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Created May 6, 2015 13:07
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override Media to make google adwords conv tracking work
// Michael Hjulskov - added this to fix issue with Google Adwords conversion tracking code
// REMEMBER TO ADD data-keepinline="true" to the order-confirmation.tpl to avoid javascript to get broken
Class Media extends MediaCore
public static function deferScript($matches)
if (!is_array($matches))
return false;
$inline = '';
if (isset($matches[0]))
$original = trim($matches[0]);
if (isset($matches[1]))
$inline = trim($matches[1]);
// prestarocket
// This is an inline script, add its content to inline scripts stack then remove it from content
if (!empty($inline) && preg_match('/<\s*script(?!.*data-keepinline)[^>]*>/ims', $original) !== 0 && Media::$inline_script[] = $inline)
return '';
//end prestarocket
// This is an external script, if it already belongs to js_files then remove it from content
preg_match('/src\s*=\s*["\']?([^"\']*)[^>]/ims', $original, $results);
if (array_key_exists(1, $results))
if (substr($results[1], 0, 2) == '//')
$protocol_link = Tools::getCurrentUrlProtocolPrefix();
$results[1] = $protocol_link.ltrim($results[1], '/');
if (in_array($results[1], Context::getContext()->controller->js_files) || in_array($results[1], Media::$inline_script_src))
return '';
// return original string because no match was found
return $original;
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