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Realm Coroutines
import io.realm.*
import io.realm.kotlin.where
import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.suspendCancellableCoroutine
import kotlin.coroutines.resume
import kotlin.coroutines.resumeWithException
private suspend fun <T: RealmObject, S: RealmQuery<T>> findAllAwait(query: S): RealmResults<T> = suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
val listener = RealmChangeListener<RealmResults<T>> { t -> continuation.resume(t) }
private suspend fun <T: RealmObject, S: RealmQuery<T>> findFirstAwait(query: S): T? = suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
val listener = RealmChangeListener { t: T? -> continuation.resume(t) }
private suspend fun executeAsync(realm: Realm, block: (Realm) -> Unit): Unit = suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
realm.executeTransactionAsync({ block(it) }, { continuation.resume(Unit) }, { continuation.resumeWithException(it) })
suspend fun <S: RealmObject> RealmQuery<S>.await() = findAllAwait(this)
suspend fun <S: RealmObject> RealmQuery<S>.awaitFirst() = findFirstAwait(this)
suspend fun Realm.transactAwait(block: (Realm) -> Unit) = executeAsync(this, block)
class TestObject(val name: String? = "") : RealmObject()
fun test() {
GlobalScope.launch {
val realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance()
val result = realm.where<TestObject>().awaitFirst()
val results = realm.where<TestObject>().await()
realm.transactAwait(Realm.Transaction {
val testObject = TestObject(name = "Some Test")
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kibotu commented Jun 13, 2019

when would you remove the listener?

and how do you deal with errors?

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@kibotu just use the usual try-catch statement to catch exceptions

try {
    val results = realm.where<TestObject>().await()
} catch(e: Exception) {
    // handle exception

Since the scope the of the listener is local, It will be destroyed and garbage collected as soon as the results are disposed.

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When I run this code, I encounter this

java.lang.IllegalStateException: `copyOrUpdate` can only be called inside a write transaction.

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@rayel0915 I've corrected the snippet.

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kibotu commented Feb 14, 2020

even though it works perfectly fine, i found that copyToRealm is super slow, it takes up to 1500ms to copy 400 realm objects each time :/

also i feel like later on in a medium sized project realm is really slow mainly because of the need to copy entire realm objects

realm 7+ supports freeze() which deals a bit better with switching threads, do you think this solution can be applied?

i've played a round with it a bit but freezing still requires lazy loading of properties later on which is really slow if you have large realm objects, too :/

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@kibotu First time hearing about freeze(). I haven't visited their site in a while. Let me experiment with it and see what can be done with it.

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kibotu commented Mar 3, 2020

wouldn't it be better to also remove the listener when there is an exception? i'm not super strong with all coroutine conventions / features yet,
is there reason why it is not necessary?

another thing is that i believe it would be better to use inline functionality here as well

suspend inline fun <reified T : RealmObject, reified S : RealmQuery<T>> findAllAwait(query: S): RealmResults<T> = suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
    val listener = RealmChangeListener<RealmResults<T>> { t -> continuation.resume(t) }
    val results = query.findAllAsync()
    continuation.invokeOnCancellation {

suspend inline fun <reified T : RealmObject, reified S : RealmQuery<T>> findFirstAwait(query: S): T? = suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
    val listener = RealmChangeListener { t: T? -> continuation.resume(t) }
    val results = query.findFirstAsync()
    continuation.invokeOnCancellation {

suspend fun Realm.transactAwait(block: (Realm) -> Unit): Unit = suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
    executeTransactionAsync({ block(it) }, { continuation.resume(Unit) }, { continuation.resumeWithException(it) })

suspend inline fun <reified S : RealmObject> RealmQuery<S>.await() = findAllAwait(this)

suspend inline fun <reified S : RealmObject> RealmQuery<S>.awaitFirst() = findFirstAwait(this)

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Hi @kibotu. Thanks for pointing that out. It's important do cleanup after cancellation. Also, I created a library for this at Would nice if you could raise an issue over there.

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kibotu commented Mar 3, 2020

cool thanks for sharing

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