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Created February 18, 2013 20:40
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Is Matlab faster than Python for Bayesian Machine Learning? This is benchmark code for comparing the computation of a multinomial-dirichlet marginal likelihood. Compare the function "calc_marg_lik" in with the Matlab function "DMMultLik.m". is a script that will compare both of these for Ntrial runs on a given problem.
function logp = DMMargLik( Nvec, alphvec )
logZ_lik = sum( gammaln( Nvec+alphvec ) ) - gammaln( sum(Nvec+alphvec) );
logZ_prior = sum( gammaln( alphvec) ) - gammaln( sum( alphvec ) );
logp = logZ_lik - logZ_prior;
Benchmark code to time both python and matlab in computing
the Multinomial-Dirichlet marginal likelihood
>> python
Example Output: (time to run 1000 trials of the computation, printed to stdout)
Matlab: 0.03850 sec
Python: 0.03629 sec
End-User Should Modify:
change the definition of "MLABcmd" string variable to point to the matlab
installed executable on the current system.
import scipy.special as sp
import numpy as np
import time
import commands
# Change this line! to point to the matlab executable on your machine!
# e.g on the Brown CS network us
# MLABcmd = '/local/projects/matlab/R2011b/bin/matlab/'
MLABcmd = '/Applications/'
MLABcmd += " -nodesktop -nodisplay -r "
MLABmsgend = ''
#################################### Function we want to benchmark
def calc_marg_lik( Nvec, alphvec ):
logZ_lik = np.sum( sp.gammaln( Nvec+alphvec ) ) \
- sp.gammaln( np.sum(Nvec+alphvec) )
logZ_prior = np.sum( sp.gammaln( alphvec) ) \
- sp.gammaln( np.sum( alphvec ) )
return logZ_lik - logZ_prior
#################################### Utility code to perform benchmarks
def gen_problem( Nobs, alpha, K, seed=42):
np.random.seed( seed )
pi = np.random.mtrand.dirichlet( alpha* np.ones(K) )
Nvec = np.random.mtrand.multinomial( Nobs, pi )
return Nvec, alpha*np.ones(K)
def test_python( Nvec, alphvec, Ntrial):
''' Execute Ntrial trials of the python computation, return time as float'''
tic= time.time()
for trial in xrange( Ntrial ):
mLik = calc_marg_lik( Nvec, alphvec )
toc = time.time()
return toc-tic
def test_matlab( Nvec, alphvec, Ntrial ):
myPreloadCall = "Nvec = %s;" % (np2mlabstr( Nvec) )
myPreloadCall += "alphvec = %s;" % (np2mlabstr( alphvec))
myPreloadCall += "DMMargLik( Nvec, alphvec );"
myFuncCall = "DMMargLik( Nvec, alphvec);"
myStatement = '"%s tic; for i = 1:%d; %s; end; t=toc; disp(t); exit;"' % (myPreloadCall, Ntrial, myFuncCall)
print 'Calling MATLAB executable with arg: \n', myStatement
status, output = commands.getstatusoutput( MLABcmd + myStatement );
if status is not 0:
raise ValueError( output )
output = parse_matlab_out( output )
return float(output)
#################################### Utility code to call matlab from python
def parse_matlab_out( output ):
output = output.split( MLABmsgend )[1]
for line in output.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if len(line)==0:
return line
def np2mlabstr( xvec ):
return '[' + ' '.join( ['%d'%(x) for x in xvec] ) + ']'
#################################### Main Function (calls both Mlab & python)
K = 120
alpha = 1.0
Nobs = 12345
Ntrial = 1000
Nvec, alphvec = gen_problem( Nobs, alpha, K )
mtime = test_matlab( Nvec, alphvec, Ntrial )
ptime = test_python( Nvec, alphvec, Ntrial )
print 'Matlab: %.5f sec' % (mtime)
print 'Python: %.5f sec' % (ptime)
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