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Basic minecraft chat client written in Python.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Simple script that implements the minecraft protocol
to create a basic chat client for said game.
No encryption, no online mode, no parsing of chat messages.
I tried to make it as extendable as possible, so hack away.
PEP8 Note: Ignored E302 (2 newlines between functions)
# Global imports
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM
from sys import stderr, exit
from threading import Thread
from struct import pack, unpack, unpack_from, calcsize
# Settings
username = "mid_kid"
host = "localhost"
port = 25565
debug = False # Print all processed packets
# Set up the socket
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((host, port))
except ConnectionRefusedError:
print("Server is not online", file=stderr)
# Data types
def varint_pack(d):
o = b''
while True:
b = d & 0x7F
d >>= 7
o += pack("B", b | (0x80 if d > 0 else 0))
if d == 0:
return o
def varint_unpack(s):
d, l = 0, 0
length = len(s)
if length > 5:
length = 5
for i in range(length):
l += 1
b = s[i]
d |= (b & 0x7F) << 7 * i
if not b & 0x80:
return (d, s[l:])
# Lots of packets have a varint in front of a value, saying how long it is.
def data_pack(data):
return varint_pack(len(data)) + data
def data_unpack(bytes):
length, bytes = varint_unpack(bytes)
return bytes[:length], bytes[length:]
# Same as data_*, but encoding and decoding strings, because I'm lazy.
def string_pack(string):
return data_pack(string.encode())
def string_unpack(bytes):
string, rest = data_unpack(bytes)
return string.decode(), rest
# Same as struct.unpack_from, but returns remaining data.
def struct_unpack(format, struct):
data = unpack_from(format, struct)
rest = struct[calcsize(format):]
return data, rest
# Minecraft has a different set of packets depending on what it's doing.
# Only implemented handshake, login and play here, but status also exists.
mode = "handshake"
packets = {
"send": {
"handshake": {},
"login": {},
"play": {}
"receive": {
"login": {},
"play": {}
version = 5 # Minecraft 1.7.6 - 1.7.9
# Have I joined the game? (You can't chat before that)
joined = False
# Send packets
def send(packet, *args, **kwargs):
func = packets["send"][mode][packet]
packid = varint_pack(int(func.packid, 16))
data = func(*args, **kwargs)
sock.sendall(data_pack(packid + data))
# Receive packets
def receive(data=None):
if isinstance(data, type(None)):
data = sock.recv(1024)
if not data:
data = data_unpack(data)[0]
packid, data = varint_unpack(data)
packid = str(hex(packid))
packs = packets["receive"][mode]
if packid not in packs:
packet = packs[packid]
return packet.packname, packet(data)
# Packet decorator. This adds the functions for the packets to the dict.
def packet(direc, mode, packname, packid):
def decor(func):
if direc == "send":
func.packid = packid
packets[direc][mode][packname] = func
elif direc == "receive":
func.packname = packname
packets[direc][mode][packid] = func
return func
return decor
# The packets
@packet("receive", "play", "disconnect", "0x40")
@packet("receive", "login", "disconnect", "0x0")
def _p(data):
message = string_unpack(data)[0]
print("Disconnected from server: " + message)
return message
@packet("receive", "login", "success", "0x2")
def _p(data):
global mode
mode = "play"
uuid, data = string_unpack(data)
name = string_unpack(data)[0]
return uuid, name
@packet("receive", "play", "keep-alive", "0x0")
def _p(data):
id = unpack("!i", data)[0]
send("keep-alive", id)
return id
@packet("receive", "play", "joined", "0x1")
def _p(data):
global joined
joined = True
stuff, data = struct_unpack('!iBbBB', data)
level_type = string_unpack(data)[0]
return stuff + (level_type, )
@packet("receive", "play", "chat", "0x2")
def _p(data):
message = string_unpack(data)[0]
# Insert parsing code here, I'm too lazy.
return message
@packet("send", "handshake", "handshake", "0x0")
def _p(version, host, port, next):
if next == 2:
global mode
mode = "login"
version = varint_pack(version)
host = string_pack(host)
port = pack('!H', port)
next = varint_pack(next)
return version + host + port + next
@packet("send", "login", "start", "0x0")
def _p(name):
name = string_pack(name)
return name
@packet("send", "play", "keep-alive", "0x0")
def _p(id):
id = pack('!i', id)
return id
@packet("send", "play", "chat", "0x1")
def _p(message):
message = string_pack(message)
return message
stop = False
# Listen to incoming packets
def listen():
global stop
while not stop:
data = sock.recv(1024)
if not data:
print("Connection Lost.")
stop = True
msg = receive(data)
if debug and msg:
# Login
send("handshake", version, host, port, 2)
send("start", username)
# Send chat messages
while not joined and not stop:
while True:
text = input()
if stop:
send("chat", text)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if not stop:
stop = True
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Hello, unfortunately, this code does not work for me:
id = unpack("!i", data)[0]
error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4

