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Modification of commentary-vim that allows for case-insensitive matching of comment delimiters (e.g., `rem` is no different from `REM` in dosbatch)
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" commentary.vim - Comment stuff out | |
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <> | |
" Version: 1.3 | |
" echomsg "commentary.vim: before g:loaded_commentary=" . get(g:, 'loaded_commentary', 0) | |
echom a | |
if exists("g:loaded_commentary") || v:version < 703 | |
finish | |
endif | |
let g:loaded_commentary = 1 | |
" echomsg "commentary.vim: after g:loaded_commentary=" . get(g:, 'loaded_commentary', 0) | |
function! s:surroundings() abort | |
return split(get(b:, 'commentary_format', substitute(substitute(substitute( | |
\ &commentstring, '^$', '%s', ''), '\S\zs%s',' %s', '') ,'%s\ze\S', '%s ', '')), '%s', 1) | |
endfunction | |
" Case-insensitive or case-sensitive equality comparison. | |
function! s:cased_eq(l, r) abort | |
if exists('b:commentary_caseinsensitive') && b:commentary_caseinsensitive | |
return a:l ==? a:r | |
else | |
return a:l ==# a:r | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
" Case-insensitive or case-sensitive regex match. | |
function! s:cased_match(line, pattern) abort | |
if exists('b:commentary_caseinsensitive') && b:commentary_caseinsensitive | |
return a:line =~? a:pattern | |
else | |
return a:line =~# a:pattern | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
function! s:cased_stridx(haystack, needle) abort | |
let haystack = a:haystack | |
let needle = a:needle | |
if exists('b:commentary_caseinsensitive') && b:commentary_caseinsensitive | |
let haystack = tolower(a:haystack) | |
let needle = tolower(a:needle) | |
endif | |
return stridx(haystack, needle) | |
endfunction | |
function! s:strip_white_space(l, r, line) abort | |
let [l, r] = [a:l, a:r] | |
if s:cased_eq(l[-1:], ' ') && s:cased_stridx(a:line, l) == -1 && s:cased_stridx(a:line, l[0:-2]) == 0 | |
let l = l[:-2] | |
endif | |
if s:cased_eq(r[0], ' ') && (' ' . a:line)[-strlen(r)-1:] != r && a:line[-strlen(r):] == r[1:] | |
let r = r[1:] | |
endif | |
return [l, r] | |
endfunction | |
function! s:go(...) abort | |
if !a:0 | |
" echom "s:go() a:0==0; operatorfunc + g@" | |
let &operatorfunc = matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '[^. ]*$') | |
return 'g@' | |
elseif a:0 > 1 | |
" echom "s:go() a:0>1; a:1=" . a:1 . " a:2=" . a:2 . " a:3=" . a:3 | |
let [lnum1, lnum2] = [a:1, a:2] | |
else | |
" echom "s:go() a:0==1; line('[')=" . line("["). " line(']')=" . line("]") | |
let [lnum1, lnum2] = [line("'["), line("']")] | |
endif | |
let [l, r] = s:surroundings() | |
let uncomment = 2 | |
let force_uncomment = a:0 > 2 && a:3 | |
for lnum in range(lnum1, lnum2) | |
let line = matchstr(getline(lnum), '\S.*\s\@<!') | |
let [l, r] = s:strip_white_space(l, r, line) | |
if len(line) && (s:cased_stridx(line, l) || line[strlen(line) - strlen(r) : -1] != r) | |
let uncomment = 0 | |
endif | |
endfor | |
if get(b:, 'commentary_startofline') | |
let indent = '^' | |
else | |
let indent = '^\s*' | |
endif | |
let lines = [] | |
for lnum in range(lnum1, lnum2) | |
let line = getline(lnum) | |
if strlen(r) > 2 && !s:cased_match(l.r, '\\') | |
let line = substitute(line, | |
\ '\M' . substitute(l, '\ze\S\s*$', '\\zs\\d\\*\\ze', '') . '\|' . substitute(r, '\S\zs', '\\zs\\d\\*\\ze', ''), | |
\ '\=substitute(submatch(0)+1-uncomment,"^0$\\|^-\\d*$","","")', 'g') | |
endif | |
if force_uncomment | |
if s:cased_match(line, '^\s*' . l) | |
let line = substitute(line,'\S.*\s\@<!','\=submatch(0)[strlen(l):-strlen(r)-1]','') | |
endif | |
elseif uncomment | |
let line = substitute(line,'\S.*\s\@<!','\=submatch(0)[strlen(l):-strlen(r)-1]','') | |
else | |
let line = substitute(line,'^\%('.matchstr(getline(lnum1),indent).'\|\s*\)\zs.*\S\@<=','\=l.submatch(0).r','') | |
endif | |
call add(lines, line) | |
endfor | |
call setline(lnum1, lines) | |
let modelines = &modelines | |
try | |
set modelines=0 | |
silent doautocmd User CommentaryPost | |
finally | |
let &modelines = modelines | |
endtry | |
return '' | |
endfunction | |
function! s:textobject(inner) abort | |
let [l, r] = s:surroundings() | |
let lnums = [line('.')+1, line('.')-2] | |
for [index, dir, bound, line] in [[0, -1, 1, ''], [1, 1, line('$'), '']] | |
while lnums[index] != bound && line ==# '' || !(s:cased_stridx(line,l) || line[strlen(line)-strlen(r) : -1] != r) | |
let lnums[index] += dir | |
let line = matchstr(getline(lnums[index]+dir),'\S.*\s\@<!') | |
let [l, r] = s:strip_white_space(l,r,line) | |
endwhile | |
endfor | |
while (a:inner || lnums[1] != line('$')) && empty(getline(lnums[0])) | |
let lnums[0] += 1 | |
endwhile | |
while a:inner && empty(getline(lnums[1])) | |
let lnums[1] -= 1 | |
endwhile | |
if lnums[0] <= lnums[1] | |
execute 'normal! 'lnums[0].'GV'.lnums[1].'G' | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
command! -range -bar -bang Commentary call s:go(<line1>,<line2>,<bang>0) | |
xnoremap <expr> <Plug>Commentary <SID>go() | |
nnoremap <expr> <Plug>Commentary <SID>go() | |
nnoremap <expr> <Plug>CommentaryLine <SID>go() . '_' | |
onoremap <silent> <Plug>Commentary :<C-U>call <SID>textobject(get(v:, 'operator', '') ==# 'c')<CR> | |
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>ChangeCommentary c:<C-U>call <SID>textobject(1)<CR> | |
if !hasmapto('<Plug>Commentary') || maparg('gc','n') ==# '' | |
xmap gc <Plug>Commentary | |
nmap gc <Plug>Commentary | |
omap gc <Plug>Commentary | |
nmap gcc <Plug>CommentaryLine | |
nmap gcu <Plug>Commentary<Plug>Commentary | |
endif | |
nmap <silent> <Plug>CommentaryUndo :echoerr "Change your <Plug>CommentaryUndo map to <Plug>Commentary<Plug>Commentary"<CR> | |
" vim:set et sw=2: |
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