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Last active December 16, 2020 03:09
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Docker Container CLI Commands

Run a container

# Running a container
# '-d' flag: Run container in background and print container ID
# '--name string' flag: Assign a name to the container
# '-p' flag: Publish a container's port(s) to the host

docker container run -d --name [container name] \
-p [Docker host port]: [App listen port] \
[Docker Hub ID]/[Git Repo Name]:[Image Name]

# Example:
docker container run -d --name web -p 8000:8080 \

Run an internactive container

# '--name string' flag: Assign a name to the container
# '-i' flag: Keep STDIN open even if not attached
# '-t' flag: Allocate a pseudo-teletypewriter

docker container run -it --name [Container Name] [Imagine] [App]

docker container run -it --name test apline sh

# ctrl+P+Q to escape the container without killing it

Stop a container

docker container stop [Container ID | Container Name]

Delete a container

docker container rm [Container ID | Container Name]

Docker For Web Developers

Notes from the Pluralsight course Docker For Web Develoeprs

Dockerfile Exmaple

The Express Generator application can be created with the following script:

cd express-generator
npx express-geneator

Using the Express Generator application. We can containerize it with the following Dockerfile:

FROM node:latest

LABEL author="Mick Piereder"
LABEL email="[email protected]"

ENV NODE_ENV=production

COPY . /var/www
WORKDIR /var/www

VOLUME [ "/var/www" ]

RUN npm i


ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "start"]

Docker Image CLI Commands

Building a Docker image

# Build a Docker image
# '-t' flag: Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format
# 'dir' should be the directory where the Dockerfile is located.
docker image build -t [Docker Hub ID]/[Git Repo Name]:[Image Name] [dir]

# List your local Docker images to ensure the image was sucessfully created
docker image ls

Pushing a Docker image to a repository

# Push a Docker image to a repository
docker image push [Docker Hub ID]/[Git Repo Name]:[Image Name]

Removing local copy of image

docker image rm [Docker Hub ID]/[Git Repo Name]:[Image Name]
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