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Created January 21, 2020 23:04
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Simple changepoint detection from BNPy HMM code
## Using notation from HDP-HMM paper in NeurIPS 2015 (Hughes, Stephenson, Sudderth)
## Start for a single sequence of interest,
## Compute the following as in the tutorial here:
# start_prob_K : 1D array size K, sums to one
# trans_proba_KK : 2D array, size K x K, rows sum to one
# log_lik_seq_TK : 2D array, size T x K
# Entry t,k represents log likelihood of observation at time t under state k
# p( x[t] | z[t] = k)
## Get the length of the current sequence
T = log_lik_seq_TK.shape[0]
## Using the forward backward algorithm,
## Compute the pair-wise responsibilities and the single timestep responsibilities
## For method details, see
resp_TK, respPair_TKK, log_evidence = bnpy.allocmodel.hmm.HMMUtil.FwdBwdAlg(
## Compute for each timestep, the probability that it is a change point:
## p( z_t != z_{t-1} | x_1, ... x_T)
## Remember that this is undefined at index 0.
## we can only start asking this question for t=1, 2, 3, ....
## By default, we'll just say the probability of changepoint at t=0 is 0.0
proba_changepoint_T = np.zeros(T)
for t in range(1, T):
# Get joint probability table (K x K array) for timestep t and t-1
joint_t_KK = respPair_TKK[t]
# Compute sum of off-diagonal entries of this table
proba_changepoint_T[t] = 1.0 - np.sum(np.diag(joint_t_KK))
## Now, use proba_changepoint_T as a per-timestep real-valued scalar signal
## All timesteps t with proba value above a threshold would be "changepoints"
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