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Created May 11, 2015 15:46
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Panzoom implementation for Mobilot station content images
// NOTE - panzoom from:
var scope = this;
var doubleTapTime = 600; // ms
$('#div_content .pictureZoomBox img.picture')
startTransform : 'scale(1)',
increment : 0.4,
minScale : 1,
maxScale : 3,
contain : 'invert',
disablePan : true,
onPan : function ()
// console.log('onPan');
var matrix = $(this).panzoom('getTransform');
var disablePan = matrix == 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)';
$(this).panzoom('option', 'disablePan', disablePan);
scope.firstTap = false;
onZoom : function ()
// console.log('onZoom');
var matrix = $(this).panzoom('getTransform');
var disablePan = matrix == 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)';
$(this).panzoom('option', 'disablePan', disablePan);
scope.firstTap = false;
onEnd : function ()
// console.log('onEnd');
if ( ! $(this).panzoom('isPanning') )
var currentMoment =;
if ( scope.firstTap )
scope.eventTapMillis = currentMoment;
scope.eventTapValidUntil = scope.eventTapMillis + doubleTapTime;
else if ( currentMoment <= scope.eventTapValidUntil )
var panzoomScope = $(this);
var pzTimer = setTimeout(function ()
panzoomScope.panzoom('option', 'disablePan', true);
}, 200);
scope.firstTap = ! scope.firstTap;
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