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This sets up iptables rules to mangle packets from a docker network to the host's mail daemon (locked to localhost) ; used for a rocketchat, but easy to modify
# we want a rocketchat in a docker container to be able to access this machine's mailer daemon
# but it only accepts connections on the local interface (
# we can't change the mailer config, because that belongs to someone else and they'd be annoyed
# so we forward packets from this machine's docker network interface to localhost
# This script sets up the necessary packet mangling
# if our argument is "delete", then remove rules
if [ "$1" == "delete" ] ; then
# identify the IP of the gateway on the rocketchat's network (we are the gateway)
ROCKET_GW_IP=$(docker network inspect rocketchat_default | jq --raw-output '.[0].IPAM.Config[0].Gateway')
# find the name of the relevant interface
ROCKET_IFACE=$(ip addr | grep ${ROCKET_GW_IP} | sed 's/.*global //')
# get the IP of the rocket chat container
ROCKET_CONTAINER_IP=$(docker container inspect rocketchat |jq --raw-output '.[0].NetworkSettings.Networks.rocketchat_default.IPAddress')
# routing of non-localhost network packets to localhost, for this interface only
# otherwise the kernel refuses the connection
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.${ROCKET_IFACE}.route_localnet=${ROUTING_ENABLE_OR_DISABLE} > /dev/null
# this rule forwards packets from the docker network interface to localhost, for the SMTP port
IPTABLES_RULE_ARGS="PREROUTING --table nat --protocol tcp --in-interface ${ROCKET_IFACE} --dest ${ROCKET_GW_IP} --dport 25 --jump DNAT --to"
# see if we need to add a rule and do so if it doesn't already exist
iptables --check ${IPTABLES_RULE_ARGS} 2> /dev/null
if [[ $? != ${CHECK_RESULT_FOR_ACTION} ]] ; then
# this rule disguises the source address, because the mailer daemon won't relay for non localhost IPs
IPTABLES_RULE_ARGS="INPUT --table nat --protocol tcp --src ${ROCKET_CONTAINER_IP} --dport 25 -j SNAT --to"
# see if we need to add a rule and do so if it doesn't already exist
iptables --check ${IPTABLES_RULE_ARGS} 2> /dev/null
if [[ $? != ${CHECK_RESULT_FOR_ACTION} ]] ; then
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