A stronger form of generics.
- This one explains the Scala's typeclass pattern. Also it has a nice (final) reflection on subtype polymorphism vs ad-hoc polymorphism (via pattern matching) and how the former decouples better: Tutorial: Typeclasses in Scala [YouTube]
- Scala Typeclassopedia [YouTube]. The presentation.
Type systems classify values.
Kind systems classify types.
Values are to types as types are to kinds.
- A little too theoretical but it may be useful as an intro : From Functions to Monads in Scala
- What's the difference between A<:B and +B?
- Covariance and Contravariance in Scala
- A nice question: What does “abstract over” mean?
- High Wizardry in the Land of Scala [Vimeo]
- The justification: Monads do not compose
- Monad Transformers in Scala
- Monad Transformers in Scalamachine & Scaliak [YouTube]
- Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures
- Category Theory & Programming
- Introduction to cathegory theory
- Not so sure about this one, but it is Scala oriented: Monads Are Not Metaphors
- A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?