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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save mikeharding/9692180 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
QlikView script to generate a master calendar
Month, Q
1, Q1
2, Q1
3, Q1
4, Q2
5, Q2
6, Q2
7, Q3
8, Q3
9, Q3
10, Q4
11, Q4
12, Q4
Mapping LOAD * Inline [
MonthNo, LongMonth
1, January
2, February
3, March
4, April
5, May
6, June
7, July
8, August
9, September
10, October
11, November
12, December
min(DateKey) as minDate, // Replace DateKey with your Date key field
max(DateKey) as maxDate // Replace DateKey with your Date key field
Resident SourceTable; // Replace SourceTable with the name of the table containing the DateKey field
Let varMinDate = Num(Peek('minDate', 0, 'Temp'));
Let varMaxDate = Num(Peek('maxDate', 0, 'Temp'));
DROP Table Temp;
$(varMinDate) + Iterno()-1 As Num,
Date($(varMinDate) + IterNo() - 1) as TempDate
AutoGenerate 1 While $(varMinDate) + IterNo() -1 <= $(varMaxDate);
Set vFM = 4 ;
TempDate AS DateKey, // Replace DateKey with your Date key field
week(TempDate) as Week,
Year(TempDate) as Year,
Year(TempDate) -1 as [PriorYear],
Month(TempDate) as Month,
Dual(ApplyMap('MonthMap', Month(TempDate), Null()), Month(TempDate)) as MonthLong,
Day(TempDate) as Day,
YeartoDate(TempDate)*-1 as CurYTDFlag,
YeartoDate(TempDate,-1)*-1 as LastYTDFlag,
inyear(TempDate, Monthstart($(varMaxDate)),-1) as RC12,
date(monthstart(TempDate), 'MMM-YYYY') as MonthYear,
ApplyMap('QuartersMap', month(TempDate), Null()) as Quarter,
Week(weekstart(TempDate)) & '-' & WeekYear(TempDate) as WeekYear,
WeekDay(TempDate) as WeekDay
// Fiscal Year fields
//Year(TempDate) + If(Month(TempDate)>=$(vFM), 1, 0) As [Fiscal Year],
//Mod(Month(TempDate)-$(vFM), 12)+1 As [Fiscal Month]
Resident TempCalendar
Order By TempDate ASC;
Drop Table TempCalendar;
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Adjust the Months to Quarters mapping and the FiscalYear to match your fiscal calendar.

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