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Last active July 24, 2023 06:25
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Learn X in Y minutes where X = VBA
Option Explicit
Public FirstName As String
Public LastName As String
Private p_yob As Integer
Event YobChanged(ByVal newValue As Integer)
Public Property Get FullName() As String
' Me is the reference to the current instance
FullName = Me.FirstName & " " & Me.LastName
End Property
Public Property Get Age() As Integer
Age = Year(Now()) - Me.Yob
End Property
Public Property Get Yob() As Integer
Yob = p_yob
End Property
Public Property Let Yob(ByVal val As Integer)
If val < 0 Then
Call err.Raise(vbObjectError + 9000, "person", "Invalid year of birth")
End If
p_yob = val
RaiseEvent YobChanged(val)
End Property
Public Sub PrintInfo()
Debug.Print (Me.FullName & " is " & Me.Age & " years old")
End Sub
Option Explicit
' We don't have static methods/constructors so we use a factory module for this purpose
Public Function CreatePerson(ByVal FirstName As String, ByVal LastName As String, ByVal Yob As Integer) As clsPerson
Set CreatePerson = New clsPerson
CreatePerson.FirstName = FirstName
CreatePerson.LastName = LastName
CreatePerson.Yob = Yob
End Function
Option Explicit
' TODO error handling
Public Sub WriteTextFile(ByVal filePath As String, ByVal content As String)
Dim txt_file As Integer
' Determine the next available file number to be used by the FileOpen function
txt_file = FreeFile
Open filePath For Output As txt_file
Print #txt_file, content
Close txt_file
End Sub
Public Sub AppendTextFile(ByVal filePath As String, ByVal content As String)
Dim txt_file As Integer
' Determine the next available file number to be used by the FileOpen function
txt_file = FreeFile
Open filePath For Append As txt_file
Print #txt_file, content
Close txt_file
End Sub
Public Function ReadTextFile(ByVal filePath As String) As String
Dim txt_file As Integer
Dim content As String
' Determine the next available file number to be used by the FileOpen function
txt_file = FreeFile
Open filePath For Input As txt_file
content = Input(LOF(txt_file), txt_file)
Close txt_file
' Return
ReadTextFile = content
End Function
Option Explicit
Public Enum LogLevel
End Enum
Public ActiveLogLevel As LogLevel
Public Sub LogMsg(ByVal msg As String, Optional ByVal level As LogLevel)
If level >= ActiveLogLevel Then
Debug.Print (GetLogLevelName(level) & " : " & msg)
End If
If level = LL_FATAL Then
End ' End execution of ALL instructions and clear variables
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetLogLevelName(ByVal level As LogLevel)
Dim result As String
Select Case level
result = "DEBUG"
result = "INFO"
result = "WARN"
result = "ERROR"
result = "FATAL"
Case Else
result = "INVALID"
End Select
GetLogLevelName = result
End Function
Option Explicit ' Forces all variables to be defined
' Comments start with a quote
' Each sub is considered a macro and it can be assigned to a button/ui element
' It doesn't return any value
Public Sub Main()
' Press F5 to run the code from the current sub
' View -> Immediate Window to see the results
Debug.Print ("Hello World")
' Select all and Delete to clear the immediate window
' Strings use double quotes, use & for concatenation
Debug.Print ("4 + 7 = " & Add(4, 7))
modLogger.ActiveLogLevel = modLogger.LL_WARN
' Call modLogger.LogMsg("Stop the program", LL_FATAL)
Call modLogger.LogMsg("Hello", LL_DEBUG)
Call modLogger.LogMsg("Hello", LL_INFO)
Call modLogger.LogMsg("Hello", LL_WARN)
Call modLogger.LogMsg("Hello", LL_ERROR)
' using call makes it clear it's a sub
Call DeclareVariables
Call Operators
Call EarlyReturn
Call HandleErrors
Call ControlStructures
Call CollectionAndDictionary
Call WorkingWithFiles
' For 3rd party libraries see
End Sub
' functions return values, use ByVal until you need ByRef
Private Function Add(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer) As Integer
Dim result As Integer
result = a + b
' Return uses the name of the function
Add = result
End Function
Private Sub DeclareVariables()
Debug.Print ("---- DECLARE VARIABLES ----")
Dim x As Integer
x = 42
' intialized as false
Dim flag As Boolean
flag = True ' or False
Debug.Print (x & " " & flag)
Dim p1 As clsPerson
' For objects use Set
Set p1 = modFactory.CreatePerson("Mihai", "Vilcu", 1990)
Debug.Print (p1.FullName & " is " & p1.Age & " years old")
' For all data types see
End Sub
Private Sub Operators()
Debug.Print ("---- OPERATORS ----")
