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Created December 18, 2015 09:35
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function to compute the distance deltaR between two objects given their eta and phi coordinates
def deltaR(eta1, eta2, phi1, phi2):
import math
Function that calculates DR between two objects given their etas and phis
eta1 = float, eta of first object
eta2 = float, eta of second object
phi1 = float, phi of first object
phi2 = float, phi of second object
deltaR = float, distance between the two objects
DEta = abs(eta1-eta2)
DPhi = math.acos(math.cos( abs( phi1-phi2 ) ) ) # hack to avoid |phi1-phi2| larger than 180 degrees
return math.sqrt( pow(DEta,2) + pow(DPhi,2) )
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