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Created July 9, 2016 22:05
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Map slugs to course names

  • bigdata = Web Intelligence and Big Data
  • clinical skills = Teaching and Assessing Clinical Skills
  • comp finance = Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics
  • data sci = Introduction to Data Science
  • dmathgen = 离散数学概论 Discrete Mathematics Generality
  • global introuslaw = The Global Student's Introduction to U.S. Law
  • global theatre = Theatre and Globalization
  • global theatre = Theatre and Globalization
  • inforiskman = Information Security and Risk Management in Context
  • math phil = Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
  • pku family sociology = 家庭社会学导论
  • pmh depression = Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach
  • research forhealth = Understanding Research: An Overview for Health Professionals
  • sleep = Sleep: Neurobiology, Medicine, and Society
  • sustainable food = Sustainable Food Production Through Livestock Health Management
  • uf financial planning = Personal & Family Financial Planning
  • virology = Virology I: How Viruses Work

  • ac = Analytic Combinatorics
  • algorithms = 算法设计与分析 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • analyze = Analyzing the Universe
  • ap stat = Preparing for the AP* Statistics Exam
  • art history = 艺术史
  • asset pricing = Asset Pricing, Part 1
  • business andphilo2 = On Strategy: What Managers can learn from Philosophy - Part 2
  • comp finance = Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics
  • core think = Student Thinking at the Core
  • cosmo = Galaxies and Cosmology
  • deafness = Deafness in the 21st Century
  • food safety tox = 食品安全與毒理 (Food Safety & Toxicology)
  • global envmanangement = Global Environmental Management
  • global srhr = Global Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
  • globalization = Globalization and You
  • health = Global Health and Humanitarianism
  • histcontabilidade = História da Contabilidade
  • inter professional = Collaboration and Communication in Healthcare: Interprofessional Practice
  • math phil = Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
  • molevol = Computational Molecular Evolution
  • prob = 機率 (Probability)
  • rcd2 = 紅樓夢二──母神崇拜(The Red Chamber Dream 2)
  • research for health = Understanding Research: An Overview for Health Professionals
  • sci content survey = Inquiry Science Learning: Perspectives and Practices 3 - Science Content Survey
  • sjtujxdepw = 粒子世界探秘 Exploring Particle World
  • volcano = Volcanic Eruptions: a material science.

  • abortion = Abortion: Quality Care and Public Health Implications
  • ai = 人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)
  • artofthemooc = ART of the MOOC: Merging Public Art and Experimental Education
  • case based biostat = Case-Based Introduction to Biostatistics
  • chem prep = Preparation for General Chemistry
  • clinical skills = Teaching and Assessing Clinical Skills
  • comm health workers = Training and Learning Programs for Volunteer Community Health Workers
  • comp vision = Einführung in Computer Vision
  • deafness = Deafness in the 21st Century
  • ethical social genomic = Ethical and Social Challenges of Genomic and Precision Medicine
  • foodsys = An Introduction to the U.S. Food System: Perspectives from Public Health
  • functional analysis = An Introduction to Functional Analysis
  • ggp = General Game Playing
  • global theatre = Theatre and Globalization
  • graph = 工程圖學2D
  • health caresafety = The Science of Safety in Healthcare
  • meatweeat = The Meat We Eat
  • mencius1 = 東亞儒學─孟子:1 (East Asian Confucianisms: Mencius 1)
  • moralities = Moralities of Everyday Life
  • nlpintro = Introduction to Natural Language Processing
  • os = 操作系统原理(Operating Systems)
  • pmh depression = Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach
  • renaissance architect = Early Renaissance Architecture in Italy: from Alberti to Bramante
  • sci comp = High Performance Scientific Computing
  • sci framework = Using The Next Generation Science Standards for Students’ Deeper Understanding
  • shiji = 史記(一)(Shi-ji (1) )
  • sleep = Sleep: Neurobiology, Medicine, and Society
  • spacebooks = Spacebooks. An Introduction To Extraterrestrial Literature
  • sustainable ag = Sustainable Agricultural Land Management
  • us health care = Understanding and Improving the US Healthcare System

