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Michael Milette michael-milette

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Cheatsheet: MySQL vs PostgreSQL commands

Description MySQL PostgreSQL
Connect to database server mysql -u username -p psql -U username
Import a database mysql -u username -p databaseName < data.sql psql -U username databaseName < data.sql
List databases SHOW databases; \l
Use/Connect to datbase with name USE databaseName; \c databaseName
List tables SHOW tables; \dt
List users SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user; \du
michael-milette / Git Tips and
Last active August 15, 2024 19:11
Cheatsheet: Tips and Tricks for using Git
lukas-h /
Last active March 9, 2025 05:10
Markdown License Badges for your Project

Markdown License badges

Collection of License badges for your Project's README file.
This list includes the most common open source and open data licenses.
Easily copy and paste the code under the badges into your Markdown files.


  • The badges do not fully replace the license informations for your projects, they are only emblems for the README, that the user can see the License at first glance.

Translations: (No guarantee that the translations are up-to-date)

lstude /
Last active December 2, 2023 15:41
Add Indent / Outdent Functionality to Google Spreadsheets

This tutorial demonstrates how to add an "Indent Text" menu item to a Google spreadsheet so you can indent/outdent text.

  • When the "Indent Text" menu item is selected, any cells within a single column selection will be indented by 5 spaces.

  • You can increase or decrease the number of spaces the text is indented by changing the line below so that the "5" is changed to a larger or smaller number (depending on your preference):

newValues.push(['=CONCAT(REPT( CHAR( 160 ), 5),"' + values[i][0] + '")']);