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Michelle Mason michellemason

  • Harrogate, UK
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The biggest feedback was definitely styling. Users would like to see a prettier screen, not something so bland.
Another area of improvement was to add a potential loading screen for the news API.
This is my wireframe.
As a user, I want to be able to check the COVID numbers for my chosen state. (HIGH)
As a user, I want to be able to see COVID news updates for my chosen state. (HIGH)
As a user, I want to be able to see the numbers of those who recovered from COVID for my chosen state. (HIGH)
As a user, I want to be able to type in my state to check the stats. (MEDIUM)
As a user, I want to be able to click on a state to check the stats. (MEDIUM)
As a user, I want to see how many people tested positive for COVID on a historical date. (MEDIUM)
As a user, I want to see how many people have died from COVID on a historical date. (MEDIUM)
As an administrator, I want to see when the data was last updated. (HIGH)
As an administrator, I want to see how the app looks/returns on a mobile device. (HIGH)
As an administrator, I want to see how many people visited the site. (MEDIUM)
I will create an app that uses the COVID Tracking Project's Data API to display current COVID statistics across the 50 states and the News API that will display current COVID news for that particular state.
1. subscription list endpoint documentation: v3/subscriptions
required param: part; (string)
optional parap: forChannelId (string), maxResults (unasigned integer)
3. Yes, responses need verification unless otherwise specified.
4. Yes, CORS is supported.
5. GET /:urlname/events; Gets a listing of all Meetup Events hosted by a target group, in ascending order by default.
A client is like a customer at a restaurant. They put an order in for a drink by telling the waiter, who is like the server. The waiter then goes and retrieves the drink and returns it to the customer. This is like the client first searching a website, and the server then returning said website.
Live App:
App Repo:
michellemason / html wireframe prototype
Created June 6, 2020 04:41
initial html wireframe prototype
name of quiz at the top larger than the rest of the page
right below it, score and current question
inside a box below the above,
- question number
- 4 separate choices
- submit button
submit button will lead to correct or incorrect answer page
- correct will display "good job"
- incorrect will display "wrong choice & [correct answer]"