  • asset pricing 2 = Asset Pricing, Part 2
  • bioinform = Bioinformatics: Life Sciences on Your Computer
  • cariesmanagement = Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA)
  • datasci = Introduction to Data Science
  • financial marketszh = Financial Markets 金融市场(中文版)
  • geoint = Geospatial Intelligence & the Geospatial Revolution
  • global srhr = Global Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
  • hcquality improvement = Take the Lead on Healthcare Quality Improvement
  • ntumltwo = 機器學習技法 (Machine Learning Techniques)
  • philofrancaise = Les problèmes métaphysiques à l’épreuve de la politique, 1943-1968
  • russians = Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural Communication
  • social impact = Social Entrepreneurship
  • uf financial planning = Personal & Family Financial Planning
  • unethical decision = Unethical Decision Making in Organizations
  • univteaching101 = University Teaching 101

  • clinical terminology = Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students
  • infosec = Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies
  • magicmiddleages = Magic in the Middle Ages
  • manage risk = Risk and Opportunity: Managing Risk for Development
  • modeling optimization = Modeling Discrete Optimization
  • pku family sociology = 家庭社会学导论
  • pkuacc = 中国古代文化
  • succeed in college = How to Succeed in College

  • acoustics 1 = Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)
  • ap calc part1 = Preparing for the AP* Calculus AB and BC Exams (Part 1 - Differential Calculus)
  • ap calc part2 = Preparing for the AP* Calculus AB and BC Exams (Part 2 - Integral Calculus)
  • behavioral genetics = Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics
  • change the world = How to Change the World
  • chinese history = 中國古代歷史與人物--秦始皇
  • chinese characters = Chinese Characters for beginner 汉字
  • circa clock = Circadian clocks: how rhythms structure life
  • disaster preparedness = Disaster Preparedness for the Health Care Professional
  • dmathgen = 离散数学概论 Discrete Mathematics Generality
  • legal research = 论文写作与检索(Academic Writing and Research)
  • qoptintro = Introduction to Quantum Optics
  • rcd = 紅樓夢(The Red Chamber Dream)
  • reactive = Principles of Reactive Programming
  • wind wave tide = Wind, Waves and Tides: Alternative Energy Systems

  • bigdata = Web Intelligence and Big Data
  • comp neuro = Computational Neuroscience
  • ec food andyou = Economic Issues, Food & You
  • new tech tools = Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools
  • sci leadership = Inquiry Science Learning: Perspectives and Practices 1 - Science Leadership
  • scientific comp = Scientific Computing
  • sdt = Surviving Disruptive Technologies
  • spo build aerodynamics = Sports and Building Aerodynamics
  • spo build aerodynamics = Sports and Building Aerodynamics
  • sustainable food = Sustainable Food Production Through Livestock Health Management

  • bitcointech = Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
  • engagecitizen = Engaging Citizens: A Game Changer for Development?
  • inforisk = Building an Information Risk Management Toolkit
  • nanotech = Nanotechnology: The Basics
  • traumasurgery = Grundlagenkurs Unfallchirurgie
  • venture = Launching New Ventures
  • waterwestus = Water in the Western United States

  • acoustics2 = Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)
  • clinical terminology = Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students
  • clinprobsolv = Clinical Problem Solving
  • comm health workers = Training and Learning Programs for Volunteer Community Health Workers
  • ethical social genomic = Ethical and Social Challenges of Genomic and Precision Medicine
  • genomicmedicine = Genomic and Precision Medicine
  • health caresafety = The Science of Safety in Healthcare
  • histcontabilidade = História da Contabilidade
  • langtechindh = Sprachtechnologie in den Digital Humanities
  • olympic games = The Olympic Games and the Media
  • program = 程序设计与算法(大学先修课)
  • rcd2 = 紅樓夢二──母神崇拜(The Red Chamber Dream 2)
  • shiji = 史記(一)(Shi-ji (1) )
  • succeed in college = How to Succeed in College
  • virology = Virology I: How Viruses Work

