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Created September 24, 2020 16:19
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blur-up image picoapp component in a 11ty sanity setup
// just the shortcodes you'll need in eleventy config
const cx = require('nanoclass')
const imageUrlBuilder = require('@sanity/image-url')
const sanityClient = require('./util/sanityClient')
const builder = imageUrlBuilder(sanityClient)
function urlFor(image, width, height) {
if (width) {
if (height) {
return builder
} else {
return builder
} else {
return builder
eleventyConfig.addShortcode('urlFor', urlFor)
eleventyConfig.addShortcode('classNames', (...all) => cx(all))
import { component } from 'picoapp'
import choozy from 'choozy'
import { on, add } from '@selfaware/martha'
export default component((node, ctx) => {
const { img, imgWrap, lqip } = choozy(node)
img.onload = () => {
img.onload = null
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
add(node, 'is-loaded')
let off = on(imgWrap, 'transitionend', () => {
lqip && lqip.remove()
img.src = img.dataset.src
{# props = {
} #}
class="{% classNames 'lazy', containerCx %}"
{% if padding %}
style="padding-bottom: {{ 1 / image.metadata.dimensions.aspectRatio * 100 }}%"
{% endif %}
{% if not hideLqip %}
<div class="{% classNames 'lazy__lqip js-lqip', lqipCx %}">
{% if imgCx %}
class="{{ imgCx }}"
{% endif %}
src="{{ image.metadata.lqip }}"
{% endif %}
class="{% classNames 'lazy__img-wrap js-imgWrap', imgWrapCx %}"
class="{% classNames 'lazy__img js-img', imgCx %}"
data-src="{% urlFor image, width, height %}"
alt="{{ image.alt }}"
{% set containerCx = null %}
{% set lqipCx = null %}
{% set imgWrapCx = null %}
{% set imgCx = null %}
{% set image = null %}
{% set width = null %}
{% set height = null %}
{% set padding = null %}
{% set hideLqip = null %}
.lazy {
@extend .r; // comes from wool
z-index: 1; // do not remove, see here
overflow: hidden;
&__lqip {
@extend .ro;
filter: blur(4px);
transform: scale(1.05);
&__img-wrap {
@extend .ro; // comes from wool
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.5s $ease-out-quart; & {
opacity: 1;
// defining aspect ratio using util class on container
{% set image = module.image %}
{% set containerCx = 'r--1x1' %}
{% set imgCx = 'x y o-cover' %}
{% set width = 1080 %}
{% include 'lazy.njk' %}
// dynamic aspect ratio calculated based on image dimensions
{% set image = module.image %}
{% set imgCx = 'x y o-cover' %}
{% set width = 1080 %}
{% set padding = true %}
{% include 'lazy.njk' %}
// no lqip, image just fades in on load (good for images with transparency or svgs)
{% set image = module.image %}
{% set containerCx = 'x y' %}
{% set imgCx = 'x y o-contain' %}
{% set width = 1080 %}
{% set hideLqip = true %}
{% include 'lazy.njk' %}
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