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Last active August 3, 2024 06:27
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Python private dependencies cheatsheet

I need to give access to a private dependency. It can happen for continuous integration or deployment.

Here we use python and github, using the services CircleCI and Heroku. However, the principles applies everywhere.

What is a deploy key?


There are 4 ways of granting access to a private dependency, but deploy keys are a good compromise in term of security and ease of use for projects that do not require too many dependencies (in that case, prefer a machine user). In any case, do not use username/password of a developer account or oauth token as they do not provide privilege limitation.

Create a deploy key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

Give the public part to gihub.

Give the private part to the service needing access. See below.

General strategy

Whatever the service or the technology that I use, the goal is to access the git repo using ssh, using the deploy key.

Obviously, I do not want to put the deploy key in the repo. But most services (CI, deployment) provide a way to set protected environment variables that can be used at build time. The key can be encoded using base64:

cat deploy-key | base64
cat | base64

Most services also provide a way to tailor the build procedure. This is needed to configure ssh to use the deploy key.


Set the deploy key using env variables, encode with base64.

In config.yml, add a step:

echo $DEPLOY_KEY_PRIVATE | base64 --decode > ~/.ssh/deploy-key
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/deploy-key
echo $DEPLOY_KEY_PUBLIC | base64 --decode > ~/.ssh/
ssh-add ~/.ssh/deploy-key

# Run this to check which private key is used. If the checkout key is used,
# github replies "Hi my_org/my_package". If the deploy key is used as wished,
# github replies "Hi my_org/my_dependency".
#ssh -i ~/.ssh/deploy-key -T [email protected] || true

# Now pip connects to git+ssh using the deploy key
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ~/.ssh/deploy-key"

pip install -r requirements.txt

requirements.txt can be something like:

# The purpose of this file is to install the private dependency *before*
# is run.

# Be sure ssh is configured to use a ssh key with read permission to the repo.
git+ssh://[email protected]/my_org/[email protected]

# Run The private dependency is already installed with the good
# version so pip doesn't try to fetch it from PyPI.
--editable .

and does not care about the dependency beeing private:

from distutils.core import setup

        # Beware, the following package is a private dependency.
        # Python provides several way to install private dependencies, none
        # are really satisfactory.
        # 1. Use dependency_links / --process-dependency-links. Good luck with
        #    that!
        # 2. Maintain a private package repository. Good luck with that!
        # 3. Install the private dependency separately before is run.
        #    This is now the prefered way. Be sure that ssh is properly
        #    configured to use a ssh key with read permission to the github repo
        #    of the private dependency, then run:
        #    `pip install -r requirements.txt`
        ... # my normal dependencies
        'nose==1.3.7', # tests
        'flake8==3.5.0', # style


For python, there is no need to write a custom buildpack. First, set the deploy key using env variables, encode with base64.

Then add the hook bin/pre_compile:

# This script configures ssh on Heroku to use the deploy key.
# This is needed to install private dependencies.
# Note that this does not work with Heroku review apps. Indeed review apps can
# inherits env variables from their parents, but they access their values after
# the build. You would need a way to pass the ssh key to this script another
# way.
# See also
# *
# *

# Ensure we have an ssh folder
if [ ! -d ~/.ssh ]; then
  mkdir -p ~/.ssh
  chmod 700 ~/.ssh

# Create the key files
cat $ENV_DIR/DEPLOY_KEY | base64 --decode > ~/.ssh/deploy-key
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/deploy-key
cat $ENV_DIR/DEPLOY_KEY | base64 --decode > ~/.ssh/
#ssh-add ~/.ssh/deploy-key

# If you want to disable host verification, you could use that.
#ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -T [email protected] 2>&1

# Run that if you want to check that ssh uses the correct key.
#ssh -i ~/.ssh/deploy-key -T [email protected] || true

# Configure ssh to use the correct deploy key when connecting to github.
# Disables host verification.
echo -e "Host\n"\
        "  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/deploy-key\n"\
        "  IdentitiesOnly yes\n"\
        "  UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\n"\
        "  StrictHostKeyChecking no"\
        >> ~/.ssh/config

# Unfortunately this does not seem to work.
#export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ~/.ssh/deploy-key"

# The vanilla python buildpack can now install all the dependencies in
# requirement.txt
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