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Last active October 16, 2020 21:25
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Guide: Set Up Laravel 5.3 with Docker + LaraDock + Let's Encrypt SSL in Digital Ocean within 5 Minutes.

Here is what i did to Set up a laravel Project in Digital Ocean

Install Docker

Login Digital Ocean
Add Droplet
1 Click Install docker
Choose Droplet
reset ROOT password
check email

SSH to your Server

ssh root@ipaddress

you will be prompt of that password. type the password you receive in your email

then it will ask to you to change a new password just change it to the custom root password you want

After SSH you can check that docker command is working by typing

$root@midascode:~# docker

Set Up Your Laravel Project

$root@midascode:~# apt-get install git
$root@midascode:~# git clone
$root@midascode:~# cd laravel
$root@midascode:~/laravel# git checkout develop
$root@midascode:~/laravel/ git submodule add
$root@midascode:~/laravel/ cd laradock

Install docker-compose command

$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock# curl -L > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$root@midascode:~/chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Create Your LaraDock Containers

$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock# docker-compose up -d nginx mysql

Go to Your Workspace

docker-compose exec workspace bash

Install laravel Dependencies, Add .env , generate Key and give proper permission certain folder

$ root@0e77851d27d3:/var/www/laravel# composer install
$ root@0e77851d27d3:/var/www/laravel# cp .env.example .env
$ root@0e77851d27d3:/var/www/laravel# php artisan key:generate
$ root@0e77851d27d3:/var/www/laravel# exit
$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock# cd ..
$root@midascode:~/laravel# sudo chmod -R 777 storage bootstrap/cache

you can then view your laravel site at your ipaddress for example 

You will see there Laravel Default Welcome Page

but if you need to view on your custom domain name which you would.

Using Your Own Domain Name

login to your DNS provider Godaddy, Namecheap what ever... And Point the Custom Domain Name Server to

In Your Digital Ocean Account go to

add your domain name and choose the server ip you provision earlier

Serve Site With NGINX (HTTP ONLY)

Go back to command line

$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock# cd nginx
$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock/nginx# vim laravel.conf

remove default_server

    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;

and add server_name (your custom domain)

    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80 ipv6only=on;

Rebuild Your Nginx

$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock/nginx# docker-compose down
$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock/nginx# docker-compose build nginx

Re Run Your Containers MYSQL and NGINX

$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock/nginx# docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
View Your Site with HTTP ONLY (

Run Site on SSL with Let's Encrypt Certificate

Note: You need to Use Caddy here Instead of Nginx
To go Caddy Folders and Edit CaddyFile
$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock# cd caddy
$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock/caddy# vim Caddyfile

root /var/www/laravel/public

and replace with your
root /var/www/laravel/public

uncomment tls

#tls self-signed

and replace self-signed with your email address

tls [email protected]

This is needed Prior to Creating Let's Encypt

Run Your Caddy Container without the -d flag and Generate SSL with Let's Encypt

$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock/caddy# docker-compose up  caddy

you will be prompt here to enter your email... you may enter it or not

Attaching to laradock_mysql_1, laradock_caddy_1
caddy_1               | Activating privacy features...
caddy_1               | Your sites will be served over HTTPS automatically using Let's Encrypt.
caddy_1               | By continuing, you agree to the Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement at:
caddy_1               |
caddy_1               | Activating privacy features... done.
caddy_1               |
caddy_1               |

After it finish Press Ctrl + C to exit ...

Stop All Containers and ReRun Caddy and Other Containers on Background

$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock/caddy# docker-compose down
$root@midascode:~/laravel/laradock/caddy# docker-compose up -d mysql caddy

View your Site in the Browser Securely Using HTTPS (

Note that Certiface will be Automatically Renew By Caddy

References :

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What if I don’t need a caddy server?

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