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Last active December 17, 2024 08:54
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"""Sampling parameters of a lorenz attractor.
The forward pass integrates the lorenz attractor ODE system using
tt.scan with a Runge-Kutta integrator. The predicted high-resolution
timecourse is interpolated down so it can be compared to low-density
import abc
import numpy
import pymc3
from matplotlib import pyplot
import theano
import theano.tensor as tt
import scipy.integrate
def interpolation_weights(x_predicted, x_interpolated):
"""Computes weights for use in left-handed dot product with y_fix.
x_predicted (numpy.ndarray): x-values at which Y is predicted
x_interpolated (numpy.ndarray): x-values for which Y is desired
weights (numpy.ndarray): weights for Y_desired = dot(weights, Y_predicted)
x_repeat = numpy.tile(x_interpolated[:,None], (len(x_predicted),))
distances = numpy.abs(x_repeat - x_predicted)
x_indices = numpy.searchsorted(x_predicted, x_interpolated)
weights = numpy.zeros_like(distances)
idx = numpy.arange(len(x_indices))
weights[idx,x_indices] = distances[idx,x_indices-1]
weights[idx,x_indices-1] = distances[idx,x_indices]
weights /= numpy.sum(weights, axis=1)[:,None]
return weights
class Integrator(object):
"""Abstract class of an ODE solver to be used with Theano scan."""
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def step(self, t, dt, y, dydt, theta):
"""Symbolic integration step.
t (TensorVariable): timepoint to be passed to [dydt]
dt (TensorVariable): stepsize
y (TensorVariable): vector of current states
dydt (callable): dydt function of the model like dydt(y, t, theta)
theta (TensorVariable): system parameters
TensorVariable: yprime
raise NotImplementedError()
class RungeKutta(Integrator):
def step(self, t, dt, y, dydt, theta):
k1 = dt*dydt(y, t, theta)
k2 = dt*dydt(y + 0.5*k1, t, theta)
k3 = dt*dydt(y + 0.5*k2, t, theta)
k4 = dt*dydt(y + k3, t, theta)
y_np1 = y + (1./6.)*k1 + (1./3.)*k2 + (1./3.)*k3 + (1./6.)*k4
return y_np1
class TheanoIntegrationOps(object):
"""This is not actually a real Op, but it can be used as if.
It does differentiable solving of a dynamic system using the provided 'step_theano' method.
When called, it essentially creates all the steps in the computation graph to get from y0/theta
to Y_hat.
def __init__(self, dydt_theano, integrator:Integrator):
"""Creates an Op that uses the [integrator] to solve [dydt].
dydt_theano (callable): function that computes the first derivative of the system
integrator (Integrator): integrator to use for solving
self.dydt_theano = dydt_theano
self.integrator = integrator
return super().__init__()
def __step_theano(self, t, y_t, dt_t, t_theta):
"""Step method that will be used in tt.scan.
Uses the integrator to give a better approximation than dydt alone.
t (TensorVariable): time since intial state
y_t (TensorVariable): current state of the system
dt_t (TensorVariable): stepsize
t_theta (TensorVariable): system parameters
TensorVariable: change in y at time t
return self.integrator.step(t, dt_t, y_t, self.dydt_theano, t_theta)
def __call__(self, y0, theta, dt, n):
"""Creates the computation graph for solving the ODE system.
y0 (TensorVariable or array): initial system state
theta (TensorVariable or array): system parameters
dt (float): fixed stepsize for solving
n (int): number of solving iterations
TensorVariable: system state y for all t in numpy.arange(0, dt*n) with shape (len(y0),n)
# TODO: check dtypes, stack and raise warnings
t_y0 = tt.as_tensor_variable(y0)
t_theta = tt.as_tensor_variable(theta)
Y_hat, updates = theano.scan(fn=self.__step_theano,
outputs_info =[{'initial':t_y0}],
sequences=[theano.tensor.arange(dt, dt*n, dt)],
non_sequences=[dt, t_theta],
# scan does not return y0, so it must be concatenated
Y_hat = tt.concatenate((t_y0[None,:], Y_hat))
# return as (len(y0),n)
Y_hat = tt.transpose(Y_hat)
return Y_hat
class InterpolationOps(object):
"""Linearly interpolates the entries in a tensor according to vectors of
predicted and desired coordinates.
