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Created March 27, 2023 23:29
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[jacobly0-mac-f16-abi] tiberius▸ rm -fr zig-cache; zig2 test -Itest test/behavior.zig
Test [26/1667] test.align(@alignOf(T)) T does not force resolution of T... SKIP
Test [70/1667] test.simple coroutine suspend and resume... SKIP
Test [71/1667] test.pass parameter to coroutine... SKIP
Test [72/1667] test.suspend at end of function... SKIP
Test [73/1667] test.local variable in async function... SKIP
Test [74/1667] test.calling an inferred async function... SKIP
Test [75/1667] test.@frameSize... SKIP
Test [76/1667] test.coroutine suspend, resume... SKIP
Test [77/1667] test.coroutine suspend with block... SKIP
Test [78/1667] test.coroutine await... SKIP
Test [79/1667] test.coroutine await early return... SKIP
Test [80/1667] test.async function with dot syntax... SKIP
Test [81/1667] test.async fn pointer in a struct field... SKIP
Test [82/1667] test.@asyncCall with return type... SKIP
Test [83/1667] test.async fn with inferred error set... SKIP
Test [84/1667] test.error return trace across suspend points - early return... SKIP
Test [85/1667] test.error return trace across suspend points - async return... SKIP
Test [86/1667] test.break from suspend... SKIP
Test [87/1667] test.heap allocated async function frame... SKIP
Test [88/1667] test.async function call return value... SKIP
Test [89/1667] test.suspension points inside branching control flow... SKIP
Test [90/1667] async function which has struct return type... SKIP
Test [91/1667] test.pass string literal to async function... SKIP
Test [92/1667] test.await inside an errdefer... SKIP
Test [93/1667] test.try in an async function with error union and non-zero-bit payload... SKIP
Test [94/1667] test.returning a const error from async function... SKIP
Test [95/1667] test.async/await typical usage... SKIP
Test [96/1667] test.alignment of local variables in async functions... SKIP
Test [97/1667] reason to resolve frame still works... SKIP
Test [98/1667] test.async call a generic function... SKIP
Test [99/1667] test.return from suspend block... SKIP
Test [100/1667] test.struct parameter to async function is copied to the frame... SKIP
Test [101/1667] test.cast fn to async fn when it is inferred to be async... SKIP
Test [102/1667] test.cast fn to async fn when it is inferred to be async, awaited direc... SKIP
Test [103/1667] test.await does not force async if callee is blocking... SKIP
Test [104/1667] test.recursive async function... SKIP
Test [105/1667] test.@asyncCall with comptime-known function, but not awaited directly... SKIP
Test [106/1667] test.@asyncCall with actual frame instead of byte buffer... SKIP
Test [107/1667] test.@asyncCall using the result location inside the frame... SKIP
Test [108/1667] test.@TypeOf an async function call of generic fn with error union type... SKIP
Test [109/1667] test.using @TypeOf on a generic function call... SKIP
Test [110/1667] test.recursive call of await @asyncCall with struct return type... SKIP
Test [111/1667] test.nosuspend function call... SKIP
Test [112/1667] test.await used in expression and awaiting fn with no suspend but asyn... SKIP
Test [113/1667] test.await used in expression after a fn call... SKIP
Test [114/1667] test.async fn call used in expression after a fn call... SKIP
Test [115/1667] test.suspend in for loop... SKIP
Test [116/1667] test.suspend in while loop... SKIP
Test [117/1667] test.correctly spill when returning the error union result of another a... SKIP
Test [118/1667] test.spill target expr in a for loop... SKIP
Test [119/1667] test.spill target expr in a for loop, with a var decl in the loop body... SKIP
Test [120/1667] test.async call with @call... SKIP
Test [121/1667] test.async function passed 0-bit arg after non-0-bit arg... SKIP
Test [122/1667] test.async function passed align(16) arg after align(8) arg... SKIP
Test [123/1667] test.async function call resolves target fn frame, comptime func... SKIP
Test [124/1667] test.async function call resolves target fn frame, runtime func... SKIP
Test [125/1667] test.properly spill optional payload capture value... SKIP
Test [126/1667] test.handle defer interfering with return value spill... SKIP
