Save michaelhood/6799b576e40d5d029a4b2dd6e295a155 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
" ________ | |
" | | | |
" | CVIMRC | | |
" |________| | |
" ,----------, | |
" | settings | | |
" '----------' | |
set localconfig | |
let configpath = '~/.cvimrc/.cvimrc' | |
let homedirectory = '/home/troy' | |
let mapleader = ',' | |
set smoothscroll | |
let scrollduration = 100 | |
set showtabindices | |
set sortlinkhints | |
set dimhintcharacters | |
set cncpcompletion | |
let barposition = 'bottom' | |
let nextmatchpattern = '((?!first)(next|older|more|>|›|»|▸|forward|次|下|后| )+)' | |
let previousmatchpattern = '((?!last)(prev(ious)?|newer|less|<|‹|«|◂|back|前|上| )+)' | |
" ,---------------, | |
" | searchengines | | |
" '---------------' | |
" let searchlimit = 25 | |
" let completionengines = ['google', 'wikipedia', 'imdb', 'amazon', 'wolframalpha', 'duckduckgo'] | |
let searchengine gh = "https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=%s&type=Repositories&ref=searchresults" | |
let searchengine jisho = "http://jisho.org/search/%s" | |
let searchengine trja = "https://translate.google.com/#ja/en/%s" | |
" ,----------, | |
" | mappings | | |
" '----------' | |
unmap x | |
iunmap <C-v> | |
imap <C-o> editWithVim | |
imap <C-a> beginningOfLine | |
imap <C-i> selectAll | |
imap <C-k> deleteToEnd | |
map <C-v> passKeys | |
map <C-x><C-c> quitChrome | |
" map af createActiveTabbedHint | |
map J scrollPageDown | |
map K scrollPageUp | |
map <C-d> scrollFullPageDown | |
map <C-u> scrollFullPageUp | |
map <C-h> scrollLeft | |
map <C-l> scrollRight | |
map g0 scrollToLeft | |
map g$ scrollToRight | |
map gS :viewsource&<CR> | |
" map gq :restore<Space> | |
" map a<Space> z<Enter> | |
" map cn :execute nzz<CR> | |
" map cN :execute Nzz<CR> | |
" map <C-d> :file ~/ | |
" map <C-s> openLastHint | |
" map <C-g> :set smoothscroll!<CR> | |
" map <C-h> :nohl<CR> | |
" map cc :set hud!<CR> | |
" map aa :tabopen g<Space> | |
" map , :set numerichints!<CR> | |
" map ga :settings<CR> | |
map sh :history<Space> | |
map sj :tabhistory<Space> | |
map sk<Space> :bookmarks<Space> | |
map skk :bookmarks /Bookmarks bar/ | |
map b :buffer<Space> | |
map p openPasteTab | |
map P openPaste | |
" ,------, | |
" | tabs | | |
" '------' | |
map h previousTab | |
map l nextTab | |
map d closeTab | |
map u lastClosedTab | |
map U :restore<Space> | |
map C :duplicate<CR> | |
map gt goToTab | |
map g$ lastTab | |
map g0 firstTab | |
map > lastTab | |
map < firstTab | |
map <C-h> moveTabLeft | |
map <C-l> moveTabRight | |
map <A-;> lastUsedTab | |
map <C-k> :execute gx$x<CR> | |
" PREFIX b " | |
unmap b | |
map bb :buffer<Space> | |
map B :buffer<Space> | |
map bM muteTab | |
map bp pinTab | |
map br reloadAllTabs | |
map bR reloadAllButCurrent | |
map b> closeTabsToRight | |
map b< closeTabsToLeft | |
" ,--------, | |
" | frames | | |
" '--------' | |
"cycle/root frame (frees gf gF) | |
map ,ff nextFrame | |
map ,fF rootFrame | |
map ,fy yankRootUrl | |
" ,-------, | |
" | hints | | |
" '-------' | |
map gf createMultiHint | |
map g; ; | |
" hover (frees q Q) | |
map ;q createHoverHint | |
map ;Q createUnhoverHint | |
map ;e createEditHint | |
map ;i fullImageHint | |
map ;r reverseImage | |
map ;y yankUrl | |
map gr multiReverseImage | |
map gy multiYankUrl | |
" ,---------, | |
" | browser | | |
" '---------' | |
map vr :source ~/.cvimrc/.cvimrc<CR> | |
" ,------, | |
" | goto | | |
" '------' | |
map ea :chrome extensions<CR> | |
