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Created January 1, 2025 05:14
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A bash script to generate and apply required rules in ufw for serving 80 and 443 to only cloudflare servers.
# Fetch Cloudflare IP ranges
# Temporary files to store IP ranges
# Download the IP ranges
curl -s $ipv4_url -o $ipv4_file
curl -s $ipv6_url -o $ipv6_file
# Check if files were downloaded successfully
if [ ! -s $ipv4_file ] || [ ! -s $ipv6_file ]; then
echo "Failed to fetch Cloudflare IP ranges. Exiting."
exit 1
# Add UFW rules for IPv4
while read -r ip; do
sudo ufw allow from $ip to any port 80
sudo ufw allow from $ip to any port 443
done < $ipv4_file
# Add UFW rules for IPv6
while read -r ip; do
sudo ufw allow from $ip to any port 80
sudo ufw allow from $ip to any port 443
done < $ipv6_file
# Deny all other traffic on ports 80 and 443
sudo ufw deny 80
sudo ufw deny 443
# Clean up temporary files
rm -f $ipv4_file $ipv6_file
echo "Cloudflare UFW rules have been applied."
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