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Last active June 23, 2021 12:36
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(ns daggerml.main
[daggerml.ui :as u :refer [BODY BUTTON DIV H1 HR IMG P SHADOW-ROOT SLOT
SPAN STYLE deftag]]
[daggerml.cells :as c :refer [cell cell= watch=]]))
[[] [^:default slot1] _]
(STYLE "@import 'css/main.css';:host{display:block;}")
(BUTTON {:class "py-2 px-4 drop-shadow-xl ring-offset-2 text-base text-white
bg-purple-600 hover:bg-purple-700 active:bg-purple-400
focus:outline-none focus:bg-purple-700 focus:ring-2
focus:ring-purple-600 focus:ring-opacity-50 w-full"}
[[^:attr src ^:attr slot] [] _]
(reset! slot "img-slot")
(STYLE "@import 'css/main.css';:host{display:block;}")
(IMG {:class "rounded" :src src})))
[[^:attr slot] [^:default text-slot] _]
(reset! slot "title-slot")
(STYLE "@import 'css/main.css';:host{display:block;}")
[[^:attr slot] [^:default text-slot] _]
(reset! slot "text-slot")
(STYLE "@import 'css/main.css';:host{display:block;}")
(deftag FLAT-CARD
"My foo-bar custom element."
[[^:attr foo ^:attr bar baz] [img-slot title-slot text-slot] connected]
(let [colors (cell (cycle ["red" "blue" "green"]))
color (cell= (first @colors))]
(STYLE "@import 'css/main.css';:host{display:block;}")
(DIV {:class "w-full p-4 filter drop-shadow bg-white rounded"}
(DIV {:class "flex gap-4"}
(DIV {:class "w-1/3"}
(DIV {:class "w-full"}
(H1 {:class "font-semibold text-xl"}
(DIV {:class "h-full pb-4 flex flex-col justify-around"}
(DIV {:class "text-xs text-justify text-gray-600"}
(DIV {:class "pt-4 flex justify-end gap-4"}
(FLAT-BUTTON {:class "flex-1" :click #(swap! colors rest)} "CANCEL")
(FLAT-BUTTON {:class "flex-1" :click #(swap! colors rest)} "CHANGE COLOR"))))))
(defn -main
(BODY {:class "bg-gray-100"}
(DIV {:class "w-full h-screen flex justify-center items-center"}
(FLAT-CARD {:class "max-w-lg flex-auto"}
(FLAT-CARD-IMG {:src "img/teeth2.jpg"})
(FLAT-CARD-TITLE "Baby Teeth")
(P "Phasellus eget interdum dolor, eu laoreet ultrices. Morbi
venenatis tortor a elit molestie, sit amet tincidunt."))))))
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micha commented Jun 23, 2021


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