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Created September 24, 2021 11:39
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JavaScript Cheatscheet
// Async arrow functions look like this:
const foo = async () => {
// do something
// Async arrow functions look like this for a single argument passed to it:
const foo = async evt => {
// do something with evt
// Async arrow functions look like this for multiple arguments passed to it:
const foo = async (evt, callback) => {
// do something with evt
// return response with callback
// The anonymous form works as well:
const foo = async function() {
// do something
// An async function declaration looks like this:
async function foo() {
// do something
// Using async function in a callback:
const foo = event.onCall(async () => {
// do something
// Using async method inside of a class:
async foo() {
// do something
async function fetchPosts() {
const res = await fetch('')
const data = await res.json()
return data
async function render() {
const posts = await fetchPosts()
const postHTML =
(post) =>
<div style="border: 1px solid; padding: 10px;">
document.body.innerHTML = postHTML
const posts = [
{ title: 'Post One', body: 'This is Post One' },
{ title: 'Post Two', body: 'This is Post Two' },
function getPosts() {
setTimeout(() => {
let output = ''
posts.forEach((post) => {
output += `<li>${post.title}</li>`
document.body.innerHTML = output
}, 1000)
function createPost(post, callback) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
title: 'Post Three',
body: 'This is Post Tree',
const posts = [
{ title: 'Post One', body: 'This is Post One' },
{ title: 'Post Two', body: 'This is Post Two' },
function getPosts() {
setTimeout(() => {
let output = ''
posts.forEach((post) => {
output += `<li>${post.title}</li>`
document.body.innerHTML = output
}, 1000)
function createPost(post) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const error = false
if (!error) {
} else {
reject('Error: something went wrong!')
}, 2000)
title: 'Post Three',
body: 'This is Post Tree',
.catch((err) => console.log(err))
// async / await
async function asywait() {
await createPost({ title: 'Post Four', body: 'This is Post Four' })
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setCustomersState(customers.filter((customer) => customer.isActive === newFilter))

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