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Last active March 19, 2020 19:54
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Edmonton - Public Grants
width: 820
height: 730
#chart {
width: 800px;
/* height: 620px; */
margin: 0 auto;
padding-top: 30px;
text {
pointer-events: none;
.grandparent text {
font-weight: bold;
rect {
stroke: #fff;
stroke-width: 1px;
.grandparent rect {
stroke-width: 2px;
.children rect.parent,
.grandparent rect {
cursor: pointer;
.children rect.child {
opacity: 0;
.children:hover rect.child {
opacity: 1;
stroke-width: 1px;
.children:hover rect.parent {
opacity: 0;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
<div id="chart"></div>
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<script src="index.js"></script>
var log = console.log;
var margin = {top: 30, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0};
var width = 800;
var height = 670 - - margin.bottom;
var transitioning;
// x axis scale
var x = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, width])
.range([0, width]);
// y axis scale
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, height])
.range([0, height]);
// treemap layout
var treemap = d3.layout.treemap()
.children(function(d, depth) { return depth ? null : d._children; })
.sort(function(a, b) { return a.value - b.value; })
.ratio(height / width * 0.5 * (1 + Math.sqrt(5)))
// define svg
var svg ="#chart").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + margin.bottom +
.style("margin-left", -margin.left + "px")
.style("margin.right", -margin.right + "px")
.attr("transform", `translate(${margin.left},${})`)
.style("shape-rendering", "crispEdges");
// top gray rectangle
var grandparent = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "grandparent");
// Add grandparent rect
.attr("width", width)
.style("fill", "#d9d9d9");
// Add grandparent text
.attr("class", "title")
.attr("x", 6)
.attr("y", 6 -
.attr("dy", ".75em");
// custom root initializer
function initialize(root) {
root.x = root.y = 0;
root.dx = width;
root.dy = height;
root.depth = 0;
// Aggregate the values for internal nodes. This is normally done by the
// treemap layout, but not here because of our custom implementation.
// We also take a snapshot of the original children (_children) to avoid
// the children being overwritten when when layout is computed.
// Alteration made for function to be iterative
function accumulateVal(d, attr) {
return accumulate(d);
function accumulate(d) {
return (d._children = d.children)
// recursion step, note that p and v are defined by reduce
? d[attr] = d.children.reduce(function(p, v) {return p + accumulate(v); }, 0)
: d[attr];
// Compute the treemap layout recursively such that each group of siblings
// uses the same size (1×1) rather than the dimensions of the parent cell.
// This optimizes the layout for the current zoom state. Note that a wrapper
// object is created for the parent node for each group of siblings so that
// the parent’s dimensions are not discarded as we recurse. Since each group
// of sibling was laid out in 1×1, we must rescale to fit using absolute
// coordinates. This lets us use a viewport to zoom.
function layout(d) {
if (d._children) {
// treemap nodes comes from the treemap set of functions as part of d3
treemap.nodes({_children: d._children});
d._children.forEach(function(c) {
c.x = d.x + c.x * d.dx;
c.y = d.y + c.y * d.dy;
c.dx *= d.dx;
c.dy *= d.dy;
c.parent = d;
// recursion
d3.csv("Public_Grants_2010-2012(July-28-2018).csv", treeMapZoomable);
function treeMapZoomable(error, grants) {
if (error) throw error;
// Define color scale
var allValues = { return [d["GRANT_PROGRAM"], d["YEAR"]]; })
.reduce(function(acc, curVal) { return acc.concat(curVal); }, []);
var scaleOrdNames = [ Set(allValues)];
var colorScale = d3.scale.ordinal().domain(scaleOrdNames)
// Define aggregrated grant programs
var aggGrantPrograms = d3.nest().key(function(d) { return d.YEAR; })
.key(function(d) { return d["GRANT_PROGRAM"]; })
.map(function(d) {
var dValues ={
var gValues = g.values;
var sum = { return p["GRANT_AWARD"]; })
.reduce(function(acc, curVal) { return acc + (+curVal); }, 0);
return {
name: g.key,
value: gValues.length,
sum: sum
return {
name: d.key,
children: dValues
// Root for hierarchy
var rootObject = {name: "Public Grants", children: aggGrantPrograms};
["value", "sum"].forEach(function(d) { accumulateVal(rootObject, d); });
function display(d) {
// Grandparent when clicked transitions the children out to parent
.on("click", transition)
var g1 = svg.insert("g", ".grandparent")
.attr("class", "depth");
var g = g1.selectAll("g")
// When parent is clicked transitions to children
g.filter(function(d) { return d._children; })
.classed("children", true)
.on("click", transition);
.data(function(d) { return d._children || [d]; })
.attr("class", "child")
.attr("class", "parent")
.text(function(d) { return `Grant Program: ${}`; });
// Appending year, grants, and sum texts for each g
var textClassArr = [
{class: "year", accsor: function(d) { return; }},
{class: "grants", accsor: function(d) { return `${d.value} grants`; }},
{class: "sum", accsor: function(d) { return `$${d.sum.toLocaleString()}`; }}
textClassArr.forEach(function(p, i) {
.attr("class", p.class)
.attr("dy", ".5em")
function transition(d) {
if (transitioning || !d) return;
transitioning = true;
var g2 = display(d);
var t1 = g1.transition().duration(750);
var t2 = g2.transition().duration(750);
// Update the domain only after entering new elements.
