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Gulpfile for TWD Projects
// Gulpfile for TWD Projects - version 1.0.0
// Created by: Michael Whyte
// This Gulpfile is modified from code found here:
// *** IMPORTANT *** This Gulpfile requires Gulp version 4
// Initialize modules
// Import gulp specific API functions which allows us to write them
// below as [gulp-function-name] instead gulp.[function-name],
// for example:
// src() instead of gulp.src()
const { src, dest, watch, series, parallel } = require('gulp');
// Import Gulp plugins and npm packages that we need for this project
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const sass = require('gulp-sass');
const concat = require('gulp-concat');
const uglify = require('gulp-uglify-es').default;
const postcss = require('gulp-postcss');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
const cssnano = require('cssnano');
const replace = require('gulp-replace');
const browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
const del = require('del');
const imageMin = require('gulp-imagemin');
const cache = require('gulp-cache');
const htmlMin = require('gulp-htmlmin');
const gulpif = require('gulp-if');
// Dev / Build State
// These variables are used to set the
// dev or build state of the Gulpfile
let devMode = true;
let buildMode = false;
// Use jQuery
// This variable is used to determine if the
// jQuery library is being used or not.
// Set to false if you do not need the jQuery library in your project
const useJQuery = true;
// File Names
const filenames = {};
filenames.jQuery = 'jquery-3.4.1.min.js';
filenames.jsNoExtension = 'script.min';
filenames.js = `${filenames.jsNoExtension}.js`;
// Folder Paths
const folders = {};
// Main Folders = 'dev';
folders.dist = 'dist';
folders.styles = 'styles';
folders.sass = 'scss';
folders.images = 'images';
folders.fonts = 'fonts'
folders.scripts = 'scripts';
folders.libs = 'libs';
folders.jQuery = 'jquery';
// JavaScript Folders
folders.jsDev = `${}/${folders.scripts}`;
folders.jsDist = `${folders.dist}/${folders.scripts}`;
folders.libsDev = `${folders.jsDev}/${folders.libs}`;
folders.libsDist = `${folders.jsDistFolder}/${folders.libs}`;
// jQuery Folders
folders.jQueryDev = `${folders.libsDev}/${folders.jQuery}`;
folders.jQueryDist = `${folders.libsDist}/${folders.jQuery}`;
// Style Folders
folders.stylesDev = `${}/${folders.styles}`;
folders.stylesDist = `${folders.dist}/${folders.styles}`;
// Images Folders
folders.imagesDev = `${}/${folders.images}`;
folders.imagesDist = `${folders.dist}/${folders.images}`;
// Fonts Folders
folders.fontsDev = `${}/${folders.fonts}`;
folders.fontsDist = `${folders.dist}/${folders.fonts}`;
// File Paths
const files = {};
// HTML Files
files.html = `${}/**/*.html`;
// Sass Files
files.sass = `${}/${folders.sass}/**/*.scss`;
// JavaScript Files
files.js = `${folders.jsDev}/**/!(${filenames.jsNoExtension})*.js`;
files.libs = `${folders.libsDev}/**/*.js`;
// jQuery Files
files.jQuery = `${folders.jQueryDev}/${filenames.jQuery}`;
// Images Files
files.images = `${folders.imagesDev}/**/*.+(png|jpg|gif|svg)`;
// Fonts Files
files.fonts = `${folders.fontsDev}/**/*`;
// Development Tasks
// Sass Task:
// 1. Compiles the Sass files into the dev styles folder
// 2. Adds CSS prefixes to the CSS files
// 3. Injects CSS into the browser (dev mode)
// 4. Compresses the CSS files (build mode)
// 5. Copies CSS files to the dist styles folder
function sassTask(){
return src(files.sass)
.pipe(gulpif(devMode, sourcemaps.init())) // Initializes sourcemaps (dev mode)
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError)) // compiles SCSS to CSS
.pipe(gulpif(devMode, postcss([autoprefixer()]))) // Adds CSS prefixes (dev mode)
.pipe(gulpif(devMode, sourcemaps.write('.'))) // writes sourcemaps file (dev mode)
.pipe(gulpif(devMode, dest(folders.stylesDev))) // Puts CSS files in dev styles folder (dev mode)
.pipe(gulpif(devMode, // Injects new CSS to the browser (dev mode)
.pipe(gulpif(buildMode, postcss([autoprefixer(), cssnano()]))) // Adds CSS prefixes and compresses CSS (build mode)
.pipe(gulpif(buildMode, dest(folders.stylesDist))); // Copies CSS files to dist styles folder (build mode)
// JS Task:
// 1. Concatenates JS files
// 2. If in build mode, compresses concatenated JS file
// 3. If in build mode, copies concatenated and minified JS file to the dist folder
function jsTask(){
