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Last active September 21, 2022 11:57
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Tests timestamp serialization for doobie-postgres
import $ivy.{
import cats.syntax.all._
import doobie.Transactor
import doobie.implicits._
import doobie.postgres.implicits._
import zio._
import zio.interop.catz._
import zio.interop.catz.implicits.rts
import zio.test._
import java.time._
object foo extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
val xa = doobie.Transactor.fromDriverManager[Task](
"org.postgresql.Driver", // driver classname
"jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/tax_reportable_winnings", // connect URL (driver-specific)
"postgres", // user
"postgres" // password
val create = sql"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t(ts timestamp not null)"
val createZDT = sql"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t2(ts timestamp with time zone not null)"
def insert(i: Instant) = sql"INSERT INTO t (ts) VALUES ($i)"
def insertZDT(i: ZonedDateTime) = sql"INSERT INTO t2 (ts) VALUES ($i)"
val select = sql"SELECT ts FROM t".query[Instant].unique
val selectZDT = sql"SELECT ts FROM t2".query[ZonedDateTime].unique
val wipe = sql"TRUNCATE TABLE t"
val wipeZDT = sql"TRUNCATE TABLE t2"
val showTZ = sql"show TIMEZONE".query[String].unique
def spec = suite("timezones")(
testM("roundtrip - instant"){
val now = Instant.parse("2022-01-01T00:00:00Z")
showTZ.transact(xa).debug("timezone in DB: ") *>
(create *> wipe *> insert(now) *> select).transact(xa)
.map(res => assertTrue(now == res))
testM("roundtrip - ZDT") {
val now = ZonedDateTime.parse("2022-01-01T00:00:00Z")
showTZ.transact(xa).debug("timezone in DB: ") *>
(createZDT *> wipeZDT *> insertZDT(now) *> selectZDT).transact(xa)
.map(res => assertTrue(now == res))
Runtime.default.unsafeRun( >+> TestLogger.fromConsole))
import $ivy.{
import cats.syntax.all._
import doobie.Transactor
import doobie.implicits._
import doobie.postgres.implicits._
import zio._
import zio.interop.catz._
import zio.interop.catz.implicits.rts
import zio.test._
import java.time._
object foo extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
val container = com.dimafeng.testcontainers.PostgreSQLContainer(
databaseName = "tax_reportable_winnings",
username = "postgres",
password = "postgres",
lazy val xa = doobie.Transactor.fromDriverManager[Task](
"org.postgresql.Driver", // driver classname
container.jdbcUrl, // connect URL (driver-specific)
container.username, // user
container.password // password
val create = sql"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t(ts timestamp not null)"
val createZDT = sql"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t2(ts timestamp with time zone not null)"
def insert(i: Instant) = sql"INSERT INTO t (ts) VALUES ($i)"
def insertZDT(i: ZonedDateTime) = sql"INSERT INTO t2 (ts) VALUES ($i)"
val select = sql"SELECT ts FROM t".query[Instant].unique
val selectZDT = sql"SELECT ts FROM t2".query[ZonedDateTime].unique
val wipe = sql"TRUNCATE TABLE t"
val wipeZDT = sql"TRUNCATE TABLE t2"
val showTZ = sql"show TIMEZONE".query[String].unique
def spec = suite("timezones")(
testM("roundtrip - instant"){
val now = Instant.parse("2022-01-01T00:00:00Z")
showTZ.transact(xa).debug("timezone in DB: ") *>
(create *> wipe *> insert(now) *> select).transact(xa)
.map(res => assertTrue(now == res))
testM("roundtrip - ZDT") {
val now = ZonedDateTime.parse("2022-01-01T00:00:00Z")
showTZ.transact(xa).debug("timezone in DB: ") *>
(createZDT *> wipeZDT *> insertZDT(now) *> selectZDT).transact(xa)
.map(res => assertTrue(now == res))
) @@ TestAspect.beforeAll(ZIO.succeed(container.start())) @@ TestAspect.afterAll(ZIO.succeed(container.stop()))
Runtime.default.unsafeRun( >+> TestLogger.fromConsole))
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for the first file start postgres in docker:

docker run -p -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=tax_reportable_winnings postgres

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