If you have ever mistakenly added a word to the Brave browser dictionary,
you need to manually edit the Custom Dictionary.txt
As of March 2020, the Brave UI lacks a feature to do this.
This will depend on your OS. Google for where this is on your OS.
The file on macOS is at: ~/Library/Application\ Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Custom\ Dictionary.txt
Use your favorite text editor to edit and save the file.
As usual, with crappy Brave, it is buggy as can be. It works fine on Windows 10-11, macOS, but not on Ubuntu. Can edit the Custom Dictionary.txt file in /home/USERNAME/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default and it shows up in the brave://settings/editDictionary GUI, but the red squiggles never go away on words in the Custom Dictionary.txt. There iOS Brave is extremely buggy and crashes often. Typical nowadays with Big Tech entry level cut and paste coders using GPT/CoPilot.