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2017.07.20 - Small interfaces and 'smarts'

We have an interface:

public interface ObjectMapper {
    <Input, Output> Output map(Input input, Class<Output> outputClass);

Sometimes we can't map input so we want to have a possibility to return the type of Optional<Output>.


Add new method to interface ObjectMapper:

    <Input, Output> Optional<Output> mapOptional(Input input, Class<Output> outputClass);

Now we have to implement it in every class that implements ObjectMapper, e.g.:

class DozerObjectMapper implements ObjectMapper {
    /** 'map' method implementation and some other stuff **/
    public <Input, Output> Optional<Output> mapOptional(Input input, Class<Output> outputClass) {
        if (input == null) {
            return Optional.empty();
        return Optional.of(map(input, outputClass));

"Bad", it depends :-)

Good: with OptionalObjectMapper class called smart

public interface ObjectMapper {
    <Input, Output> Output map(Input input, Class<Output> outputClass);

    final class OptionalObjectMapper implements ObjectMapper {

        private final ObjectMapper mapper;

        public OptionalObjectMapper(ObjectMapper mapper) {
            this.mapper = mapper;

        public <Input, Output> Output map(Input input, Class<Output> outputClass) {
            return, outputClass);

        public <Input, Output> Optional<Output> mapOptional(Input input, Class<Output> outputClass) {
            if (input == null) {
                return Optional.empty();
            return Optional.of(map(input, outputClass));

DozerObjectMapper class has not changed.


ObjectMapper objectMapper = dozerObjectMapperFactory.mapper();
Optional<Output> output = new ObjectMapper.OptionalObjectMapper(objectMapper).mapOptional(input);



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