x.domain([d.x, d.x + d.dx]);
y.domain([d.y, d.y + d.dy]);
// Enable anti-aliasing during the transition."shape-rendering", null);
// Draw child nodes on top of parent nodes.
svg.selectAll(".depth").sort(function(a, b) { return a.depth - b.depth; });
// Fade-in entering text.
g2.selectAll("text").style("fill-opacity", 0);
// Transition to the new view.
textClassArr.forEach(function(d, i) {
var textClass = `text.${d.class}`;
var textPlacmt = rectText(i);
t1.selectAll(textClass).call(textPlacmt).style("fill-opacity", 0);
t2.selectAll(textClass).call(textPlacmt).style("fill-opacity", 1);
// Remove the old node when the transition is finished.
t1.remove().each("end", function() {"shape-rendering", "crispEdges");
transitioning = false;
return g;
function rectText(i) {
return grantText;
function grantText(text) {
return text.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.x) + 6; })
.attr("y", function(d) { return y(d.y) + (25 + (i * 18)); })
.attr("fill", "black");
function rect(rect) {
rect.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.x); })
.attr("y", function(d) { return y(d.y); })
.attr("width", function(d) { return x(d.x + d.dx) - x(d.x); })
.attr("height", function(d) { return y(d.y + d.dy) - y(d.y); })
.attr("fill", function(d) { return colorScale(;});
function name(d) {
return d.parent
? `${name(d.parent)}.${} - Total Grants: ${d.value} -
Total Award: $${d.sum.toLocaleString()}`
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Community Investment 2011 9443
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Community Investment 2011 7819
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Community Investment 2011 17213
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Community Investment 2011 6709
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Community Investment 2011 16097
Community Investment 2011 4963
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Community Investment 2011 18661
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Community Investment 2011 2779
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Community Investment 2011 15291
Community Investment 2011 16357
Community Investment 2011 9918
Community Investment 2011 4993
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Community Investment 2011 17641
Community Investment 2011 18587
Community Investment 2011 3636
Community Investment 2011 2238
Community Investment 2011 5925
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Community Investment 2011 16357
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Community Investment 2011 6706
Community Investment 2011 8284
Community Investment 2011 18960
Community Investment 2011 17114
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Community Investment 2011 8376
Community Investment 2011 18362
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Community Investment 2011 16265
Community Investment 2011 18661
Community Investment 2011 10586
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Community Investment 2011 0
Community Investment 2011 15363
Community Investment 2011 17711
Community Investment 2011 18587
Community Investment 2011 18288
Community Investment 2011 16424
Community Investment 2011 16408
Community Investment 2011 10219
Community Investment 2011 8156
Community Investment 2011 5685
Community Investment 2011 5310
Community Investment 2011 18362
Community Investment 2011 0
Community Investment 2011 12962
Community Investment 2011 18213
Community Investment 2011 10166
Community Investment 2011 18661
Community Investment 2011 15209
Community Investment 2011 5272
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Community Investment 2011 3624
Community Investment 2011 18437
Community Investment 2011 18587
Community Investment 2011 6287
Community Investment 2011 0
Community Investment 2011 9666
Community Investment 2011 0
Community Investment 2011 9432
Community Investment 2011 13119
Community Investment 2011 0
Community Investment 2011 18885
Community Investment 2011 9546
Community Investment 2011 16357
Community Investment 2011 7951
Community Investment 2011 0
Community Investment 2011 10236
Community Investment 2011 18362
Community Investment 2011 14443
Community Investment 2011 18736
Community Investment 2011 0
Community Investment 2011 9265
Community Investment 2011 18960
Community Investment 2011 2364
Community Investment 2011 0
Community Investment 2011 16357
Community Investment 2011 0
Community Investment 2011 8653
Community Investment 2011 13956
Community Investment 2011 11442
Community Investment 2011 18512
Community Investment 2011 6817
Community Investment 2011 19035
Community Investment 2011 18362
Community Investment 2012 0
Community Investment 2012 14154
Community Investment 2012 16362
Community Investment 2012 13482
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 2796
Community Investment 2012 16450
Community Investment 2012 5146
Community Investment 2012 13708
