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Last active June 5, 2019 20:31
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Naive ospec.js defintion file
// Type definitions for ospec 1.4
// Project:
// Definitions by: Tomek Łaziuk <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.3
declare namespace ospec {
interface Assertion {
equals: AssertionFn;
notEquals: AssertionFn;
deepEquals: AssertionFn;
notDeepEquals: AssertionFn;
[_: string]: AssertionFn;
type AssertionFn = (value: any) => (description: string) => void;
type done = () => void;
type timeout = (timeout: number) => void;
type TestFn = (done?: done, timeout?: timeout) => void | Promise<void>;
interface Spy<T extends Function = Function> {
callCount: number;
args: T["arguments"];
interface SpyFn {
(): Spy & Function;
<T extends Function>(fn: T): Spy<T> & T;
interface ResultTrue {
pass: true;
interface ResultFalse {
pass: false;
error: Error["stack"];
message: Error["message"] | string;
context: string;
interface Static {
(title: string, assertions: TestFn): void;
(value: any): Assertion;
after: (done: done, setup: timeout) => void;
afterEach: Static["after"];
before: (done: done, setup: timeout) => void;
beforeEach: Static["before"];
new: () => Static;
only: (title: string, assertions: TestFn) => void;
run(fn?: (result: ResultTrue | ResultFalse) => void): void;
spec: (title: string, tests: () => void) => void;
spy: SpyFn;
declare var ospec: ospec.Static;
export = ospec;
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