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Last active October 17, 2023 23:02
Python module to read SnowSQL config file for Snowflake connection information
import configparser
from pathlib import Path
home = Path.home()
config_path = Path.home().joinpath( '.snowsql', 'config' )
def main():
print(f"Use as an import. User's home directory is {home}")
def retrieve(key):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()"{config_path}")
# Check if the connection section exists
if f"connections.{key}" not in config:
raise ValueError(f"The connection section 'connections.{key}' doesn't exist in the SnowSQL config file.")
connection_section = config[f"connections.{key}"]
# List of potential keys we want to retrieve
# Only account, user, and password are required
potential_keys = [
("accountname", "account"),
("username", "user"),
("password", "password"),
("rolename", "role"),
("dbname", "database"),
("schemaname", "schema"),
("warehouse", "warehouse")
for config_key, output_key in potential_keys:
if config_key in connection_section:
CONNECTION_PARAMETERS[output_key] = connection_section[config_key]
if __name__ == "__main__":
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