Description=watch email via imapnotify
#!/usr/bin/env fish
offlineimap -o
and imapnotify -c /home/michael/.config/imap_inotify/gmail.js
exports.host = "imap.gmail.com";
exports.port = 993;
exports.tls = true;
exports.tlsOptions = { "rejectUnauthorized": false };
exports.username = "myemail";
exports.password = "notapassword";
exports.onNotify = "offlineimap -o";
exports.onNotifyPost = {"mail": "/home/michael/scripts/onreceiptofemail.fish"}
exports.boxes = [ "INBOX" ];
accounts = OldGmail
[Account OldGmail]
localrepository = OldLocalGmail
remoterepository = OldRepositoryGmail
autorefresh = 1
quick = 10
[Repository OldLocalGmail]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/mail/OldGmail
[Repository OldRepositoryGmail]
type = Gmail
maxconnections = 3
remoteuser = myemail
remotepass = notapassword
folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername not in ['[Gmail]/All Mail', '[Gmail]/Important']
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
This updates mus index and my blocklet on my workspace bar with a count of unread email
#!/usr/bin/env fish
emacsclient -a '' -e '(mu4e-update-mail-and-index t)' &
sleep 5
pkill -RTMIN+11 i3blocks &
# Defined in /home/michael/.config/fish/functions/unread-mail-count.fish @ line 2
function unread-mail-count
mu find date:7D..now and flag:unread and not flag:trashed and not maildir:\[Gmail\].Spam 2> /dev/null | wc -l
command=ff unread-mail-count
;;; michael.el mu4e setup
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e")
(require 'mu4e)
(require 'smtpmail)
;; evil-mu4e defines evil friendly keys for mu4e in motion map by default
;; revise that lets say instead that its a buggy piece of crap
; (require 'evil-mu4e)
;;alerts in modeline or via desktop if you prefer
(use-package mu4e-conversation)
(use-package mu4e-alert
;;more info in main mu4e dashboard
(use-package mu4e-maildirs-extension
:config (mu4e-maildirs-extension))
(setq mu4e-maildir "~/mail"
user-mail-address "myemail"
user-full-name "Michael Rose"
;; don't update automatically we will do this
;; automatically when we receive mail via imapnotify
mu4e-update-interval nil
;; looks nicer if your font supports it
mu4e-use-fancy-chars t
mu4e-view-show-images t
mu4e-view-show-addresses t
message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
smtpmail-stream-type 'starttls
;; mu4e-html2text-command 'mu4e-shr2text
;; looks better with a dark theme
shr-color-visible-luminance-min 80 shr-color-visible-distance-min 5
smtpmail-default-smtp-server "smtp.gmail.com"
smtpmail-smtp-server "smtp.gmail.com"
smtpmail-smtp-service 587
message-kill-buffer-on-exit nil
mu4e-org-contacts-file "/home/michael/org/contacts.org"
mu4e-compose-in-new-frame 'nil
;; trashed mark doesn't work with source code pro
(setcdr (plist-get (cdr (assq 'delete mu4e-marks)) :char) "")
(setq mu4e-bookmarks `(("maildir:/OldGmail/INBOX or maildir:/Gmail/INBOX" "Inbox" ?i)
("maildir:/archive" "Archive" ?a)
("flag:flagged" "Flagged messages" ?f)
("date:today..now" "Today's messages" ?t)
("flag:unread and date:7d..now" "Recent" ?r)
("date:7d..now" "Last 7 days" ?7)
("flag:unread" "Unread" ?u )))
;; My spelling is terrile a little joke
(add-hook 'mu4e-compose-mode-hook 'turn-on-flyspell)
(add-hook 'mu4e-compose-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
;; TODO: add description
(add-hook 'mu4e-mark-execute-pre-hook
(lambda (mark msg)
(cond ((member mark '(refile trash)) (mu4e-action-retag-message msg "-\\Inbox"))
((equal mark 'flag) (mu4e-action-retag-message msg "\\Starred"))
((equal mark 'unflag) (mu4e-action-retag-message msg "-\\Starred"))))) ;; don't keep message buffers around
(add-function :after message-send-mail-function 'kill-buffer-and-window)
;; better rendering of html email purportedly
(require 'mu4e-contrib)
(setq mu4e-html2text-command 'mu4e-shr2text)
(add-hook 'mu4e-view-mode-hook
;; try to emulate some of the eww key-bindings
(local-set-key (kbd "<tab>") 'shr-next-link)
(local-set-key (kbd "<backtab>") 'shr-previous-link)))
(defun michael-mu4e-select-all-messages ()
(call-interactively 'set-mark-command)
(defun my-mu4e-mark-execute-all-no-confirm ()
"Execute all marks without confirmation."
