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Last active March 24, 2017 21:33
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# demo of brain functionality (persisting data)
# counts every time somebody says "up"
# prints out the count when somebody says "are we up?"
# /STUFF/ means match things between the slashes. the stuff between the slashes =
# regular expression.
# \b is a word boundary, and basically putting it on each side of a phrase ensures
# we are matching against the word "up" instead of a partial text match such as in "sup"
robot.hear /\bup\b/, (msg) ->
# note that this variable is *GLOBAL TO ALL SCRIPTS* so choose a unique name
(robot.brain.get('everything_uppity_count') || 0) + 1
# ? is a special character in regex so it needs to be escaped with a \
# the i on the end means "case *insensitive*"
robot.hear /are we up<b>\?</b>/i, (msg) ->
msg.send "Up-ness: " + (robot.brain.get('everything_uppity_count') || "0")
# Demonstration of how to parse private messages
# responds to all private messages with a mean remark
robot.hear /./i, (msg) ->
# you can chain if clauses on the end of a statement in
# coffeescript to make things look cleaner
# in a direct message, the channel name and author are the same
msg.send 'shoo!' if get_channel(msg) == get_username(msg)
# replies to any message containing an "!" with an exact replica of that message
# .* = matches anything; we access the entire matching string using match[0]
# for using regex, use this tool:
robot.hear /.*!.*/, (msg) ->
# send back the same message
# reply prefixes the user's name in front of the text
msg.reply msg.match[0]
# responds to "[botname] sleep it off"
# note that if you direct message this command to the bot,
# you don't need to prefix it with the name of the bot</em>
robot.respond /sleep it off/i, (msg) ->
# responds in the current channel
msg.send 'zzz...'
# helper method to get sender of the message
get_username = (response) ->
# helper method to get channel of originating message
get_channel = (response) ->
if ==
robot.messageRoom "bob", "Hello, this is a private message!"
catch error
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