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Created November 16, 2017 16:53
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# Author: Mike Abreu
main() {
display_message $CBLUE "[*] System Update Starting."
display_message $CORANGE "[+] Updating Aptitude Repositories:${CGREEN} sudo apt-get update"
sudo apt-get update
display_message $CORANGE "[+] Upgrading Installed Packages:${CGREEN} sudo apt-get upgrade -y --show-progress"
sudo apt-get upgrade -y --show-progress
display_message $CORANGE "[+] Upgrading Distrubution Packages:${CGREEN} sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y --show-progress"
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y --show-progress
display_message $CORANGE "[+] Erase Old Downloaded Archives:${CGREEN} sudo apt-get autoclean -y"
sudo apt-get autoclean -y
display_message $CORANGE "[+] Removing Unused Packages:${CGREEN} sudo apt-get autoremove -y --show-progress"
sudo apt-get autoremove -y --show-progress
display_message $CBLUE "[*] System Update Finished."
add_terminal_colors() {
for HEX in {0..255};do eval "C$HEX"="\\\033[38\;5\;${HEX}m";done
for HEX in {0..255};do eval "CB${HEX}"="\\\033[48\;5\;${HEX}m";done
display_message() {
# display_message color message
echo -e "${1}${2}${CE}"
main @
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