
line 15: let channel_id = jobstart(args, job)
line 16: if rpcrequest(channel_id, 'poll') ==# 'ok'
line 17: return channel_id
:return 3 made pending
line 18: endif
line 19: catch
line 20: echomsg v:throwpoint
line 21: echomsg v:exception
line 22: for row in job.stderr
line 23: echomsg row
line 24: endfor
line 25: endtry
:return 3 resumed
function provider#python3#Call[9]..remote#host#Require[10]..provider#pythonx#Require returning #3
continuing in function provider#python3#Call[9]..remote#host#Require
line 11: let host.initialized = 1
line 12: endif
line 13: return
function provider#python3#Call[9]..remote#host#Require returning #3
continuing in function provider#python3#Call
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
line 1: call rpcnotify(0, 'Gui', 'Close')
function GuiClose returning #0
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand python3 pass
line 0: python3 pass
calling function provider#python3#Call('execute', ['pass', 1, 1])
line 1: if s:err != ''
line 2: return
line 3: endif
line 4: if !exists('s:host')
line 5: let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')
line 6:
line 7: " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
line 8: try
line 9: let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
line 10: catch
line 11: let s:err = v:exception
line 12: echohl WarningMsg
line 13: echomsg v:exception
line 14: echohl None
line 15: return
line 16: endtry
line 17: endif
line 18: return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))
function provider#python3#Call returning v:null
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
Writing ShaDa file "C:\Users\micbou\AppData\Local\nvim-data\shada\main.shada"
Executing VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
autocommand call GuiClose()
line 0: call GuiClose()
calling function GuiClose()
Exception thrown: Vim:E169: Command too recursive
function GuiClose aborted
continuing in VimLeave Auto commands for "*"
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