  • aofa = Analysis of Algorithms
  • chinese history = 中國古代歷史與人物--秦始皇
  • cities = Cities are back in town : urban sociology for a globalizing urban world
  • dino101 = Dino 101: Dinosaur Paleobiology
  • gpslab = GPS: An Introduction to Satellite Navigation, with an interactive Worldwide Laboratory using Smartphones
  • mri fundamentals = MRI Fundamentals
  • osvirtsecurity = 操作系统与虚拟化安全
  • univteaching101 = University Teaching 101
  • virology2 = How Viruses Cause Disease 4dimensions

  • einstein = Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity
  • food sys = An Introduction to the U.S. Food System: Perspectives from Public Health
  • ggp = General Game Playing
  • inter professional = Collaboration and Communication in Healthcare: Interprofessional Practice
  • mathematicalmethods = Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance
  • pmhdepression = Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach

  • bd2klincs = Big Data Science with the BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center
  • bjmuepiabc = 流行病学基础(上)
  • comp arch = Computer Architecture
  • comp vision = Einführung in Computer Vision
  • comp vision = Einführung in Computer Vision
  • gametheory2 = Game Theory II: Advanced Applications
  • global envmanangement = Global Environmental Management
  • global introuslaw = The Global Student's Introduction to U.S. Law
  • graph = 工程圖學2D
  • inf4oec = Informatik für Ökonomen
  • marriage and movies = Marriage and the Movies: A History
  • orgchem = 中级有机化学 Comprehensive Organic Chemistry
  • tradhealingculture = Curanderismo Part 3: Traditional Healing with Cultural Traditions

  • americandisease = The American Disease: Drugs and Drug Control in the USA
  • aoo = 面向对象技术高级课程(The Advanced Object-Oriented Technology)
  • dsp = Digital Signal Processing
  • effectiveppp = Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): How can PPPs help deliver better services?
  • hwsw interface = The Hardware/Software Interface
  • inforiskman = Information Security and Risk Management in Context
  • inquiry techniques = Inquiry Science Learning: Perspectives and Practices 2 - Techniques for Success
  • surveillance = Surveillance Law
  • vlsicad = VLSI CAD: Logic to Layout

  • analyze = Analyzing the Universe
  • bigdataschool = The Caltech-JPL Summer School on Big Data Analytics
  • clinical neurology = Introduction to Clinical Neurology
  • drugdiscovery = Drug Discovery, Development & Commercialization
  • sjtumia = 医学图像处理技术 Medical Image Analysis
  • sportsagents = Representing the Professional Athlete

  • aiplan = Artificial Intelligence Planning
  • configuringworld = Configuring the World: A Critical Political Economy Approach
  • gametheory2 = Game Theory II: Advanced Applications
  • global energy = Global Sustainable Energy: Past, Present and Future
  • intro stats = Statistics: Making Sense of Data
  • linalg = Линейная алгебра (Linear Algebra)
  • matrix = Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications
  • nlangp = Natural Language Processing
  • posasoftware = Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures for Concurrent and Networked Software
  • votingfairdiv = Making Better Group Decisions: Voting, Judgement Aggregation and Fair Division

  • algs4partII = Algorithms, Part II
  • androidapps101 = Creative, Serious and Playful Science of Android Apps
  • dementiacare = Living with Dementia: Impact on Individuals, Caregivers, Communities and Societies
  • emergenceoflife = Emergence of Life
  • health = Global Health and Humanitarianism
  • metals = Wheels of Metals: Urban Mining for a Circular Economy
  • mmds = Mining Massive Datasets
  • sjtufirstaid = 关爱生命--实用急救与自救技能

  • apstat = Preparing for the AP* Statistics Exam
  • bioinfo = Введение в биоинформатику (Introduction to Bioinformatics)
  • edc = E-learning and Digital Cultures
  • global ization = Globalization and You
  • model thinkingzh = Model Thinking 模型思维(中文版)
  • ntumlone = 機器學習基石 (Machine Learning Foundations)
  • optimization = Discrete Optimization
  • ourearth = Our Earth: Its Climate, History, and Processes
  • programming1 = Learn to Program: The Fundamentals
  • wrongfulconviction = Presumed Innocent? The Social Science of Wrongful Conviction