map e;a :tabopen file:///opt/chrome-extensions<CR> | |
map eg :rcgist<CR> | |
map ec :tabopen chrome://flags<CR> | |
map eh :tabopen chrome://history<CR> | |
map eo :tabopen file:///opt<CR> | |
map er :tabopen https://github.com/1995eaton/chromium-vim<CR> | |
map es :tabopen https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/<CR> | |
map e` :tabopen file:///home/troy<CR> | |
map e/ :tabopen file:///<CR> | |
map ee;a :open file:///opt/chrome-extensions<CR> | |
map eec :open chrome://flags<CR> | |
map eeh :open chrome://history<CR> | |
map eee :open chrome://extensions<CR> | |
map eeo :open file:///opt<CR> | |
map eer :open https://github.com/1995eaton/chromium-vim<CR> | |
map ees :open https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/<CR> | |
map ee` :open file:///home/troy<CR> | |
map ee/ :open file:///<CR> | |
map ew;a :winopen file:///opt/chrome-extensions<CR> | |
map ewc :winopen chrome://flags<CR> | |
map ewh :winopen chrome://history<CR> | |
map ewe :winopen chrome://extensions<CR> | |
map ewo :winopen file:///opt<CR> | |
map ewr :winopen https://github.com/1995eaton/chromium-vim<CR> | |
map ews :winopen https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/<CR> | |
map ew` :winopen file:///home/troy<CR> | |
map ew/ :winopen file:///<CR> | |
" ,------, | |
" | yank | | |
" '------' | |
yankLinkText(link) -> {{ | |
clipboard.copy(link.text); | |
status.setmessage(link.text,3); | |
}} | |
yankPageTitle -> {{ | |
Clipboard.copy(document.title); | |
status.setmessage(document.title,3); | |
}} | |
yankText(link) -> {{ | |
Clipboard.copy(link.text); | |
Status.setMessage(link.text,3); | |
}} | |
copyCurrentTabTitle -> {{ | |
Clipboard.copy(document.title); | |
Status.setMessage(document.title,3); | |
}} | |
unmap yh | |
map y;d createScriptHint(yankLinkText) | |
map yh :call yankPageTitle<CR> | |
map yH yankHighlight | |
map zy createScriptHint(yankText) | |
map yt :call copyCurrentTabTitle<CR> | |
" ,---------, | |
" | toggles | | |
" '---------' | |
map <Leader>te :call editContent<CR> | |
editContent -> {{ | |
var elts = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); | |
for (i=0; i<elts.length; ++i) | |
if (elts[i].hasAttribute("contentEditable") && elts[i].contentEditable === "true") | |
elts[i].contentEditable = "inherit"; | |
else | |
elts[i].contentEditable = "true"; | |
}} | |
" ,----------------------, ,-----------, | |
" | Web Sites & Web Apps | | <Leader>a | | |
" '----------------------' '-----------' | |
" Banking " | |
map <Leader>ab :tabopen @@mybankurl<CR> | |
" Repos: <Leader>ag " | |
map <Leader>agh :tabopen https://github.com/troyp<CR> | |
map <Leader>agb :tabopen https://bitbucket.org/<CR> | |
" Email: <Leader>am " | |
map <Leader>amm :tabopen https://mail.google.com/mail/h/1f0xqcpo2pdl3/?f=1<CR> | |
map <Leader>amg :tabopen https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox<CR> | |
map <Leader>amy :tabopen https://mg.mail.yahoo.com/<CR> | |
" Paypal " | |
map <Leader>ap :tabopen https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/home<CR> | |
" Time " | |
map <Leader>at :tabopen https://time.is/Sydney<CR> | |
" Video: <Leader>av " | |
map <Leader>avn :tabopen https://www.netflix.com/browse/my-list<CR> | |
" Weather " | |
map <Leader>aw :tabopen http://www.bom.gov.au/nsw/forecasts/lismore.shtml<CR> | |
" ,----------------------, | |
" | same tab: <Leader>a; | | |
" '----------------------' | |
" Repos: <Leader>a;g " | |
