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Workaround for Emacs for unimplemented part of hunspell win32 listdicpath()
(require 'ispell)
(when (string-equal (getenv "LANG") "ENU")
(setenv "LANG" "en_US"))
;; XXX: hunspell doesn't work because Emacs wants to figure out where its
;; directories are, and for win32 hunspell 1.7.0, `hunspell -D` *never* runs listdicpath()
;; to correct, copied this bit from ispell-find-hunspell-dictionaries and
;; changed so that it removes a .dic extension from the list of dictionaries
;; used so can find the appropriate .aff file
;; XXX: should be advice instead of running absolutely
(when is-win32
(let ((hunspell-found-dicts
(ispell-call-process ispell-program-name
(dolist (dict hunspell-found-dicts)
(let* ((full-name (file-name-nondirectory dict))
(basename (file-name-sans-extension full-name))
;; CHANGED from ispell.el: remove .dic if it's there
(affix-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension dict) ".aff")))
(if (and (not (assoc basename ispell-hunspell-dict-paths-alist))
(file-exists-p affix-file))
;; Entry has an associated .aff file and no previous value.
(let ((affix-file (expand-file-name affix-file)))
(cl-pushnew (list basename affix-file)
ispell-hunspell-dict-paths-alist :test #'equal)))))))
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