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Created March 1, 2018 01:30
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Export images from a table from a HTML file
* Unholy script of helping to rename images exported from LibreOffice Calc.
* instructions:
* 1. open sheet in libreoffice calc
* 2. ensure all images entirely fit *within* the boundaries of their row
* 3. export as html
* 4. inject this script to the end of the html <body>
* 5. open html file in browser of choice
* 6. save script when prompted to same directory as html file
* 7. run script
* 8. bask in the glory of the renamed images
* It kinda-sorta works with Excel. The problem is that Excel's html export is
* more complicated. It wraps images in a table of their own so that they can be
* positioned according to the .xlsx file. LibreOffice happily discards
* positioning completely when exporting html.
* Inject this script at the bottom of a html file's <body> as
* <script src="./export.js"></script>, or copy paste the whole script into the
* <script> tag, or just run it from the browser's console.
* It'll generate a script that renames all the images in tables as
* 'FILENAME/ROW_ID-IMG_NO.EXT'. You have to save and run this generated script
* in the same directory as the .html file. If you're on Windows and use Chrome
* it might rename .bat to .bin file--manually override it.
* where
* FILENAME: base name of the .html file you inject this script into
* ROW_ID: assumed to be the first cell in each row;
* IMG_NO: 0 to the Nth image found in each row;
* EXT: probably .jpg
let dir = location.href.split('/')
dir = decodeURIComponent(dir[dir.length - 1]).replace('.html', '');
let badid = 0;
const commands = [];
const isWindows = ['Windows','Win64','Win32'].indexOf(navigator.platform) !== -1;
const scriptFilename = `${dir}-${isWindows ? 'rename-images.bat' : ''}`;
const copy = isWindows ? 'copy' : 'cp';
if (!isWindows) { commands.push('#!/bin/sh'); }
commands.push(`mkdir ${JSON.stringify(dir)}`);
// Actually scrape the images from each row. Manually edit the .html to remove
// tables you don't want (e.g. from sheets you don't care about), or use
// #table_id tr as the selector here
document.querySelectorAll('table > tbody > tr').forEach((row, rowNo) => {
if (rowNo === 0) { return; }
let id = row.cells[0].textContent;
if (id == null || id === '') {
id = `unknown-${badid}`;
badid += 1;
row.querySelectorAll('img').forEach((img, imgNo) => {
const path = decodeURIComponent(img.src).split('/');
const filename = path[path.length - 1];
// matches asdf, asdf.jpg, asdf.jpeg, asdf.jpg?foo
const ext = filename.split(/\.(.{3,4})(\?.*)?/)[1];
const suffix = ext !== undefined && ext !== '' ? '.' + ext : '';
const target = `${dir}/${id}-${imgNo}${suffix}`;
commands.push(`${copy} ${JSON.stringify(filename)} ${JSON.stringify(target)}`);
const saveFile = (function () {
const a = document.createElement("a");
document.body.appendChild(a); = "display: none";
return function (mimetype, data, fileName) {
const blob = new Blob([data], {type: mimetype});
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.href = url; = fileName;;
saveFile('text/plain', commands.join(isWindows ? '\r\n' : '\n'), scriptFilename);
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