return src([files.libs, files.js, `!${files.jQuery}`])
.pipe(gulpif(devMode, sourcemaps.init())) // Initializes sourcemaps (dev mode)
.pipe(concat(filenames.js)) // Concatenates JS files
.pipe(gulpif(devMode, sourcemaps.write('.'))) // Writes sourcemaps (dev mode)
.pipe(gulpif(devMode, dest(folders.jsDev))) // Puts concatenated JS file in dev scripts folder (dev mode)
.pipe(gulpif(buildMode, uglify())) // Compresses JS file (build mode)
.pipe(gulpif(buildMode, dest(folders.jsDistFolder))); // Copies concatenated and compressed JS file to the dist scripts folder (build mode)
// jQuery Task:
// 1. If useJQuery is set to true, copies jQuery to the dist scripts folder
function jQueryTask(done){
if(useJQuery === true){
.pipe(dest(folders.jQueryDist)); // Copies jQuery to the dist scripts folder
// HTML Task:
// 1. Compresses the HTML files
// 2. Copies the compressed HTML files to the dist folder
function htmlTask(){
return src(files.html)
.pipe(htmlMin({collapseWhitespace: true})) // Compresses the HTML files
.pipe(dest(folders.dist)); // Copies compressed HTML files to the dist folder
// Images Task:
// 1. Compresses the image files
// 2. Copies the compressed image files to the dist images folder
function imagesTask(){
return src(files.images)
.pipe(cache(imageMin({interlaced: true}))) // Compresses images
.pipe(dest(folders.imagesDistFolder)); // Copies compressed images to the dist images folder
// Fonts Task:
// 1. Copies the font files to the dist fonts folder
function fontsTask(){
return src(files.fonts)
.pipe(dest(folders.fontsDist)); // Copies the font files to the dist fonts folder
// Cachebust Task:
// 1. Create a time stamp based on the current time
// 2. Replaces any query strings in the HTML files that uses the time stamp with the new timp stamp
function cacheBustTask(){
const cbString = new Date().getTime(); // Create time stamp based on current time
return src(files.html)
.pipe(replace(/cb=\d+/g, 'cb=' + cbString)) // Replace current time stamp query string in the HTML files with the new time stamp
.pipe(dest(; // Put the modified HTML files in the dev folder
// Watch task:
// 1. Watch for changes in the dev Sass directory, if a change is detected then it runs the Sass task
// 2. Watch for changes in the dev JS directory, if a change is detected then it runs the JS task
// 3. Watch for changes in the HTML files in the dev directory, if a change is deteched then it re-loads the browser
function watchTask(){
// Setup Browsersync for automatic reloading and re-freshing of CSS, JavaScript and HTML
server: {
watch(files.sass, sassTask); // Watches the dev Sass directory (SCSS files only)
watch(files.js).on('change', series(jsTask, browserSync.reload)); // Watches the dev JavaScript directory (JS files only)
watch(files.html).on('change', browserSync.reload); // Watches the dev folder (HTML files only)
// Build Tasks
// Set Build State Task:
// 1. Sets devMode to false
// 2. Sets buildMode to true
function setBuildState(done){
devMode = false;
buildMode = true;
// Clean Task:
// 1. Deletes all folders and files in the dist folder
function cleanTask(done){
// Default Task:
// 1. Runs the following tasks in the following order:
// a. sassTask, jsTask (in parallel)
// b. cacheBustTask
// c. watchTask
exports.default = series(parallel(sassTask, jsTask), cacheBustTask, watchTask);
// Build Task:
// 1. Runs the following tasks in the following order:
// a. sassTask, jsTask (in parallel and in dev mode)
// b. cacheBustTask
// c. setBuildState (turns off dev mode and turns on build mode)
// d. cleanTask
// e. sassTask, jsTask, jQueryTask (in parallel and in build mode)
// f. htmlTask, imagesTask, fontsTask (in parrellel) = series(parallel(sassTask, jsTask), cacheBustTask, setBuildState, cleanTask, parallel(sassTask, jsTask, jQueryTask), parallel(htmlTask, imagesTask, fontsTask));
"name": "twd-project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "TWD project",
"author": "TWD Students",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"autoprefixer": "9.6.1",
"browser-sync": "2.26.7",
"cssnano": "4.1.10",
"del": "5.1.0",
"gulp": "4.0.2",
"gulp-cache": "1.1.3",
"gulp-concat": "2.6.1",
"gulp-htmlmin": "5.0.1",
"gulp-if": "3.0.0",
"gulp-imagemin": "6.1.0",
"gulp-postcss": "8.0.0",
"gulp-replace": "1.0.0",
"gulp-sass": "4.0.2",
"gulp-sourcemaps": "2.6.5",
"gulp-uglify-es": "1.0.4"
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