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Created February 3, 2012 23:17
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Prevent stupid Mac scroll
* Show a notice when Mac's stupid scroll happens
Global.preventStupidMacScroll = function () {
var self = this,
broken_browser = navigator.userAgent.match(/Macintosh/),
hide = Teambox.models.user.get('settings').hide_scroll_notice;
if (!broken_browser || hide) {
// Remember the last time you scrolled.
.mousewheel(function (e) {
self.lastScroll =;
// Clear it on click, since that means you're navigating
.click(function (e) {
self.lastScroll = undefined;
// If hash changes that means a back/fwd scroll happened
.bind('hashchange', function (e) {
var interval = - (self.lastScroll || 0);
if (interval < 1000 && !Teambox.models.user.get('settings').hide_scroll_notice) {
// Hide notice forever for this user
$('#hide_scroll_notice').live('click', function () {
$.ajax("/api/2/users/" + + "/update_settings", {
type: "put",
data: {"hide_scroll_notice": true}
Teambox.models.user.get('settings').hide_scroll_notice = true;
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