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Created October 11, 2021 20:33
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cloned from Nixtla/mlforecast
# taken from:
# We need a "test_" file with "test_" functions to make it easy to run with pytest
# couple of example "test_" functions
# import nbdev.test
# def test_run():
# print('running nbdev.test.test_nb("20_models.ipynb") ...')
# nbdev.test.test_nb('20_models.ipynb')
# import os
# def test_run():
# print('running nbdev_test_nbs...')
# os.system('nbdev_test_nbs')
# set-up a "before test" callback handler that will modify the notebook before it is run
import os
from pathlib import Path
import time
import glob
import nbformat
from nbdev.imports import get_config, parallel
from nbdev.export import read_nb,find_default_export,is_export,split_flags_and_code
from nbdev.test import get_all_flags,NoExportPreprocessor
def before_test(nb):
"callback that will import modules and run cells that are not exported"
exports = [is_export(c, default_export) for c in nb['cells']]
imports = ''
# exclude exported, notebook2script calls etc
things_to_exclude = ['notebook2script']
cells = [(i,c,e) for i,(c,e) in enumerate(zip(nb['cells'],exports)) if c['cell_type']=='code']
for i,c,e in cells:
if e:
c['cell_type']='exclude' # if it's exported to the library, don't run as test
for line in split_flags_and_code(c): # but we might still need to run import statements
if 'import' in line: imports += f'{line}\n'
for thing_to_exclude in things_to_exclude: # TODO: is this too coarse? maybe just exclude specific lines?
if thing_to_exclude in c['source']:
# import everything from modules written to by this notebook
for export in {export[0] for export in exports if export}:
export_parts.insert(0, get_config().lib_name)
from {a} import {b}
for o in dir({b}):
exec(f'from {a}.{b} import {{o}}')"""
return nb
# uncomment to see current nbdev behaviour
# i.e. use a before test callback that does nothing
# def before_test(nb): return nb
# If nbdev.test.test_nb knew to call our "before test" callback, the rest of this script could be just the following 3 lines
# def test_run():
# from nbdev.cli import nbdev_test_nbs
# nbdev_test_nbs.__wrapped__()
# until it does ... we need to duplicate a few chunks of nbdev
def _test_nb(fn, flags=None):
"Execute tests in notebook in `fn` with `flags`"
os.environ["IN_TEST"] = '1'
if flags is None: flags = []
nb = read_nb(fn)
nb = before_test(nb) # <- THIS is the only change to nbdev code
for f in get_all_flags(nb['cells']):
if f not in flags: return
ep = NoExportPreprocessor(flags, timeout=600, kernel_name='python3')
pnb = nbformat.from_dict(nb)
finally: os.environ.pop("IN_TEST")
def _test_one(fname, flags=None, verbose=True):
print(f"testing: {fname}")
start = time.time()
_test_nb(fname, flags=flags)
return True,time.time()-start
except Exception as e:
if "Kernel died before replying to kernel_info" in str(e):
_test_one(fname, flags=flags)
if verbose: print(f'Error in {fname}:\n{e}')
return False,time.time()-start
def nbdev_test_nbs(fname=None,flags=None,n_workers=None,verbose=True,timing=False):
fname:Param("A notebook name or glob to convert", str)=None,
flags:Param("Space separated list of flags", str)=None,
n_workers:Param("Number of workers to use", int)=None,
verbose:Param("Print errors along the way", bool)=True,
timing:Param("Timing each notebook to see the ones are slow", bool)=False
"Test in parallel the notebooks matching `fname`, passing along `flags`"
if flags is not None: flags = flags.split(' ')
if fname is None:
files = [f for f in Path(get_config().nbs_path).glob('*.ipynb') if not'_')]
else: files = glob.glob(fname)
files = [Path(f).absolute() for f in sorted(files)]
if len(files)==1 and n_workers is None: n_workers=0
# make sure we are inside the notebook folder of the project
results = parallel(_test_one, files, flags=flags, verbose=verbose, n_workers=n_workers)
passed,times = [r[0] for r in results],[r[1] for r in results]
if all(passed): print("All tests are passing!")
msg = "The following notebooks failed:\n"
raise Exception(msg + '\n'.join([ for p,f in zip(passed,files) if not p]))
if timing:
for i,t in sorted(enumerate(times), key=lambda o:o[1], reverse=True):
print(f"Notebook {files[i].name} took {int(t)} seconds")
def test_run():
# now we can "nbdev_test_nbs" and have our "before test" callback called
# nbdev_test_nbs('00_core.ipynb') # Use this line to test a single notebook
nbdev_test_nbs(flags='distributed', n_workers=1)
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