  • droit = Droit international et droit comparé: regards croisés
  • genphysem = 普通物理學 - 電磁學、光學及近代物理
  • global order = The Changing Global Order
  • microcontroleurs = Comprendre les Microcontrôleurs
  • pkuic = Introduction to Computing 计算概论A

  • abcemprendimiento = El ABC del emprendimiento esbelto
  • accountabletalk = Accountable Talk®: Conversation that Works
  • adhd = "Pay Attention!!" ADHD Through the Lifespan
  • aids = AIDS
  • algebra = Intermediate Algebra
  • algoprog = Conception et mise en œuvre d'algorithmes.
  • american health system = American Health Policy: The Structure of the American Health Care System (Part I of II)
  • analyti calc hem = Analytical Chemistry / Instrumental Analysis
  • ancientnubia = The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Nubia
  • androidcapstone = Android Capstone Project
  • animalbehav = Animal Behaviour
  • antimicrobial = Antimicrobial Stewardship: Optimization of Antibiotic Practices
  • ap calc = Preparing for the AP* Calculus AB and BC Exams
  • appliedregression = Applied Regression Analysis
  • art = Introduction to Art: Concepts & Techniques
  • artificialvision = Discrete Inference and Learning in Artificial Vision
  • astrotech = AstroTech: The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery
  • atc21s = Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills
  • audio = Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications
  • auslitroughguide = Australian literature: a rough guide
  • automata = Automata
  • babyboomersanddrugs = Alcohol, Drugs, and Baby Boomers: Are you ready?
  • basicwriting = Crafting an Effective Writer: Tools of the Trade (Fundamental English Writing)
  • behaviorprinciples = Applying Principles of Behavior in the K-12 Classroom
  • bibrain = The Bilingual Brain
  • braintargeted = The Brain-Targeted Teaching® Model for 21st Century Schools
  • brand = Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand and Behaviour
  • calvin = Calvin - Histoire et réception d'une Réforme
  • cancer = Introduction to the Science of Cancer
  • cardiacarrest = None
  • career = Enhance Your Career and Employability Skills
  • cc2lit = Common Core in Action II: Exploring Literacy Design Collaborative Tools
  • ccss = Common Core in Action: Math Classroom Challenges- Using Formative Assessment to Guide Instruction
  • ccss = Common Core in Action: Math Classroom Challenges- Using Formative Assessment to Guide Instruction
  • cdt208 = Introduction to Computational Arts
  • chem health = Chemicals and Health
  • childliteracy = Children Acquiring Literacy Naturally
  • chinese humanities = 中國人文經典導讀 | Classics of Chinese Humanities: Guided Readings
  • chinese humanitieseng = Classics of Chinese Humanities: Guided Readings
  • chronicpain = Preventing Chronic Pain: A Human Systems Approach
  • clinical trials = Practical tips to improve Asian American participation in cancer clinical trials
  • comics = Comic Books and Graphic Novels
  • initprogcpp = Initiation à la programmation (en C++) 20cnwm

  • circuits = Linear Circuits
  • citizenjournalism = Journalism Skills for Engaged Citizens
  • clinical psych = The Clinical Psychology of Children and Young People
  • community change = Community Change in Public Health
  • comnetworks = Computer Networks
  • comp artsaudio = Introduction to Computational Arts: Audio
  • comp artsprocessing = Introduction to Computational Arts: Processing
  • comp artsvisual = Introduction to Computational Arts: Visual Arts
  • comp ilers = Compilers
  • comp methods = Computational Methods for Data Analysis
  • comp photo = Computational Photography
  • contraception = Contraception: Choices, Culture and Consequences
  • contrats = Rédaction de contrats
  • cooperativelearning = Engaging Students through Cooperative Learning
  • corpfin = Основы корпоративных финансов (Fundamentals of Corporate Finance)
  • criticalthinking = Critical Thinking in Global Challenges
  • datan = Core Concepts in Data Analysis
  • db = Introduction to Databases
  • democraticdev = Democratic Development
  • design = Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society
  • digitalaccessibility = Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility
  • digitalmedia = Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps
  • digitalsounddesign = Introduction to Digital Sound Design
  • digitalstorytelling = Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling
  • distributions = Initiation à la théorie des distributions
  • drugsandbrain = Drugs and the Brain
  • dsalgo = 数据结构与算法 Data Structures and Algorithms
  • durabilite = Durabilité : état des lieux planétaire, scénarios envisageables
  • earlychildhood = Effective Classroom Interactions: Supporting Young Children’s Development
  • earth = Planet Earth...and You!
  • econ1scientists = Principles of Economics for Scientists
  • eefun = None
  • eefunlab = Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Laboratory