(mu4e-mark-execute-all 'no-confirm)
(shell-command "signal-i3blocks 11")
(setq mu4e-alert-interesting-mail-query
" AND NOT flag:trashed"
" AND NOT maildir:"
"\"/[Gmail].All Mail\""))
(mu4e-alert-set-default-style 'libnotify)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'mu4e-alert-enable-mode-line-display)
(defun my-mu4e-destroy-everything ()
(shell-command "signal-i3blocks 11")
;; bindings for mu4e
(defun michael-mu4e-bindings ()
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "j") 'next-line)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "k") 'previous-line)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "g") 'beginning-of-buffer)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "G") 'end-of-buffer)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "J") 'mu4e~headers-jump-to-maildir)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "V") 'set-mark-command)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "x") 'my-mu4e-mark-execute-all-no-confirm)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "X") 'my-mu4e-destroy-everything)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "e") 'michael-mu4e-select-all-messages)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "f") 'avy-goto-word-or-subword-1)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "/") 'evil-search-forward)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "n") 'evil-search-next)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "z") 'mu4e-headers-rerun-search)
(define-key mu4e-headers-mode-map (kbd "l") 'michael-mu4e-find-similar)
(define-key mu4e-main-mode-map (kbd "j") 'next-line)
(define-key mu4e-main-mode-map (kbd "k") 'previous-line)
(define-key mu4e-main-mode-map (kbd "J") 'mu4e~headers-jump-to-maildir)
(define-key mu4e-main-mode-map (kbd "f") 'avy-goto-word-or-subword-1)
(define-key mu4e-main-mode-map (kbd "/") 'evil-search-forward)
(define-key mu4e-main-mode-map (kbd "n") 'evil-search-next)
(define-key mu4e-view-mode-map (kbd "j") 'next-line)
(define-key mu4e-view-mode-map (kbd "k") 'previous-line)
(define-key mu4e-view-mode-map (kbd "J") 'mu4e~headers-jump-to-maildir)
(define-key mu4e-view-mode-map (kbd "f") 'avy-goto-word-or-subword-1)
(define-key mu4e-view-mode-map (kbd "/") 'evil-search-forward)
(define-key mu4e-view-mode-map (kbd "n") 'evil-search-next)
(define-key mu4e-view-mode-map (kbd "l") 'michael-mu4e-find-similar)
(defun michael-mu4e-find-similar ()
"Search maildir for messages from either the same sender or with a subject containing the same words from any sender."
(mu4e-headers-search (concat "from:"(car(car(mu4e-message-field (mu4e-message-at-point) :from)))
" or subject:"
(mu4e-message-field (mu4e-message-at-point) :subject)
(add-hook 'mu4e-main-mode-hook 'michael-mu4e-bindings)
(add-hook 'mu4e-headers-mode-hook 'michael-mu4e-bindings)
(add-hook 'mu4e-view-mode-hook 'michael-mu4e-bindings)
(evil-set-initial-state 'mu4e-main-mode 'emacs)
(evil-set-initial-state 'mu4e-headers-mode 'emacs)
(evil-set-initial-state 'mu4e-compose-mode 'emacs)
(evil-set-initial-state 'mu4e-view-mode 'emacs)
(require 'mu4e-actions)
(add-to-list 'mu4e-headers-actions
'("org-contact-add" . mu4e-action-add-org-contact) t)
(add-to-list 'mu4e-view-actions
'("org-contact-add" . mu4e-action-add-org-contact) t)
;;xwidgets swiped for somewhere
(defun my-mu4e-action-view-with-xwidget (msg)
"View the body of the message inside xwidget-webkit."
(kill-matching-buffers-without-prompt "^\*xwidget")
(unless (fboundp 'xwidget-webkit-browse-url)
(mu4e-error "No xwidget support available"))
(let* ((html (mu4e-message-field msg :body-html))
(txt (mu4e-message-field msg :body-txt))
(tmpfile (format "%s%x.html" temporary-file-directory (random t))))
(unless (or html txt)
(mu4e-error "No body part for this message"))
;; simplistic -- but note that it's only an example...
(insert (or html (concat "<pre>" txt "</pre>")))
(write-file tmpfile)
(xwidget-webkit-browse-url (concat "file://" tmpfile) t))))
(add-to-list 'mu4e-view-actions
'("xViewXWidget" . my-mu4e-action-view-with-xwidget) t)
;;pixel scrolling
(pixel-scroll-mode t)
(setq pixel-resolution-fine-flag t)
(setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1))
(setq fast-but-imprecise-scrolling t)
(setq jit-lock-defer-time 0)
(setq mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil)
(provide 'myemail)
;;; myemail.el ends here
Inspiring! Thank You!