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Stepan I. micronull

  • The World Company
  • Earth
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micronull /
Created November 1, 2018 06:40
Bash script how many days are left before the domain expires.
# Bash script how many days are left before the domain expires.
# Скрипт выводит количество дней до окончания регистрации домена.
# Initial source code:
if [ "$1" == "" ]
cat << EOF
Script that monitors how many days left until domain registration ends.
Usage: $(basename $0)
micronull / Dockerfile
Last active September 18, 2017 05:58
# version 1.0
# for
FROM node:8-alpine
MAINTAINER Stepan Ipatyev <[email protected]>
RUN apk update && apk upgrade && \
apk add --no-cache bash git openssh && \
cd $HOME && \
git clone && \
cd gbot-trader && \
npm i && \
micronull / gist:63efc2208db3bf8c17d7
Created November 10, 2014 13:21
Bootstrap Portal Template
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