Community Investment 2012 14722
Community Investment 2012 16013
Community Investment 2012 9496
Community Investment 2012 7357
Community Investment 2012 6586
Community Investment 2012 2555
Community Investment 2012 3929
Community Investment 2012 16014
Community Investment 2012 8070
Community Investment 2012 4073
Community Investment 2012 13350
Community Investment 2012 13430
Community Investment 2012 16298
Community Investment 2012 7424
Community Investment 2012 5411
Community Investment 2012 14231
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 13390
Community Investment 2012 8217
Community Investment 2012 7351
Community Investment 2012 16013
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 11053
Community Investment 2012 5592
Community Investment 2012 5783
Community Investment 2012 13560
Community Investment 2012 5284
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 11757
Community Investment 2012 3680
Community Investment 2012 10528
Community Investment 2012 16188
Community Investment 2012 13549
Community Investment 2012 16363
Community Investment 2012 2870
Community Investment 2012 16101
Community Investment 2012 13628
Community Investment 2012 4138
Community Investment 2012 2714
Community Investment 2012 5951
Community Investment 2012 6034
Community Investment 2012 15926
Community Investment 2012 16450
Community Investment 2012 16275
Community Investment 2012 16188
Community Investment 2012 13628
Community Investment 2012 13549
Community Investment 2012 4559
Community Investment 2012 13588
Community Investment 2012 5714
Community Investment 2012 16363
Community Investment 2012 13271
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 2358
Community Investment 2012 11575
Community Investment 2012 13628
Community Investment 2012 13628
Community Investment 2012 6999
Community Investment 2012 4085
Community Investment 2012 15785
Community Investment 2012 10222
Community Investment 2012 13628
Community Investment 2012 2781
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 0
Community Investment 2012 13588
Community Investment 2012 15262
Community Investment 2012 8695
Community Investment 2012 16101
Community Investment 2012 11299
Community Investment 2012 6269
Community Investment 2012 16101
Community Investment 2012 16450
Community Investment 2012 11066
Community Investment 2012 9592
Community Investment 2012 16101
Community Investment 2012 13628
Community Investment 2012 16450
Community Investment 2012 10052
Community Investment 2012 11832
Community Investment 2012 13747
Community Investment 2012 2413
Community Investment 2012 13747
Community Investment 2012 9878
Community Investment 2012 11165
Community Investment 2012 6546
Community Investment 2012 5649
Community Investment 2012 3060
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 13747
Community Investment 2012 7700
Community Investment 2012 13668
Community Investment 2012 12202
Community Investment 2012 4950
Community Investment 2012 8943
Community Investment 2012 9435
Community Investment 2012 4671
Community Investment 2012 10875
Community Investment 2012 10121
Community Investment 2012 16275
Community Investment 2012 13708
Community Investment 2012 16275
Community Investment 2012 6757
Community Investment 2012 9428
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 13090
Community Investment 2012 2229
Community Investment 2012 2351
Community Investment 2012 9583
Community Investment 2012 6709
Community Investment 2012 13509
Community Investment 2012 16275
Community Investment 2012 13747
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 13390
Community Investment 2012 10166
Community Investment 2012 0
Community Investment 2012 13549
Community Investment 2012 16450
Community Investment 2012 14304
Community Investment 2012 15828
Community Investment 2012 12242
Community Investment 2012 13588
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 16101
Community Investment 2012 15057
Community Investment 2012 16450
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 16101
Community Investment 2012 13121
Community Investment 2012 13668
Community Investment 2012 11238
Community Investment 2012 2980
Community Investment 2012 16014
Community Investment 2012 13668
Community Investment 2012 0
Community Investment 2012 13763
Community Investment 2012 0
Community Investment 2012 15180
Community Investment 2012 3507
Community Investment 2012 2785
Community Investment 2012 2470
Community Investment 2012 16014
Community Investment 2012 16450
Community Investment 2012 16101
Community Investment 2012 6820
Community Investment 2012 9623
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 6343
Community Investment 2012 9160
Community Investment 2012 9208
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 13668
Community Investment 2012 12642
Community Investment 2012 7895
Community Investment 2012 16450
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 2358