  • elearning = e-Learning Ecologies
  • empresafamiliar = Continuidad y desarrollo de la empresa familiar
  • energy = Energy, the Environment, and Our Future
  • enrpv = Physique des cellules solaires au silicium
  • epiapps = 软件包在流行病学研究中的应用 Using software apps in epidemiological research
  • eqp = Exploring Quantum Physics
  • equinenutrition = Equine Nutrition
  • escrituraesp = Fundamentos de la escritura en español
  • ethique = Le Bien, le Juste, l'Utile. Introduction aux éthiques philosophiques
  • evaluation = Evaluation financière de l'entreprise
  • exphys = Exercise Physiology: Understanding the Athlete Within
  • extrasolarplanets = The Diversity of Exoplanets
  • fantasysf = Fantasy and Science Fiction: The Human Mind, Our Modern World
  • fdubigdata = 大数据与信息传播 Big Data and Information Dissemination
  • feedingtheworld = Feeding the World
  • financial markets = None
  • finiteelementmethods = The Finite Element Method for Problems in Physics
  • fog = Fog Networks and the Internet of Things
  • foreigneyes = America Through Foreign Eyes
  • fsi = Fundamentals of Fluid-Solid Interactions
  • ge2015 = Understanding the UK's 2015 General Election
  • genomescience = Experimental Genome Science
  • genrx = Generation Rx: The Science Behind Prescription Drug Abuse
  • geodesign = Geodesign: Change Your World
  • global food systems = Sustainability of Food Systems: A Global Life Cycle Perspective
  • global affairsfinal = Global Affairs Final Project
  • global sports business = The Global Business of Sports
  • global trends = Analyzing Global Trends for Business and Society
  • globe = Globalization of Business Enterprise
  • googlemedia = Understanding Media by Understanding Google
  • graphene = Graphene and 2-dimensional Materials
  • gt comp = First-Year Composition 2.0
  • hacommunication = None
  • health leadership = Health Leadership
  • health policy = Health Policy and the Affordable Care Act
  • history ofec = История экономической мысли (History of Economic Thought)
  • hollywood = The Language of Hollywood: Storytelling, Sound, and Color
  • human research = Guinea Pigs, Heroes & Desperate Patients: The History & Ethics of Human Research
  • humannutrition = Fundamentals of Human Nutrition
  • humantrafficking = Human Trafficking
  • hwts = Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage
  • ictinprimary = ICT in Primary Education: Transforming children's learning across the curriculum
  • immigration = Citizenship and U.S. Immigration
  • industorg = Теория отраслевых рынков (Industrial Organization)
  • informationtheory = Information Theory
  • infra finance = Financing and Investing in Infrastructure
  • initprogjava = Initiation à la programmation (en Java)
  • innovacionrea = Innovación educativa con recursos abiertos
  • innovation = Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations
  • instec = Институциональная экономика (Institutional economics)
  • interorg = International Organizations Management
  • introbiology = Preparation for Introductory Biology: DNA to Organisms
  • introeulaw = The Law of the European Union: An Introduction
  • intrologic = Introduction to Logic
  • intropharma = Introduction to Pharmacy
  • intropoocpp = None
  • intropsych = Introduction to Psychology
  • introtoclassical = Introduction to Classical Music
  • introtolca = How Green Is That Product? An Introduction to Life Cycle Environmental Assessment
  • kunqu = The Beauty of Kunqu Opera | 崑曲之美
  • latinamericanculture = Latin American Culture
  • latinmigration = Latin American Migration
  • latinopop = Latino Popular Culture for the Clueless
  • law = Law and the Entrepreneur
  • lcl = Introduction to Light, Color, and Life
  • lidergestionedu = Liderazgo en gestión educativa estratégica a través del uso de la tecnología
  • lifenutr = Nutrition, Health, and Lifestyle: Issues and Insights
  • linearopt = Linear and Discrete Optimization
  • linearprogramming = Linear and Integer Programming
  • linguanegocios = Fundamentos e Linguagem de Negócios: Contabilidade (The Blue Side Up)
  • liveart history = Live!: A History of Art for Artists, Animators and Gamers
  • logic1 = Logic: Language and Information 1
  • logic2 = Logic: Language and Information 2
  • logisticregression = Applied Logistic Regression
  • ltto = Learning to Teach Online
  • lyingcamera = The Camera Never Lies
  • m2o2c2 = Massively Multivariable Open Online Calculus Course
  • machlearning = Machine Learning
  • macroec = Макроэкономика (Macroeconomics)
  • magnacarta = Freedom and protest: Magna Carta and its legacies
  • malsoftware = Malicious Software and its Underground Economy: Two Sides to Every Story
  • maps = Maps and the Geospatial Revolution
  • massiveteaching = Teaching goes massive: new skills required