def __init__(self, x_predicted, x_interpolated):
"""Prepare an interpolation subgraph.
x_predicted (ndarray): x-coordinates for which Y will be predicted (T_pred,)
x_interpolated (ndarray): x-coordinates for which Y is desired (T_data,)
assert x_interpolated[-1] <= x_predicted[-1], "x_predicted[-1]={} but " \
"x_interpolated[-1]={}".format(x_predicted[-1], x_interpolated[-1])
self.x_predicted = x_predicted
self.x_interpolated = x_interpolated
self.weights = tt.as_tensor_variable(
interpolation_weights(x_predicted, x_interpolated))
return super().__init__()
def __call__(self, Y_predicted):
"""Symbolically apply interpolation.
Y_predicted (ndarray or TensorVariable): predictions at x_pred with shape (N_Y,T_pred)
Y_interpolated (TensorVariable): interpolated predictions at x_data with shape (N_Y,T_data)
Y_predicted = tt.as_tensor_variable(Y_predicted)
Y_interpolated =, tt.transpose(Y_predicted))
return tt.transpose(Y_interpolated)
def dydt(y, t, theta):
sigma, rho, beta = theta
yprime = [
sigma*(y[1] - y[0]),
y[0]*(rho - y[2]) - y[1],
y[0]*y[1] - beta*y[2]
return yprime
def dydt_theano(y, t, theta):
# get parameters
sigma = theta[0]
rho = theta[1]
beta = theta[2]
# set up differential equations
yprime = tt.zeros_like(y)
yprime = tt.set_subtensor(yprime[0], sigma*(y[1] - y[0]) )
yprime = tt.set_subtensor(yprime[1], y[0]*(rho - y[2]) - y[1])
yprime = tt.set_subtensor(yprime[2], y[0]*y[1] - beta*y[2] )
return yprime
def run():
# x, y, z, a, b, c
truth = numpy.array([2.2, 5.3, 7.4, 9.5, 27, 9/3])
x = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 20)
y = y = scipy.integrate.odeint(dydt, truth[:3], x, (truth[3:],))
dt = 0.001
integrator = RungeKutta()
pmodel = pymc3.Model()
with pmodel:
# Priors
x0 = pymc3.Uniform('x0', -5.01, 10.01, testval=2.0)
y0 = pymc3.Uniform('y0', -2.01, 13.01, testval=5.0)
z0 = pymc3.Uniform('z0', 0.01, 15.01, testval=7.0)
a = pymc3.Normal('a', mu=10.0, sd=1.1)
b = pymc3.Normal('b', mu=28.0, sd=1.2)
c = pymc3.Normal('c', mu=8/3 , sd=0.3)
T_y0 = [x0, y0, z0]
T_theta = [a, b, c]
# Prediction
x_max = x[-1]
x_any = x
n_any = len(x_any)
n_pred = int(numpy.ceil(x_max / dt)+1)
Y_hat_TV = TheanoIntegrationOps(dydt_theano, integrator)(T_y0, T_theta, dt, n_pred)
# theano implementations only predicts in these regular intervals:
x_pred = numpy.linspace(0, dt*n_pred, n_pred)
# and usually they must be interpolated to the observation timepoints
if not numpy.array_equal(x_pred, x_any):
Y_hat_TV = InterpolationOps(x_pred, x_any)(Y_hat_TV)
# loglikelihood
for i, label in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']):
L = pymc3.Normal(label + '_obs', mu=Y_hat_TV[i], sd=0.1, observed=y.T[i])
with pmodel:
# IMPORTANT: must init=advi for performance reasons (see
nutstrace = pymc3.sample(chains=1, njobs=1, init='advi')
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('pymc3 version {}'.format(pymc3.__version__))
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