Community Investment 2012 4678
Community Investment 2012 6902
Community Investment 2012 15926
Community Investment 2012 8374
Community Investment 2012 2354
Community Investment 2012 13361
Community Investment 2012 11400
Community Investment 2012 13430
Community Investment 2012 13668
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 16101
Community Investment 2012 16188
Community Investment 2012 16014
Community Investment 2012 14638
Community Investment 2012 13747
Community Investment 2012 9786
Community Investment 2012 8890
Community Investment 2012 13231
Community Investment 2012 4042
Community Investment 2012 10516
Community Investment 2012 0
Community Investment 2012 12403
Community Investment 2012 14821
Community Investment 2012 9252
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 10640
Community Investment 2012 6606
Community Investment 2012 3060
Community Investment 2012 13549
Community Investment 2012 16363
Community Investment 2012 6835
Community Investment 2012 6110
Community Investment 2012 6166
Community Investment 2012 8338
Community Investment 2012 0
Community Investment 2012 8470
Community Investment 2012 4961
Community Investment 2012 10059
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 8186
Community Investment 2012 15926
Community Investment 2012 5354
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 0
Community Investment 2012 9733
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 8875
Community Investment 2012 2203
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 7610
Community Investment 2012 13350
Community Investment 2012 9401
Community Investment 2012 13509
Community Investment 2012 5299
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 5369
Community Investment 2012 15337
Community Investment 2012 5964
Community Investment 2012 12742
Community Investment 2012 9873
Community Investment 2012 16275
Community Investment 2012 16500
Community Investment 2012 2839
Community Investment 2012 16101
Community Investment 2012 2835
Community Investment 2012 5810
Facility Partnership 2011 39742
Facility Partnership 2011 0
Facility Partnership 2011 0
Facility Partnership 2011 116980
Facility Partnership 2011 294834
Facility Partnership 2011 88214
Facility Partnership 2011 131500
Facility Partnership 2011 37250
Facility Partnership 2011 0
Facility Partnership 2012 0
Facility Partnership 2012 0
Facility Partnership 2012 0
Facility Partnership 2012 0
Facility Partnership 2012 0
Facility Partnership 2012 369500
Facility Partnership 2012 150000
Facility Partnership 2012 150000
Facility Partnership 2012 0
Facility Partnership 2012 68500
Facility Partnership 2012 0
Facility Partnership 2012 0
Facility Partnership 2012 62500
Facility Partnership 2012 76250
Facility Partnership 2012 60000
Facility Partnership 2012 0
Facility Partnership 2012 0
Facility Partnership 2012 381230
Community League Grants 2011 8953
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 20108
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 400000
Community League Grants 2011 8774
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 14334
Community League Grants 2011 9639
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 20134
Community League Grants 2011 17306
Community League Grants 2011 400000
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 17540
Community League Grants 2011 22947
Community League Grants 2011 22796
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 25000
Community League Grants 2011 39250
Community League Grants 2011 86811
Community League Grants 2011 37041
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 24078
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 24991
Community League Grants 2011 6742
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 43193
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 35633
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 74613
Community League Grants 2011 14534
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 12850
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 66971
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 0
Community League Grants 2011 11366
Community League Grants 2011 24037
Community League Grants 2011 77891
Community League Grants 2012 54400
Community League Grants 2012 25000
Community League Grants 2012 18517
Community League Grants 2012 0
Community League Grants 2012 34657
Community League Grants 2012 20591
Community League Grants 2012 99995
Community League Grants 2012 46098
Community League Grants 2012 18633
Community League Grants 2012 12805
Community League Grants 2012 8295
Community League Grants 2012 0
Community League Grants 2012 5457
Community League Grants 2012 18625
Community League Grants 2012 25000
Community League Grants 2012 0
Community League Grants 2012 41546
Community League Grants 2012 15809
Community League Grants 2012 0
Community League Grants 2012 18713
Community League Grants 2012 28455
