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Last active October 3, 2019 01:10
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* name: String Command Name
* aliases: Array Alias for this command in case user doesn't know how to spell. Leave empty array if no alias is needed.
* des: String Short description for this command. No paragraphs!
* usage: String If command has any paramaters. Leave 1 space if no usage needed. Do not type the command name either! <> = required () = optional
* guildOnly: Boolean If command can be run in dm or guild. Default: true
* ownerOnly: Boolean If command is owner only. Deafault: false
* permLevel: Array The permissions the guildMember must have to run this command.
* category: String The category this command belongs to (should be the same as it's parent folder).
* cooldown: Number Amount (milliseconds) the user must wait before running this command again.
* function must be async !
* soa: Client
* message: Message Event
* args: User messages after prefix & command name. ie: !commandName all of this is the args
* settings: Guild Settings
module.exports = {
config: {
name: 'commandName',
aliases: ['command', 'alias'],
des: 'short command description',
usage: '<required> (optional)',
guildOnly: true,
ownerOnly: false,
category: 'folder name category',
cooldown: 0,
run: async (soa, message, args, settings) => {
// code here
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