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Nils mietzen

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swinton /
Last active January 21, 2025 16:03
Automatically sign your commits from GitHub Actions, using the REST API

Verified commits made easy with GitHub Actions


So you want to commit changes generated by a GitHub Actions workflow back to your repo, and have that commit signed automatically?

Here's one way this is possible, using the REST API, the auto-generated GITHUB_TOKEN, and the GitHub CLI, gh, which is pre-installed on GitHub's hosted Actions runners.

You don't have to configure the git client, just add a step like the one below... Be sure to edit FILE_TO_COMMIT and DESTINATION_BRANCH to suit your needs.

matusnovak /
Last active February 25, 2025 05:03
Matrix (Synapse + Riot) in Docker with Traefik and federation

Matrix chat is split into two parts, the server and the client. The server we are going to use is called Synapse and the client is The Synapse will also need Postgres database and Redis for caching.

0. Folders

Make sure your folder structure looks like this.

billpatrianakos /
Last active October 18, 2024 13:12
How to set up LIRC on Raspbian Buster (2019, 4.x kernel)

Infrared and LIRC

*Beware: These instructions have been cobbled together from all of the sources I found that got my specific unit working. I can verify it works on a Pi 3B running the latest OS as of summer 2019. Everyone's hardware and system will be a bit different so your mileage may vary. Before you go crazy trying to debug issues sending a signal, grab an existing lirc config for any remote and use the lirc CLI to send a signal out and verify your hardware is sending the signal by viewing the IR LED through a front-facing smartphone camera (almost all smartphone front cameras - even new iPhones - will not filter out IR light and you should see the LED flash when sending a signal). If you see your hardware is sending a signal and/or you can see that the IR input is seeing some signal, then you know your setup works and the issue may be that the remote you're trying to learn simply won't work with LIRC. I know for a fact that many Comcast/Xfinity cable remotes are actually RF devices and need to have

zadr / steps.txt
Last active December 29, 2024 08:20
MacPorts install without root privileges
# fetch MacPorts sources
curl -LO
# extract them and get into the dir
tar -jxf MacPorts-2.8.1.tar.gz
cd MacPorts-2.8.1
# configure things
## If you want MacPorts to run in a custom prefix, pass in the following arguments: --prefix=/usr/local --with-unsupported-prefix --with-applications-dir=/Applications
## replacing /usr/local with your desired location