Debug.Print ("7 = 10 " & (7 = 10)) ' equal
Debug.Print ("7 <> 10 " & (7 <> 10)) ' not equal
Debug.Print ("Not 7 = 10 " & (Not 7 = 10)) ' negation
Debug.Print ("7 < 10 " & (7 < 10))
Debug.Print ("7 > 10 " & (7 > 10))
Debug.Print ("7 <= 10 " & (7 <= 10))
Debug.Print ("7 >= 10 " & (7 >= 10))
Debug.Print ("7 + 12 " & (7 + 12))
Debug.Print ("7 - 12 " & (7 - 12))
Debug.Print ("7 * 12 " & (7 * 12))
Debug.Print ("7 / 12 " & (7 / 12))
Debug.Print ("70 \ 12 " & (70 \ 12)) ' integer division
Debug.Print ("7 Mod 12 " & (7 Mod 12))
Debug.Print ("2 ^ 4 " & (2 ^ 4)) ' exponential
Debug.Print ("-3 " & (-3)) ' negation
Debug.Print ("7 < 12 And 12 > 40 " & (7 < 12 And 12 > 40))
Debug.Print ("7 < 12 Or 12 > 40 " & (7 < 12 Or 12 > 40))
Debug.Print ("7 < 12 Or DoesNotHaveShortCircuit() " & (7 < 12 Or DoesNotHaveShortCircuit())) ' no short circuit, use guard clauses instead (see EarlyReturn)
End Sub
Private Function DoesNotHaveShortCircuit()
Debug.Print ("DoesNotHaveShortCircuit called")
DoesNotHaveShortCircuit = True
End Function
Private Sub EarlyReturn()
Debug.Print ("---- EARY RETURN/GUARD CLAUSES ----")
Dim n As Integer
n = modRandom.RandInt(1, 50)
If n < 25 Then
Debug.Print ("Early return for " & n)
Exit Sub ' Works for functions as well
End If
Debug.Print ("No early return for " & n)
End Sub
Private Sub HandleErrors()
Debug.Print ("---- HANDLE ERRORS ----")
On Error GoTo ProcessOnError
Dim p2 As clsPerson
' For objects use Set, you can pass parameters by name
Set p2 = modFactory.CreatePerson(FirstName:="John", LastName:="Doe", Yob:=-6)
Call p2.PrintInfo
Exit Sub
Call MsgBox("modMain: Number = " & err.Number & " " & err.Description)
End Sub
Private Sub ControlStructures()
Debug.Print ("---- CONTROL STRUCTURES ----")
Dim n As Integer
n = modRandom.RandInt(1, 500)
If n <> 3 Then ' not equal
Debug.Print ("n is not 3")
Debug.Print ("n is something else " & n)
End If
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 6 Step 2
Debug.Print ("i = " & i) ' 0, 2, 4, 6
' List of primitives
Dim myList As New Collection
myList.Add ("A")
myList.Add ("B")
myList.Add ("C")
Dim Item As Variant
For Each Item In myList
Debug.Print ("item = " & Item)
' List of objects
Dim allPersons As New Collection
Call allPersons.Add(modFactory.CreatePerson("John", "Doe", 1900))
Call allPersons.Add(modFactory.CreatePerson("Michael", "Smith", 1950))
Call allPersons.Add(modFactory.CreatePerson("Maria", "Doe", 1980))
Dim currentPerson As clsPerson
For Each currentPerson In allPersons
Call currentPerson.PrintInfo
End Sub
Private Sub CollectionAndDictionary()
Debug.Print ("---- COLLECTION AND DICTIONARY ----")
Dim nums As New Collection
Call nums.Add(100)
Call nums.Add(150)
Call nums.Add(200)
Dim n As Variant
For Each n In nums
Debug.Print ("n = " & n)
' Need to add microsoft scripting runtime in references
' For cross platform support use
Dim codeToName As New Dictionary
Call codeToName.Add(100, "INFO")
Call codeToName.Add(200, "OK")
Call codeToName.Add(300, "REDIRECT")
Call codeToName.Add(400, "CLIENT ERROR")
Call codeToName.Add(500, "SERVER ERROR")
If codeToName.Exists(200) Then
Call codeToName.Add(202, "CREATED")
End If
Dim key As Variant
For Each key In codeToName
Debug.Print ("key = " & key & " = " & codeToName.Item(key))
End Sub
Private Sub WorkingWithFiles()
Debug.Print ("---- FILES AND FOLDERS ----")
Call modFileSystem.WriteTextFile("C:\tmp\result.txt", "Hello from VBA")
Call modFileSystem.WriteTextFile("C:\tmp\result.txt", "Hello from VBA2") ' overwrite the existing content
Call modFileSystem.AppendTextFile("C:\tmp\result.txt", "This text is appended") ' new line is added automatically
Call modFileSystem.AppendTextFile("C:\tmp\result.txt", "More appended text")
Dim content As String
content = modFileSystem.ReadTextFile("C:\tmp\result.txt")
Debug.Print (content)
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public Function RandInt(ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer)
' Click inside a word an press F1 to open the documentation
Call Randomize
RandInt = Int((max - min + 1) * Rnd() + min)
End Function
Private WithEvents activeUser As clsPerson
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Set activeUser = modFactory.CreatePerson("John", "Doe", 1990)
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
activeUser.Yob = modRandom.RandInt(1990, 2010)
End Sub
Private Sub activeUser_YobChanged(ByVal newValue As Integer)
Debug.Print ("Yob changed to " & newValue)
End Sub
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