map <Leader>a;gh :open https://github.com/troyp<CR> | |
map <Leader>a;gb :open https://bitbucket.org/<CR> | |
" Email: <Leader>a;m " | |
map <Leader>a;mm :open https://mail.google.com/mail/h/1f0xqcpo2pdl3/?f=1<CR> | |
map <Leader>a;mg :open https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox<CR> | |
map <Leader>a;my :open https://mg.mail.yahoo.com/<CR> | |
" Paypal " | |
map <Leader>a;p :open https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/home<CR> | |
" Time " | |
map <Leader>a;t :open https://time.is/Sydney<CR> | |
" Video: <Leader>a;v " | |
map <Leader>a;vn :open https://www.netflix.com/browse/my-list<CR> | |
" Weather " | |
map <Leader>a;w :open http://www.bom.gov.au/nsw/forecasts/lismore.shtml<CR> | |
" =============================================================================== | |
" _______ | |
" | | | |
" | sites | | |
" |_______| | |
" ,--------, | |
" | github | | |
" '--------' | |
let @@ghusername = 'troyp' | |
site 'https://github.com/*' { | |
map cyy :call ghCopyRepoLinkGit<CR> | |
map cyh :call ghCopyRepoLinkHttps<CR> | |
} | |
ghCopyRepoLinkGit() -> {{ | |
var regex = /[^:]+:\/\/(gist.)?github.com\/([^/]+)\/?([^/#?]+)?(\/.*)?/; | |
var match = document.URL.match(regex); | |
var user = match && match[2]; | |
var repo = match && match[3]; | |
var gitlink = user && repo && `[email protected]:${user}/${repo}.git`; | |
Clipboard.copy(gitlink); | |
}} | |
ghCopyRepoLinkHttps() -> {{ | |
var regex = /[^:]+:\/\/(gist.)?github.com\/([^/]+)\/?([^/#?]+)?(\/.*)?/; | |
var match = document.URL.match(regex); | |
var user = match && match[2]; | |
var repo = match && match[3]; | |
var httpslink = user && repo && `https://github.com/${user}/${repo}.git`; | |
Clipboard.copy(httpslink); | |
}} | |
" ,---------, | |
" | netflix | | |
" '---------' | |
site 'https://www.netflix.com/*' { | |
map col :open https://www.netflix.com/browse/my-list<CR> | |
map coh :open https://www.netflix.com/browse<CR> | |
map cs :call netflixSearch<CR> | |
map ctl :tabnew https://www.netflix.com/browse/my-list<CR> | |
map cth :tabnew https://www.netflix.com/browse<CR> | |
} | |
" Downloads require the Netflix Subtitle Downloader userscript " | |
site 'https://www.netflix.com/watch/*' { | |
map cc :call netflixToggleSubs<CR> | |
map cd :script document.querySelector('.track.download').click();<CR> | |
map cD :script document.querySelector('.track.download-all').click();<CR> | |
map ]] :call netflixNextEpisode<CR> | |
map [[ :call netflixPreviousEpisode<CR> | |
} | |
site 'https://www.netflix.com/browse' { | |
map cc :call netflixBrowseCleanup<CR> | |
} | |
" let blacklists = ["http://localhost/*","http://lo-th.github.io/*"] | |
netflixNextEpisode() -> {{ | |
var nextep = document.querySelector('.postplay-button') || | |
document.querySelector('.player-postplay-still-hover-container') || | |
document.querySelector('.player-next-episode').children[0]; | |
nextep.click(); | |
}} | |
netflixToggleSubs() -> {{ | |
var subOpts = Array.from(document.querySelector('.player-timed-text-tracks').children); | |
if (subOpts[1].classList.contains("player-track-selected")) { | |
subOpts.find(e=>e.innerText.match(/english/i)).click(); | |
} else { | |
subOpts[1].click(); | |
} | |
var optDisplay = document.getElementById('player-menu-track-settings'); | |
optDisplay.classList.remove('player-visible'); | |
optDisplay.classList.remove('player-active'); | |
}} | |
netflixBrowseCleanup() -> {{ | |
var imgLayer = document.querySelector('.static-image.image-layer'); | |