Community League Grants 2012 25000
Community League Grants 2012 400000
Community League Grants 2012 25000
Community League Grants 2012 160841
Community League Grants 2012 400000
Community League Grants 2012 0
Community League Grants 2012 4994
Community League Grants 2012 0
Community League Grants 2012 90000
Community League Grants 2012 41258
Community League Grants 2012 100000
Community League Grants 2012 0
Community League Grants 2012 0
Community League Grants 2012 14611
Community League Grants 2012 3204
Community League Grants 2012 12746
Community League Grants 2012 290771
Community League Grants 2012 93896
Community League Grants 2012 7320
Community League Grants 2012 372347
Community League Grants 2012 83585
Community League Grants 2012 11737
Community League Grants 2012 400000
Family & Community Support Services 2010 169203
Family & Community Support Services 2010 289575
Family & Community Support Services 2010 55378
Family & Community Support Services 2010 122781
Family & Community Support Services 2010 53441
Family & Community Support Services 2010 71133
Family & Community Support Services 2010 77417
Family & Community Support Services 2010 128249
Family & Community Support Services 2010 86446
Family & Community Support Services 2010 168630
Family & Community Support Services 2010 253658
Family & Community Support Services 2010 264781
Family & Community Support Services 2010 507952
Family & Community Support Services 2010 102979
Family & Community Support Services 2010 126532
Family & Community Support Services 2010 61238
Family & Community Support Services 2010 91870
Family & Community Support Services 2010 181452
Family & Community Support Services 2010 157136
Family & Community Support Services 2010 33836
Family & Community Support Services 2010 98489
Family & Community Support Services 2010 139721
Family & Community Support Services 2010 158163
Family & Community Support Services 2010 151167
Family & Community Support Services 2010 153957
Family & Community Support Services 2010 123251
Family & Community Support Services 2010 90897
Family & Community Support Services 2010 265049
Family & Community Support Services 2010 97667
Family & Community Support Services 2010 90275
Family & Community Support Services 2010 78624
Family & Community Support Services 2010 114090
Family & Community Support Services 2010 56394
Family & Community Support Services 2010 74231
Family & Community Support Services 2010 78951
Family & Community Support Services 2010 90230
Family & Community Support Services 2010 42284
Family & Community Support Services 2010 8775
Family & Community Support Services 2010 67672
Family & Community Support Services 2010 28197
Family & Community Support Services 2010 76767
Family & Community Support Services 2010 145217
Family & Community Support Services 2010 74876
Family & Community Support Services 2010 41731
Family & Community Support Services 2010 87387
Family & Community Support Services 2010 71101
Family & Community Support Services 2010 117298
Family & Community Support Services 2010 111253
Family & Community Support Services 2010 69422
Family & Community Support Services 2010 90230
Family & Community Support Services 2010 118047
Family & Community Support Services 2010 335739
Family & Community Support Services 2010 102469
Family & Community Support Services 2010 142415
Family & Community Support Services 2010 147210
Family & Community Support Services 2010 215509
Family & Community Support Services 2010 42295
Family & Community Support Services 2010 82994
Family & Community Support Services 2010 0
Family & Community Support Services 2010 67672
Family & Community Support Services 2010 247460
Family & Community Support Services 2010 45327
Family & Community Support Services 2010 196235
Family & Community Support Services 2010 43852
Family & Community Support Services 2010 100814
Family & Community Support Services 2010 165165
Family & Community Support Services 2010 0
Family & Community Support Services 2010 261999
Family & Community Support Services 2010 78992
Family & Community Support Services 2010 129299
Family & Community Support Services 2010 207314
Family & Community Support Services 2010 108276
Family & Community Support Services 2010 53793
Family & Community Support Services 2011 169203
Family & Community Support Services 2011 289575
Family & Community Support Services 2011 55378
Family & Community Support Services 2011 122781
Family & Community Support Services 2011 53441
Family & Community Support Services 2011 71133
Family & Community Support Services 2011 77417
Family & Community Support Services 2011 128249
Family & Community Support Services 2011 86446
Family & Community Support Services 2011 168630
Family & Community Support Services 2011 253658
Family & Community Support Services 2011 264781
Family & Community Support Services 2011 507952
Family & Community Support Services 2011 102979
Family & Community Support Services 2011 126532
