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Created September 6, 2017 21:21
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Computing marginal log likelihood of data for unknown mean, fixed variance normal model.
Computing marginal log likelihood of data for unknown mean, fixed variance model.
Running Demo
$ python
This will compare numerical and exact methods for calculating marg. lik.
By visual inspection, user can see the exact method matches numerical.
Demo uses prior with mean=0, var=1.
Demo uses likelihood variance = 0.337
Some random datasets "x" of size N=3 and N=30 are sampled from standard normal
Expected Output
N = 1 | x = -1.00 | numer -1.43812e+00 | exact -1.43812e+00
N = 1 | x = -0.50 | numer -1.15765e+00 | exact -1.15765e+00
N = 1 | x = 0.00 | numer -1.06415e+00 | exact -1.06415e+00
N = 1 | x = 0.50 | numer -1.15765e+00 | exact -1.15765e+00
N = 1 | x = 1.00 | numer -1.43812e+00 | exact -1.43812e+00
N = 3 | x = 1.76 0.40 0.98 | numer -4.15559e+00 | exact -4.15559e+00
N = 3 | x = 2.24 1.87 -0.98 | numer -1.19548e+01 | exact -1.19548e+01
N = 3 | x = 0.95 -0.15 -0.10 | numer -3.44567e+00 | exact -3.44567e+00
N = 3 | x = 0.41 0.14 1.45 | numer -3.89610e+00 | exact -3.89610e+00
N = 30 | x = 0.76 0.12 0.44... | numer -6.59719e+01 | exact -6.59719e+01
N = 30 | x = -1.71 1.95 -0.51... | numer -4.39386e+01 | exact -4.39386e+01
N = 30 | x = 1.14 -1.23 0.40... | numer -5.70260e+01 | exact -5.70260e+01
N = 30 | x = -1.27 0.97 -1.17... | numer -5.82784e+01 | exact -5.82784e+01
Using the functions
See calc_log_pdf_x__exact to compute the exact marginal log likelihood.
Sample the mean:
u ~ Normal( mean=m_prior, var=v_prior)
Sample each data index i independently:
x_i ~ Normal( mean=u, var=v_lik)
We represent normal parameters via a dictionary with keys:
* 'v' for variance
* 'm' for mean (omit if unknown)
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
def calc_suff_stats(x_N):
''' Compute sufficient statistics for 1D dataset
SS : dict with keys
* nx : number of points in the dataset
* sumx : sum of all points in dataset
* sumxx : sum of squares of points in dataset
SS = dict(
SS['barx'] = SS['sumx'] / (1e-100 + SS['nx'])
return SS
def calc_param_dict_for_post_of_mu_given_data(x_N, P_lik, P_prior):
''' Calculate posterior parameters for p(mu | data)
param_dict : dict with keys
* m : mean, float
* v : variance, float
SS_data = calc_suff_stats(x_N)
v = P_lik['v'] * P_prior['v'] / (SS_data['nx'] * P_prior['v'] + P_lik['v'])
m = v * (P_prior['m'] / P_prior['v'] + SS_data['sumx'] / P_lik['v'])
return dict(m=m, v=v)
def calc_log_pdf_x__pred_post(x_test, x_N, P_lik, P_prior):
''' Calculate log p(x_test | x_N) under Gaussian model
logpdf : 1D array, size of x_test
P_post = calc_param_dict_for_post_of_mu_given_data(x_N, P_lik, P_prior)
m = P_post['m']
v = P_post['v'] + P_lik['v']
return scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(x_test, m, np.sqrt(v))
def calc_log_pdf_x__exact(
x_N, P_lik, P_prior):
''' Compute marginal likelihood via exact closed-form formula
Evaluates log \int_u p(x,u) exactly
logpdf : scalar float
SS = calc_suff_stats(x_N)
P_post = calc_param_dict_for_post_of_mu_given_data(x_N, P_lik, P_prior)
denom = P_lik['v'] * P_prior['v']
log_pdf = (
- 0.5 * SS['nx'] * np.log(2 * np.pi)
- 0.5 * np.log(P_prior['v'])
+ 0.5 * np.log(P_post['v'])
- 0.5 * SS['nx'] * np.log(P_lik['v'])
- 0.5 * (SS['sumxx'] - SS['nx'] * np.square(SS['barx'])) / P_lik['v']
- 0.5 / denom * SS['nx'] * P_prior['v'] * np.square(SS['barx'])
- 0.5 / denom * P_lik['v'] * np.square(P_prior['m'])
+ 0.5 * np.square(P_post['m']) / P_post['v']
return log_pdf
def calc_log_pdf_x__numeric(
x_N, P_lik, P_prior,
u_grid=np.linspace(-6, 6, 250000),
''' Compute marginal likelihood via numerical integration
Evaluates log \int_u p(x,u) at fixed grid of u values
logpdf : scalar float
prior_grid = scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(
u_grid, P_prior['m'], np.sqrt(P_prior['v']))
lik_grid = np.sum(
u_grid[np.newaxis,:], np.sqrt(P_lik['v'])),
assert prior_grid.size == lik_grid.size
post_grid = prior_grid + lik_grid
return np.log(np.trapz(np.exp(post_grid), u_grid))
def pprint_log_pdf__numeric_vs_exact(x_N, P_lik, P_prior):
''' Pretty print comparison of numerical and exact method on one line
print " N = %2d | x = %-21s | numer % .5e | exact % .5e" % (
' '.join(['% 5.2f' % x for x in x_N[:3]]) + '...' * (x_N.size > 3),
calc_log_pdf_x__numeric(x_N, P_lik, P_prior),
calc_log_pdf_x__exact(x_N, P_lik, P_prior),
if __name__ == '__main__':
prng = np.random.RandomState(0)
# Prior on mu: mean 0, variance 1
P_prior = dict(m=0, v=1)
# Likelihood : gaussian with FIXED variance v, mean unknown
P_lik = dict(v=0.337)
# Single entry dataset
for x in [-1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0]:
x_N = np.asarray([x])
pprint_log_pdf__numeric_vs_exact(x_N, P_lik, P_prior)
# N = 3 dataset
for trial in range(4):
x_N = prng.randn(3)
pprint_log_pdf__numeric_vs_exact(x_N, P_lik, P_prior)
# N = 30 dataset
for trial in range(4):
x_N = prng.randn(30)
pprint_log_pdf__numeric_vs_exact(x_N, P_lik, P_prior)
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