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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save michaelschofield/9476036 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Trying to markup the most semantic directory ever. Inspired by cool semantic things being done by Jason Clark and Scott Young.
# Have to get creative with Schema though. I'm actively finagling. DTs cannot contain any block level elements, but DDs can.
<dl vocab="" typeof="Person">
<dt property="name">Sandra Fiegi</dt>
<img property="image" src="example.jpg" alt="A photo of Sandra Fiegi">
<dd property="jobTitle">Administrative Associate</dd>
<dd property="workLocation">Administration</dd>
<dd property="affiliation worksFor">Montana State University</dd>
<dd property="telephone">406-994-6537</dd>
<dd property="email">[email protected]</dd>
<dd property="address">Room 124</dd>
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This looks right to me, but I'm not all that good with schema.

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