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Micha michalisk13

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michalisk13 /
Created September 19, 2024 16:11 — forked from ericsg1999/

GSoC 22 - Implementation of anti-spoofing techniques in Borre’s software


Nowadays is substantial the growth of the applications whose services rely on Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Moreover, most of these applications involve safety features requiring high integrity and availability. Few examples are civil/military positioning and navigation, personnel tracking, emergency rescue, atmospheric analysis, mining and exploration, power grids, etc.

This capability of being used in a vast variety of applications has led to a definition of a system free from authentication and the publication of the signal structure (data structure, modulation schemes, PRN spreading codes, etc.). However, this implementation presents a significant drawback as this transparency and accessibility leave the receivers exposed to spoofing attacks. Moreover, this vulnerability is aggravated by the low power that the legitimate GPS signals reach the receivers, facilitating the attackers to eclipse or even jam these legi