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Forked from dabrahams/ConcurrentMap.swift
Created March 23, 2022 08:34
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Concurrent Map Implementations, Benchmarked
// See commentary below this gist.
import Foundation
import QuartzCore
// Implementation from
public final class ThreadSafe<A> {
var _value: A
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "ThreadSafe")
init(_ value: A) { self._value = value }
var value: A {
return queue.sync { _value }
func atomically(_ transform: (inout A) -> ()) {
queue.sync { transform(&self._value) }
extension Array {
func concurrentMap1<B>(nthreads:Int?=nil, _ transform: (Element) -> B) -> [B] {
let result = ThreadSafe(Array<B?>(repeating: nil, count: count))
let nt = nthreads ?? count
let cs = (count-1)/nt+1
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: nt) { i in
let min = i*cs
let max = min+cs>count ? count : min+cs
for idx in (min..<max) {
let element = self[idx]
let transformed = transform(element)
result.atomically { $0[idx] = transformed }
return { $0! }
// My generic implementation
extension RandomAccessCollection {
/// Returns ``, computed in parallel.
/// - Requires: `transform` is safe to call from multiple threads.
func concurrentMap2<B>(minBatchSize: Int = 4096, _ transform: (Element) -> B) -> [B] {
precondition(minBatchSize >= 1)
let n = self.count
let batchCount = (n + minBatchSize - 1) / minBatchSize
if batchCount < 2 { return }
return Array(unsafeUninitializedCapacity: n) {
uninitializedMemory, resultCount in
resultCount = n
let baseAddress = uninitializedMemory.baseAddress!
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: batchCount) { b in
let startOffset = b * n / batchCount
let endOffset = (b + 1) * n / batchCount
var sourceIndex = index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: startOffset)
for p in baseAddress+startOffset..<baseAddress+endOffset {
p.initialize(to: transform(self[sourceIndex]))
formIndex(after: &sourceIndex)
// This oughta be an optimization, but doesn't seem to be!
extension Array {
/// Returns ``, computed in parallel.
/// - Requires: `transform` is safe to call from multiple threads.
func concurrentMap3<B>(_ transform: (Element) -> B) -> [B] {
withUnsafeBufferPointer { $0.concurrentMap2(transform) }
// Implementation with no unsafe constructs.
extension RandomAccessCollection {
/// Returns ``, computed in parallel.
/// - Requires: `transform` is safe to call from multiple threads.
func concurrentMap4<B>(_ transform: (Element) -> B) -> [B] {
let batchSize = 4096 // Tune this
let n = self.count
let batchCount = (n + batchSize - 1) / batchSize
if batchCount < 2 { return }
var batches = ThreadSafe(
ContiguousArray<[B]?>(repeating: nil, count: batchCount))
func batchStart(_ b: Int) -> Index {
index(startIndex, offsetBy: b * n / batchCount)
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: batchCount) { b in
let batch = self[batchStart(b)..<batchStart(b + 1)].map(transform)
batches.atomically { $0[b] = batch }
return batches.value.flatMap { $0! }
func test(count: Int, _ transform: (Int)->Int) {
let hugeCollection = 0...655360
let hugeArray = Array(hugeCollection)
func time<R>(_ f: ()->R) -> (time: Double, result: R) {
let startTime = CACurrentMediaTime()
let r = f()
let t = CACurrentMediaTime() - startTime
return (t, r)
let (t0, r0) = time { }
print("sequential map time:", t0, "(the one to beat)")
let (t1, r1) = time { hugeArray.concurrentMap1(transform) }
print("concurrentMap1 time:", t1)
let (t2, r2) = time { hugeArray.concurrentMap2(transform) }
print("concurrentMap2 time:", t2)
let (t3, r3) = time { hugeArray.concurrentMap3(transform) }
print("concurrentMap3 time:", t3)
let (t4, r4) = time { hugeArray.concurrentMap4(transform) }
print("concurrentMap4 time:", t4)
if r1 != r0 { fatalError("bad implementation 1") }
if r2 != r0 { fatalError("bad implementation 2") }
if r3 != r0 { fatalError("bad implementation 3") }
if r4 != r0 { fatalError("bad implementation 4") }
let N = 65536
print("* Testing a fast operation, to show overhead")
test(count: N * 10) { $0 &+ 1 }
print("* Testing slow operations")
let bigArray = Array(0...N)
for shift in 0..<5 {
let M = (N >> 4) << shift
let workload = bigArray.prefix(M)
print("- worklaod size: ", workload.count)
test(count: N) { workload.reduce($0, &+) }
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