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Created November 23, 2022 18:46
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Python script to build a tag cloud for Hugo websites
# You need to write a file with the [TOPIC_CLOUD] in the location to have the tag cloud injected.
# You also need to add to your config.toml for Hugo.
# This will read content/posts/*.md and pull out 'tags' from the frontmatter section to create
from collections import Counter
import json
from pathlib import Path
def main():
topics = count_topics()
tag_text = build_tag_text(topics)
text = get_template_text()
new_topics_text = text.replace('[TOPIC_CLOUD]', tag_text)
print("Wrote to")
def write_topics_file(topics_text: str):
topics_file = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "mksite" / "content" / ""
def build_tag_text(topics: list[str]):
c = Counter(topics)
counted_topics = c.most_common()
print("Generated topics list:")
text = ""
max_count = max(ct[1] for ct in counted_topics)
min_count = min(ct[1] for ct in counted_topics)
max_em = 2.5
min_em = .75
for tag, count in counted_topics:
tag = tag.replace(' ', '-').lower().strip()
ratio = count/(max_count-min_count)
em = (max_em - min_em)*ratio
# text += f"- [{count}] [{tag}](/tags/{tag}/)\n"
text += f'<a style="margin: 10px; font-size: {em}em;" class="badge-tag tag badge" href="/tags/{tag}/">{tag}</a>'
return text
def count_topics() -> list[str]:
all_tags = []
posts_folder = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "mksite" / "content" / "posts"
for file in posts_folder.glob("*.md"):
tags = get_tags_from_file(file)
return all_tags
def get_tags_from_file(file: Path) -> list[str]:
for line in file.read_text().splitlines():
if line.startswith("tags: ["):
fake_json = '{"tags": ' + line[5:].replace("'", '"') + "}"
tags = json.loads(fake_json)["tags"]
return tags
return []
def get_template_text() -> str:
template_file = Path(__file__).parent / ""
template_md = template_file.read_text()
return template_md
if __name__ == "__main__":
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