Test [127/1667] test.take address of temporary async frame... SKIP
Test [128/1667] test.nosuspend await... SKIP
Test [129/1667] test.nosuspend on function calls... SKIP
Test [130/1667] test.nosuspend on async function calls... SKIP
Test [131/1667] test.nosuspend resume async function calls... SKIP
Test [132/1667] test.avoid forcing frame alignment resolution implicit cast to *anyopaq... SKIP
Test [133/1667] test.@asyncCall with pass-by-value arguments... SKIP
Test [134/1667] test.@asyncCall with arguments having non-standard alignment... SKIP
Test [147/1667] test.atomicrmw with 128-bit ints... SKIP
Test [150/1667] test.coroutine await struct... SKIP
Test [222/1667] test.weird array and tuple initializations... SKIP
Test [224/1667] test.generic function uses return type of other generic function... SKIP
Test [228/1667] test.namespace lookup ignores decl causing the lookup... SKIP
Test [293/1667] test.allocation and looping over 3-byte integer... SKIP
Test [340/1667] test.registers get overwritten when ignoring return... SKIP
Test [349/1667] test.aggregate initializers should allow initializing comptime fields, ... SKIP
Test [517/1667] test.cast f16 to wider types... FAIL (TestUnexpectedResult)
/Users/mike/project/zig/work/llvm16c/lib/std/testing.zig:509:14: 0x10ec4f5f7 in expect (test)
if (!ok) return error.TestUnexpectedResult;
/Users/mike/project/zig/work/llvm16c/test/behavior/cast.zig:1329:13: 0x10ec826f0 in doTheTest (test)
try expect(@as(f128, 1234.0) == x);
/Users/mike/project/zig/work/llvm16c/test/behavior/cast.zig:1332:5: 0x10ec82733 in test.cast f16 to wider types (test)
try S.doTheTest();
Test [518/1667] test.cast f128 to narrower types... FAIL (TestUnexpectedResult)
/Users/mike/project/zig/work/llvm16c/lib/std/testing.zig:509:14: 0x10ec4f5f7 in expect (test)
if (!ok) return error.TestUnexpectedResult;
/Users/mike/project/zig/work/llvm16c/test/behavior/cast.zig:1353:13: 0x10ec827b6 in doTheTest (test)
try expect(@as(f16, 1234.0) == @floatCast(f16, x));
/Users/mike/project/zig/work/llvm16c/test/behavior/cast.zig:1358:5: 0x10ec82883 in test.cast f128 to narrower types (test)
try S.doTheTest();
Test [541/1667] test.type pun signed and unsigned as array pointer... SKIP
Test [542/1667] test.type pun signed and unsigned as offset many pointer... SKIP
Test [545/1667] test.type pun bits... SKIP
Test [546/1667] test.basic pointer preservation... SKIP
Test [547/1667] test.byte copy preserves linker value... SKIP
Test [548/1667] test.unordered byte copy preserves linker value... SKIP
Test [549/1667] test.shuffle chunks of linker value... SKIP
Test [550/1667] on linker values... SKIP
Test [551/1667] test.offset array ptr by element size... SKIP
Test [552/1667] test.offset instance by field size... SKIP
Test [553/1667] test.offset field ptr by enclosing array element size... SKIP
Test [758/1667] test.continue nested inline for loop... SKIP
Test [759/1667] test.continue nested inline for loop in named block expr... SKIP
Test [1028/1667] test.@mulAdd f128... FAIL (TestUnexpectedResult)
/Users/mike/project/zig/work/llvm16c/lib/std/testing.zig:509:14: 0x10ec4f5f7 in expect (test)
if (!ok) return error.TestUnexpectedResult;
/Users/mike/project/zig/work/llvm16c/test/behavior/muladd.zig:87:5: 0x10ecba405 in testMulAdd128 (test)
try expect(@mulAdd(f128, a, b, c) == 20);
/Users/mike/project/zig/work/llvm16c/test/behavior/muladd.zig:80:5: 0x10ecba443 in test.@mulAdd f128 (test)
try testMulAdd128();
Test [1157/1667] test.@shuffle bool 2... SKIP
Test [1420/1667] test.Type.AnyFrame... SKIP
Test [1427/1667] test.Type.Fn... SKIP
Test [1451/1667] test.type info: anyframe and anyframe->T... SKIP
Test [1456/1667] test.type info for async frames... SKIP
Test [1580/1667] test.vector @splat... SKIP
Test [1649/1667] test.float widening f16 to f128... FAIL (TestUnexpectedResult)
/Users/mike/project/zig/work/llvm16c/lib/std/testing.zig:509:14: 0x10ec4f5f7 in expect (test)
if (!ok) return error.TestUnexpectedResult;
/Users/mike/project/zig/work/llvm16c/test/behavior/widening.zig:82:5: 0x10ed1281f in test.float widening f16 to f128 (test)
try expect(x == y);
Test [1656/1667] test.asm modifiers (AArch64)... SKIP
1569 passed; 94 skipped; 4 failed.
error: the following test command failed with exit code 1:
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