Family & Community Support Services 2011 61238
Family & Community Support Services 2011 91870
Family & Community Support Services 2011 181452
Family & Community Support Services 2011 157136
Family & Community Support Services 2011 33836
Family & Community Support Services 2011 139721
Family & Community Support Services 2011 158163
Family & Community Support Services 2011 151167
Family & Community Support Services 2011 153957
Family & Community Support Services 2011 123251
Family & Community Support Services 2011 90897
Family & Community Support Services 2011 265049
Family & Community Support Services 2011 97667
Family & Community Support Services 2011 15000
Family & Community Support Services 2011 90275
Family & Community Support Services 2011 78624
Family & Community Support Services 2011 114090
Family & Community Support Services 2011 56394
Family & Community Support Services 2011 74231
Family & Community Support Services 2011 78951
Family & Community Support Services 2011 90230
Family & Community Support Services 2011 42284
Family & Community Support Services 2011 8775
Family & Community Support Services 2011 67672
Family & Community Support Services 2011 28197
Family & Community Support Services 2011 76767
Family & Community Support Services 2011 145217
Family & Community Support Services 2011 74876
Family & Community Support Services 2011 243060
Family & Community Support Services 2011 87387
Family & Community Support Services 2011 71101
Family & Community Support Services 2011 117298
Family & Community Support Services 2011 111253
Family & Community Support Services 2011 69422
Family & Community Support Services 2011 90230
Family & Community Support Services 2011 118047
Family & Community Support Services 2011 514756
Family & Community Support Services 2011 530199
Family & Community Support Services 2011 102469
Family & Community Support Services 2011 142415
Family & Community Support Services 2011 147210
Family & Community Support Services 2011 215509
Family & Community Support Services 2011 42295
Family & Community Support Services 2011 82994
Family & Community Support Services 2011 67672
Family & Community Support Services 2011 247460
Family & Community Support Services 2011 45326
Family & Community Support Services 2011 196235
Family & Community Support Services 2011 43852
Family & Community Support Services 2011 100815
Family & Community Support Services 2011 165165
Family & Community Support Services 2011 261999
Family & Community Support Services 2011 78992
Family & Community Support Services 2011 207314
Family & Community Support Services 2011 108276
Family & Community Support Services 2011 50206
Family & Community Support Services 2012 174279
Family & Community Support Services 2012 298262
Family & Community Support Services 2012 57039
Family & Community Support Services 2012 126464
Family & Community Support Services 2012 55044
Family & Community Support Services 2012 73267
Family & Community Support Services 2012 79740
Family & Community Support Services 2012 132096
Family & Community Support Services 2012 89039
Family & Community Support Services 2012 173689
Family & Community Support Services 2012 272724
Family & Community Support Services 2012 523191
Family & Community Support Services 2012 261268
Family & Community Support Services 2012 130328
Family & Community Support Services 2012 63075
Family & Community Support Services 2012 94626
Family & Community Support Services 2012 186896
Family & Community Support Services 2012 161850
Family & Community Support Services 2012 34851
Family & Community Support Services 2012 190032
Family & Community Support Services 2012 162908
Family & Community Support Services 2012 155702
Family & Community Support Services 2012 158576
Family & Community Support Services 2012 126949
Family & Community Support Services 2012 93624
Family & Community Support Services 2012 273000
Family & Community Support Services 2012 100597
Family & Community Support Services 2012 92983
Family & Community Support Services 2012 80983
Family & Community Support Services 2012 117513
Family & Community Support Services 2012 58086
Family & Community Support Services 2012 76458
Family & Community Support Services 2012 81320
Family & Community Support Services 2012 92937
Family & Community Support Services 2012 43553
Family & Community Support Services 2012 9038
Family & Community Support Services 2012 69702
Family & Community Support Services 2012 29043
Family & Community Support Services 2012 79070
Family & Community Support Services 2012 149574
Family & Community Support Services 2012 77122
Family & Community Support Services 2012 250352
Family & Community Support Services 2012 90009
Family & Community Support Services 2012 73234
Family & Community Support Services 2012 120817
Family & Community Support Services 2012 114591
Family & Community Support Services 2012 46686
Family & Community Support Services 2012 71505