I use these settings:
host = ''
port = 25565

Could you please help me to fix this error?
Thank U)

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mid-kid commented Jan 9, 2015

Sorry, I'm unable to reproduce this error.
What I do know, is that it doesn't work with python3.4, as it just hangs, for some reason. I may fix it someday.

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any way to use this for 1.12.2?

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XaDanX commented Oct 15, 2018

I can rewrite this code for all versions :)

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There is a line:
version = 5 # Minecraft 1.7.6 - 1.7.9
How do you know what number corresponds to what version? What number would version 1.13.1 be?

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The protocol versions can be viewed here:

1.13.2 is 404

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Is there any reason to why this doesnt work anymore? Only thing I changed was

return string.decode(), rest
return string.decode("utf-8", "ignore"), rest
in the string_unpack function

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phlmox commented Mar 13, 2020

help me please! how can i learn these things ? i know python and sockets but packets are... i didn't understand

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Is this supposed to work with 1.6.4?

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mid-kid commented May 6, 2020

No? It says 1.7.6 - 1.7.9
This is an incredibly old program that barely worked even back when I wrote it in 2014. Please look at for up-to-date information and clients, even for older versions of minecraft.

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KowalskiThomas commented May 6, 2020

Okay. I thought the 1.7.6 - 1.7.9 indicated that 5 was the value of version for 1.7.6 - 1.7.9 versions of Minecraft. Thank you for the link and the quick reply, I'll definitely give that a look.

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wf4java commented May 22, 2020

Hello, for me this code does not connect to versions 1.13.2 and 1.14.4, etc., but it connects to 1.7.6, yes I change the version protocol, for 1.13.2 - 404, and for 1.14.4 - 498, I I open the script, it takes 10-30 seconds, and writes "lost connect"! Is there any way to make it work on these versions? And thanks in advance! P.S - I checked, even on versions - 1.7.9, 1.7.10, 1.13.2 does not work. Only on version 1.7.6

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Hey, I know this is old and you've probably forgotten about it by now, but did this script need an authenticated account, or did it work just like the rcon/mcrcon command when talking to the server?

It doesn't work with the version running on my server due to the version being too far out, but if I can get enough time I'd be interested in making it work.

Me and a friend are on a mission to make our vanilla 1.15.1 server some cool things without mods or plugins. At the moment we have a bot in the in-game chat that can read and respond to messages, and my mate has an IRC both that's also in the in-game chat as well as the server's IRC channel. Got the bot controlling our whitelist and some other things so I don't need to log into rcon.

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mid-kid commented Jun 6, 2020

This client only works with servers that have disabled encryption and aren't authenticated with mojang. It's a bad idea to disable encryption on a production server.
IRC is the better option for this, there's also some chat clients on android you should consider checking out.
This script was mostly meant to illustrate the basics of the minecraft protocol and a login sequence for educational purposes, at least, with how it worked back then.

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How do i change the server version

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How do i change the server version

but this client has major bugs

No? It says 1.7.6 - 1.7.9
This is an incredibly old program that barely worked even back when I wrote it in 2014. Please look at for up-to-date information and clients, even for older versions of minecraft.

so it may not work

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