imgLayer.remove(); | |
var billboard = document.querySelector('.billboard-row'); | |
billboard.remove(); | |
}} | |
netflixSearch() -> {{ | |
var searchIcon = document.querySelector('.icon-search'); | |
searchIcon.click(); | |
}} | |
netflixPreviousEpisode() -> {{ | |
var title = document.getElementsByClassName('player-status')[0].innerText; | |
var match = title.match(/season *(\d+).*ep(?:isode)?\.? *(\d+)/i); | |
var season = parseInt(match[1]); | |
var ep = parseInt(match[2]); | |
if (ep == 1) { | |
document.getElementsByClassName('back-to-seasons')[0].click(); | |
var seasonlist = document.querySelectorAll('.season-list li'); | |
var newSeason = Math.max(1, season - 1); | |
seasonlist[newSeason - 1].click(); | |
var epList = document.getElementsByClassName('episode-list-item'); | |
var newEpId = epList[epList.length - 1].getAttribute('data-episode-id'); | |
window.open(`https://www.netflix.com/watch/${newEpId}`, '_self'); | |
} else { | |
var newEp = ep - 1; | |
var epList = document.getElementsByClassName('episode-list-item'); | |
var newEpId = epList[newEp - 1].getAttribute('data-episode-id'); | |
window.open(`https://www.netflix.com/watch/${newEpId}`, '_self'); | |
} | |
}} |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
[{"key":"ctrl+u","action":"scrollupmore","blacklist":false,"sites":"*","open":false,"exported":true,"sitesArray":["*"]},{"key":"ctrl+d","action":"scrolldownmore","blacklist":false,"sites":"*","open":false,"exported":true,"sitesArray":["*"]}] |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
#!/usr/bin/python3 | |
''' | |
USAGE: ./cvim_server.py | |
If you want to use native Vim to edit text boxes | |
you must be running this script. To begin editing, | |
first map the editWithVim (e.g. "imap <C-o> editWithVim") mapping. | |
By default, this script will spawn a gvim ("gvim -f"), but this action | |
can be changed by setting the VIM_COMMAND variable below | |
''' | |
import os | |
import sys | |
import shlex | |
from json import loads | |
import subprocess | |
from tempfile import mkstemp | |
from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler | |
PORT = 8001 | |
VIM_COMMAND = 'gvim -f' | |
def edit_file(content): | |
fd, fn = mkstemp(suffix='.txt', prefix='cvim-', text=True) | |
os.write(fd, content.encode('utf8')) | |
os.close(fd) | |
subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(VIM_COMMAND) + [fn]).wait() | |
text = None | |
with open(fn, 'r') as f: | |
text = f.read() | |
os.unlink(fn) | |
return text | |
class CvimServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): | |
def do_POST(self): | |
length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) | |
content_str = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf8') | |
content = loads(content_str) | |
self.send_response(200) | |
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') | |
self.end_headers() | |
# Block XMLHttpRequests originating from non-Chrome extensions | |
if not self.headers.get('Origin', '').startswith('chrome-extension'): | |
edit = '' | |
else: | |
edit = edit_file(content['data']) | |
self.wfile.write(edit.encode('utf8')) | |
def init_server(server_class=HTTPServer, handler_class=BaseHTTPRequestHandler): | |
server_address = ('', PORT) | |
httpd = server_class(server_address, CvimServer) | |
httpd.serve_forever() | |
try: | |
init_server() | |
except KeyboardInterrupt: | |
pass |
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