Family & Community Support Services 2012 92937
Family & Community Support Services 2012 105543
Family & Community Support Services 2012 146687
Family & Community Support Services 2012 151626
Family & Community Support Services 2012 221974
Family & Community Support Services 2012 43564
Family & Community Support Services 2012 85484
Family & Community Support Services 2012 69702
Family & Community Support Services 2012 254884
Family & Community Support Services 2012 202122
Family & Community Support Services 2012 45168
Family & Community Support Services 2012 103839
Family & Community Support Services 2012 170120
Family & Community Support Services 2012 269859
Family & Community Support Services 2012 81362
Family & Community Support Services 2012 213533
Family & Community Support Services 2012 111524
Family & Community Support Services 2012 51712
Family & Community Support Services 2010 50754
Family & Community Support Services 2010 103764
Family & Community Support Services 2010 121627
Family & Community Support Services 2010 42295
Family & Community Support Services 2010 272171
Family & Community Support Services 2010 49006
Family & Community Support Services 2010 67960
Family & Community Support Services 2010 44776
Family & Community Support Services 2010 42295
Family & Community Support Services 2010 90906
Family & Community Support Services 2010 50712
Family & Community Support Services 2010 30415
Family & Community Support Services 2010 656744
Family & Community Support Services 2010 201329
Family & Community Support Services 2010 78387
Family & Community Support Services 2010 101705
Family & Community Support Services 2010 48921
Family & Community Support Services 2010 107797
Family & Community Support Services 2010 72184
Family & Community Support Services 2010 43564
Family & Community Support Services 2010 58018
Family & Community Support Services 2010 38767
Family & Community Support Services 2010 50206
Family & Community Support Services 2011 50747
Family & Community Support Services 2011 103764
Family & Community Support Services 2011 121627
Family & Community Support Services 2011 42295
Family & Community Support Services 2011 272171
Family & Community Support Services 2011 49006
Family & Community Support Services 2011 67960
Family & Community Support Services 2011 44776
Family & Community Support Services 2011 42295
Family & Community Support Services 2011 90906
Family & Community Support Services 2011 50712
Family & Community Support Services 2011 30415
Family & Community Support Services 2011 656744
Family & Community Support Services 2011 78387
Family & Community Support Services 2011 48921
Family & Community Support Services 2011 107797
Family & Community Support Services 2011 72184
Family & Community Support Services 2011 43564
Family & Community Support Services 2011 58018
Family & Community Support Services 2011 38767
Family & Community Support Services 2011 57951
Family & Community Support Services 2012 52277
Family & Community Support Services 2012 106877
Family & Community Support Services 2012 125276
Family & Community Support Services 2012 43564
Family & Community Support Services 2012 106068
Family & Community Support Services 2012 50476
Family & Community Support Services 2012 69999
Family & Community Support Services 2012 43564
Family & Community Support Services 2012 93633
Family & Community Support Services 2012 52233
Family & Community Support Services 2012 31327
Family & Community Support Services 2012 676446
Family & Community Support Services 2012 80739
Family & Community Support Services 2012 50389
Family & Community Support Services 2012 111031
Family & Community Support Services 2012 74350
Family & Community Support Services 2012 44871
Family & Community Support Services 2012 59759
Family & Community Support Services 2012 90190
Family & Community Support Services 2012 59690
Family & Community Support Services 2010 432344
Family & Community Support Services 2010 38474
Family & Community Support Services 2010 50754
Family & Community Support Services 2010 108865
Family & Community Support Services 2010 77312
Family & Community Support Services 2010 0
Family & Community Support Services 2010 161872
Family & Community Support Services 2010 48796
Family & Community Support Services 2010 57951
Family & Community Support Services 2011 432344
Family & Community Support Services 2011 38474
Family & Community Support Services 2011 50754
Family & Community Support Services 2011 108865
Family & Community Support Services 2011 161872
Family & Community Support Services 2011 48796
Family & Community Support Services 2012 280336
Family & Community Support Services 2012 39628
Family & Community Support Services 2012 52277
Family & Community Support Services 2012 112131
Family & Community Support Services 2012 166728
Family & Community Support Services 2012 445314
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