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Created April 22, 2015 12:46
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Quiz - discover X and Y given product and sum told to different people
X and Y are two different integers, greater than 1, with sum less than 100. S and P are two mathematicians; S knows the sum X+Y, P knows the product X*Y, and both know the information in these two sentences. The following conversation occurs:
P says "I do not know X and Y."
S says "I knew you don't know X and Y."
P says "Now I know X and Y."
S says "Now I know X and Y too!"
def sieve(n):
"Return all primes <= n."
np1 = n + 1
s = list(range(np1)) # leave off `list()` in Python 2
s[1] = 0
sqrtn = int(round(n**0.5))
for i in range(2, sqrtn + 1): # use `xrange()` in Python 2
if s[i]:
# next line: use `xrange()` in Python 2
s[i*i: np1: i] = [0] * len(range(i*i, np1, i))
return filter(None, s)
PRIMES = sieve(100)
S_THINKS_P_MIGHT_KNOW = set( (x + y) for x in PRIMES for y in PRIMES if x<y and x+y < 100 )
REMAINING = set(range(5,100)) - S_THINKS_P_MIGHT_KNOW
def guess_xy_from_sum(s):
return [(x, s-x) for x in range(2, s/2 + 1)]
6 => (2,4) => X
11 => (2,9), (3,8), (4,7), (5,6)
18 24 28 30
17 => (2,15), (3,14), (4,13), (5,12), (6,11), (7,10), (8,9)
30 42 52 60 66 70 72
Aha! Since P then knows X and Y, P can't be told a product like 30 which appears
at least twice (5+6 == 11, one of S's candidates, or 2+15==17)
restrict ourselves to those that appear only once
p_candidates = {}
for s_candidate in REMAINING:
xy_candidates = guess_xy_from_sum(s_candidate)
for xy_candidate in xy_candidates:
p_candidate = xy_candidate[0] * xy_candidate[1]
other_xy_pairs = p_candidates.get(p_candidate, set())
p_candidates[p_candidate] = other_xy_pairs
print "# of P candidates:", len(p_candidates)
# find p_candidates with only one possible sum
xy_candidates_unique = [list(p_candidates[p])[0]
for p in p_candidates
if len(p_candidates[p]) == 1]
print "# of XY candidates according to P:", len(xy_candidates_unique)
s_candidates = {}
# now do the flip side -- look at the sum and see which ones are unique
for xy_candidate in xy_candidates_unique:
s_candidate = xy_candidate[0] + xy_candidate[1]
other_xy_pairs = s_candidates.get(s_candidate, set())
s_candidates[s_candidate] = other_xy_pairs
print "# of S candidates:", len(s_candidates)
# find s_candidates with only one possible product
xy_candidates_unique2 = [list(s_candidates[s])[0]
for s in s_candidates
if len(s_candidates[s]) == 1]
print "# of XY candidates according to S:", len(xy_candidates_unique2)
print "X=%d, Y=%d" % (xy_candidates_unique2[0][0], xy_candidates_unique2[0][1])
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Answer: X=4, Y=13

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