  • mathletics = Math behind Moneyball
  • maththink = Introduction to Mathematical Thinking
  • medievalspain = Deciphering Secrets: Unlocking the Manuscripts of Medieval Spain
  • metaliteracy = Metaliteracy: Empowering Yourself in a Connected World
  • mhglobal = Mental Health: A Global Priority
  • microeconomic = Основы микроэкономики (Microeconomics Principles)
  • model systems = Everything is the Same: Modeling Engineered Systems
  • model thinking = None
  • money2 = Economics of Money and Banking, Part Two
  • music history performs = From the Repertoire: Western Music History through Performance
  • musictheory = Fundamentals of Music Theory
  • mysticthought = Modern European Mysticism and Psychological Thought
  • nanotech = Nanotechnology: The Basics
  • needpsych = Why We Need Psychology
  • networks = Networked Life
  • neuraldata = Exploring Neural Data
  • neurobio = Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life
  • neuroethics = Neuroethics
  • neuromarketing = An Introduction to Consumer Neuroscience & Neuromarketing
  • new china history 1 = Understanding China, 1700-2000: A Data Analytic Approach, Part 1
  • new china history 2 = Understanding China, 1700-2000: A Data Analytic Approach, Part 2
  • nlp = Natural Language Processing
  • ntuecom = Foundations of E-Commerce
  • ntuem = 電磁學(Electromagnetics)
  • ntufsc = Introduction to Forensic Science
  • nuclear science = A Look at Nuclear Science and Technology
  • nutrition = Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

  • nudgeit = Nudge-it: Understanding obesity
  • nutritionfor health = Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health
  • oceansolutions = Ocean Solutions
  • oldglobe = Growing Old Around the Globe
  • organalysis = Organizational Analysis (Self-Paced)
  • paradox = 悖论:思维的魔方
  • pcd = Programmed cell death
  • pdstatistics = Passion Driven Statistics
  • pealgoritmico = Pensamiento algorítmico
  • personal finance = Financial Planning for Young Adults
  • personalisedmed = Myths and Realities of Personalised Medicine: The Genetic Revolution
  • pharm101 = Fundamentals of Pharmacology
  • philculture = Философия культуры (Philosophy of Culture)
  • philsci = Philosophy and the Sciences
  • phys1 = Introductory Physics I with Laboratory
  • physics1 = Physics 1 for Physical Science Majors
  • pkupop = 程序设计实习 / Practice on Programming
  • plantknows = What a Plant Knows (and other things you didn’t know about plants)
  • poisonings = Poisonings in the Home and Community: Assessment and Emergency Response
  • practicalethics = Practical Ethics
  • precalculus = Pre-Calculus
  • probability = Probability
  • proglang = Programming Languages
  • psy = Introduction to Psychology as a Science
  • public health = Principles of Public Health
  • publiceconom = Public Economics
  • rationing = Rationing and Allocating Scarce Medical Resources
  • relationship = The Fiction of Relationship
  • religionandtolerance = Practicing Tolerance in a Religious Society: The Church and the Jews in Italy

  • renminbi = The Role of the Renminbi in the International Monetary System
  • resilienceinchildren = Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives
  • responsible mgmnt = Managing Responsibly: Practicing Sustainability, Responsibility and Ethics
  • roman architecture = Roman Architecture
  • rural nursing = Rural Health Nursing
  • sanitation = Planning & Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies
  • sci write = Writing in the Sciences
  • scientificthinking = Science from Superheroes to Global Warming
  • sdn1 = Software Defined Networking
  • secrets = Archaeology's Dirty Little Secrets
  • security = Computer Security
  • self reflection = Engineering Self-Reflection for Human Completion
  • sh = Scientific Humanities
  • shaping1landscape = Shaping the Way We Teach English, 1: The Landscape of English Language Teaching
  • shaping2paths = Shaping the Way We Teach English, 2: Paths to Success in ELT
  • sids = Pathways to climate change adaptation: the case of Small Island Developing States
  • sjtuch902 = 唐诗宋词人文解读 Appreciation of Tang and Song Poetry
  • sjtujc331 = 媒介批评:理论与方法 Media Criticism: Theory and Method
  • sjtula014 = 法与社会 Law and Society
  • slave south = History of the Slave South
  • sna = Social Network Analysis
  • soc101 = Introduction to Sociology
  • social epi = Social Epidemiology
  • spatial computing = From GPS and Google Maps to Spatial Computing
  • staticsofobjects = Structure Standing Still: The Statics of Everyday Objects
  • statistics 101 = Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences
  • statreasoning = Statistical Reasoning for Public Health 1: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation
  • stats 1 = Statistics One
  • structures = L'art des structures 1 : Câbles et arcs
  • structures2 = L'Art des Structures 2 : treillis, poutres, dalles et cadres
  • sts china 2 = Science, Technology, and Society in China II: History of S&T in Chinese Society
  • sts china 1 = Science, Technology, and Society in China I: Basic Concepts
  • sts china 3 = Science, Technology, and Society in China III: The Present & Policy Implications
  • sustainability = Learning for Sustainability: Developing a personal ethic
  • sustaininprac = Sustainability in Practice
  • taxlaw = Введение в российское налоговое право (Introduction to the Russian Tax Law)
  • tbmanagement = Global Tuberculosis (TB) Clinical Management and Research
  • teaching hist = The Art of Teaching History: A Global Conversation for Secondary Educators
  • tech ethics = Technology and Ethics
  • techcity = TechniCity
  • theriogenology = Canine Theriogenology for Dog Enthusiasts
  • ticyeducacion = Tecnologías de información y comunicación en la educación
  • tissue101 = Introduction to Tissue Engineering
  • total leadership = Better Leader, Richer Life
  • trad healing spirit = Curanderismo Part 2: Traditional Healing of the Spirit/Energy
  • tradhealingbody = Curanderismo Part 1: Traditional Healing of the Body
  • ucsfdiabetes = Diabetes: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Opportunities
  • understanding terror = Understanding Terrorism and the Terrorist Threat
  • uvg = Understanding Video Games
#link for courses.csv:
#link for
import sys
import csv
import codecs
mapping = dict()
with open('courses.csv', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
for row in reader:
mapping[row["Slug"].split(',')[0].split("-")[0]] = row["Course Name"]
with open('', 'r') as input_file,'', 'w', 'utf-8') as output_file:
for line in input_file:
if line[0] == '*':
output_file.write(line.rstrip() + ' = %s\n' % mapping.get(line[2:-1].replace(" ", "")))
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